Monday, November 27, 2017

The Circus, Episode Four: Witch Hunt

 Episode Four: Witch Hunt


Death is painful; it is traumatic and brutal, for death is permanent and unforgiving. You cannot once more speak to the deceased, even if we persist to believe in the paranormal ghosts who haunt our halls. Death may seem to be less unforgiving when the deceased is hated or loathed, but surrounding the corpse there would likely be someone who cared enough to scarred. Death is a strange affliction, but it is natural, or unnatural when a murderer targets innocent reality show contestants...

Connor: It''s so horrible to think about...
CeCe: Please...please don't...don't talk about this...
Connor: *whispering softly* We're all here for you. Forever. 
CeCe: *beneath muffled sobs* Thank...thank you. 

I warned last episode that the path these contestants walk is uneven, and unstable, and these innocent people will not be delighted and enlightened by their experience here. They will be traumatized. They will be scarred. If they are able to escape sudden death, as it looms above their heads for all eternity inside the walls of this abandoned circus.

Silence lurks as the closest companion of death. Nobody speaks for fear of further scarring, for fear of crushing the heart of those still living in memory of the deceased - the fallen. Silence lurks. Silence devours space and air, creeping in and capturing the heart of those surrounded by death. Silence holds the frail hand of death.

Yet, in facing the hand of death, the face of the deceased and fading corpses, you cannot simply say goodbye with silence, or with tear-streaked cheeks. Words must be spoken. Reminiscing of the past. Burying depressed thoughts of a non-existent future together. 
Connor: Hey...CeCe would like to say a few words...
CeCe: *wiping her tears* Thank you, Connor... 

CeCe: I, uh...I once loved him. We...we were in love, Cameron and I...*she pauses, exhaling* He was amazing - I probably thought he was perfect for me - but...but people change, and we broke up, and we were young teenagers anyway...we didn't know real true love. *she bites her lip* I, uh...I never expected him to be here, and I didn't expect to see him...see him die...but I'm glad...I'm glad we made up, and he died...he died my friend. I miss you... *she fights tears, struggling* I miss you already, Cam....


Alicia: Everyone must be in funeral-mode, I assume. I knew they wouldn't care for my husband's death, but I'd...I'd appreciate if someone asked how I feel now...without a husband. God, Alicia, stop whispering to yourself. You will not be some odd widow woman living in her palace by herself. 
But Alicia would be by herself without her abusive husband...

Alicia: Thank you for guarding him...Detectives...
Dottie: Truly a tragic day, miss, but we must one day catch the culprit. After our period of mourning - 
Kai: Yes, period of mourning - 
Dottie: No need to repeat me, Kid. 

Alicia: I...I'm still mourning, yes, but...but please do not remind me of a murderer on the loose. I...I don't want to feel unsafe - 
Kai: No need to fear, we are here to protect -
Dottie: I am here, with my sidekick Kung-Fu Kid - 
Alicia: *under her breath* This is my security...I could be much safer with him.

Dottie: With him, miss? With your could feel much safer? 
Kai: That's what she said, ain't it? 
Dottie: This is an emotional moment, Kid. Please be calmer.
Alicia: I...I think I'll...I'll stop by his funeral...over there.
Dottie: Of course, miss. 


Her husband may have been abusive, and he may have hurt her and scarred her, but he was her only husband, and he had married her and vowed to love and protect her until death do they part. Now, death had parted them. Nobody had comforted her at his funeral - be it small and minor, but it was all she could arrange being trapped inside the abandoned circus.

Alicia: *biting her tongue* What a beautiful ceremony for your high school ex-boyfriend. 
CeCe: I...I'm sorry nobody wanted...wanted to mourn the death of...the death of a rapist...
Alicia: The death of Cameron Powell is much more depressing...
CeCe: What is that supposed to mean? 

Alicia: He's out of the picture for most of your life, he comes back in some wicked reality show twist, and you welcome him with open arms after he almost sexually assaults you on Day One. Let me guess...if you both escaped with your lives, you'd introduce him to your daughter? He'd be her new step-daddy? 
CeCe: *trembling; she bites her lip* He...he would never rape, he cared about me...he cared about me, Alicia...

Alicia: They say that - men - they do. They say they love you and care for you, but then...then they hurt you, and scar you...did he scar you? 
CeCe: This...this is his respectful...
Alicia: Like you were respectful at my husband's funeral? 
Ramona: We...we should have pay our respects.

Connor: He was horrid...
Ramona: But his death was painful, and he suffered, and she suffers in his wake.
Robyn: No matter what...when someone dies, we should mourn...maybe not for ourselves, but for others who mourn deeply. 
Connor: We should have gone to his funeral. 

CeCe: had no rite to come here and...and ruin the funeral of someone I cared...cared about. can't blame us for...for your miserable marriage.
Nan: Wow.
Gemma: That...that was a little harsh. 
CeCe: But...but it's true. We...we're sorry we couldn't come to your husband's funeral, but he didn't care for us, and he certainly...he certainly wouldn't have attended our funerals...

CeCe: Alicia -
Alicia: *exhaling* He...he didn't really deserve a funeral...not for what he did, not for his life, not for...not for his treatment of his wife. But...but I thought he would know I didn't, and...and there was once love in our life, before...before the agony, and the sadness...I suppose you had the rite to attack me and blame me. 
CeCe: Alicia - 

Alicia: What? 
CeCe: I...I'm sorry...sorry for attacking you, and for how we've been treating you for how your husband treats us. Treated us. Past tense. *she pauses, sighing softly* No, sorry. You've been hurt. So have I - 
Alicia: didn't live through a marriage scarred by trauma -
CeCe: I...I was married, you know, to a man named Ben - 
Alicia: Stop acting like we can relate to one another...

CeCe: Alicia - 
Alicia: *slamming the door behind her* ...
CeCe: Alicia... 
Alicia would not turn around. She would not rush back inside to wrap her arms around those who would support her, for she was fragile. For her husband - a man who once loved her so dearly - had passed, and she felt truly alone, even freed from his tight grasp. 

Ramona: Give her some space, and maybe she'll come back to apologize. 
Robyn: I...I worry for her. I feel sorry for her. 
Gemma: She made her decision to run. 
CeCe: She doesn't understand that we can support each other. We can be there for one another, if she would forget her husband. 


 Princess: Two people died. Must...must be work of the Great Wizard! Must escape from the Great Wizard. Raft. Princess...Princess must tell everybody else to build a raft. We have to find wood to build raft. Where to find wood?

What was she doing out here, lying by the stack of logs, dreaming of the future or the past, dreaming of who knows what? 
Princess: I must think. For thinking is important, yes! There is a murderer here, Princess, and he is coming for you. He is the Great Wizard, is he not? The Great Wizard is coming to kill, kill, kill...
But was it this mysterious Great Wizard she warned of?  

Kirk: Are you back here...Princess Barbie? 
Princess: Huh? 
Kirk: It's me, Kirk. Sorry if I'm intruding on you...I just wanted to see what's up. *he inches forward* What are you doing? 
Princess: I need to escape from him. He will come for me. He's bad. 

Kirk: Who...who will...come for you? 
Princess: The Great Wizard. We must build a raft and escape, I tell you, because he will come, and he will get me! Hehe. 
Kirk: The...the Great Wizard...he doesn't seem very...nearby. 
Princess: Oh, he is close, I can feel his presence...he is near. 

Kirk: I mean...building a raft is a good idea. Maybe we can escape here, 'cause walking might...might not be the best idea. I think we're on an island. Uninhabited. 
Princess: Will...will you help me build a raft, sir? You can be my captain! 
Kirk: Cap...captain? I'm not sure about that. 

Princess: *muffling sobs* want him to slay me, Captain Kirk? 
Kirk: I...was that a joke, Barbie? 
Princess: You think the Great Wizard is a joke? You will be murdered by him, Kirk, sir, and he will kill you so bad. Hehe, he will get you! 
Kirk: I, uh...I...uh...

Kirk: I'm...I'm sorry for your...for your feud with this horrible man, but I do think we should try...try to build a raft. It would help...
 Princess: *shaking her head softly* He will find the raft, and he will burn the raft. He's very tricky like that, 'cause he murdered two people and we didn't catch him. 
Kirk: Are you...are you sure it was him who murdered Alden and Cameron? 

Princess: *her mood switching* Of course it was the Great Wizard, you idiot! Hehe! He's the Wiz! *muttering* I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, he will come for me and he will come for me, and he will come for me...
Kirk: would he sneak in here and...and murder? 
Princess: Secret tunnels, silly-billy! He likes secrets...he will come for me. 
Kirk: I, uh...

Kirk: I, uh, think we should build a raft now. Or try to build a raft.
Princess: Are you a builder, Kirk, sir? Can you construct a raft? 
Kirk: I...I thought you said you could build the raft...I, uh, I'm not sure...
Princess: I do not get my hands dirty, mister! I'm a princess! 

Kirk: Well, uh...should we collect some of this wood? 
Princess: He will come for me! For us! He knows, you know, he knows how to build a raft, because he's the Great Wizard, of course he knows how to build a raft. Do you know he's here, the Great Wizard? He's hiding here. *she pauses, puzzled* Are you the Great Wizard, Kirk? Are you? 
Kirk: I, uh...I don't think we're building this raft...Princess... 


???: Does the girl need to be comforted? It's so depressing to think about the tragedy afflicted upon her in this reality show. These things are supposed to be fun. 
??: Yeah, we came here for an adventure, but now two people are dead, and we have no clue where to run.
???: If we can run. No doubt the murderer would come for us. 
??: But we can't just stand still - 

Nan: Hey, I have a thought. We can't run from here, in fear of death and starvation and what not, there truly no way to contact production? 
Connor: Pretty sure production is actively trying to murder us, babe. 
Nan: Maybe. Maybe not. 
Connor: I...I feel so unsafe now. I don't know what to do. 

Ramona: Sorry for interrupting, at all, but I think I heard something about building a raft...I think that was the weird blonde girl in pink's plan. 
Nan: Uh...what do we call her? Princess...or Barbie? 
Ramona: Yeah, who knows. She's an odd one. 
Connor: Yeah, she's, uh...definitely strange. I...I ran into her yesterday and she...she acted as if someone was...stealing tea from men...

Nan: The heck does that mean? Is that a euphemism? 
Connor: Doesn't sound like a very friendly euphemism, though. 
Ramona: Whatever is beneath that skull of hers, she is onto something. If we could potentially construct a raft, we could try to sail to another island close by. If there are any. 

Jason: What's up, ladies and gentlemen? Are we plotting for the capture of this horrid murderer who wrecks havoc on the innocent contestants of this here reality show? 
Ramona: We're thinking more of an escape route, really. 
Jason: No escaping this mess we started, I'd say. No, we must kill the beast! 
Nan: Jason, dude...maybe cool it today. 

Jason: C-cool it? 
Connor:'s a somber mood here. We've lost two fellow contestants, and while we may not have known them much, it's still death. Give CeCe some room to grieve and you can continue your acts of bravery tomorrow, when we feel less traumatized by all this.  
Nan: Listen to Connor and quieten down for a moment. Just breathe. 
Jason: Just...just breathe? 

Jason: No. Today is a day more than ever to search for this criminal and kill the beast! I'm sorry, CeCe, I know you are mourning, but we must never give in to exactly what the killer would want us to do. I bet he - or she, as women are killers too - is sitting down somewhere, laughing, thinking to themselves: "These idiots are easy targets. Bye bye." Well, I say to that: "I'm coming for you, Killer!" 
Ramona: Jason - 

Nan: Dude, just pause and forget about this for one second. I know you're begging to be out there searching for a murderer but we're grieving and we certainly aren't prepared for that. Take a seat. 
Jason: Take...take a seat? Oh no. 
Nan: Why are you being so argumentative today, Jason?  
Jason: Argumentative?

Robyn: Can you both just shush your mouths and be quiet? Can you just stand in silence, especially when we're right near someone who lost a close friend not too long ago? You don't attend a funeral to confess your anger and plot vengeance against the murderer. Please...shush. 
Connor: Robyn - 
Robyn: I'm...I'm all for your hope, but not right now. 

Jason: If I can't speak now, I will speak later. *he pauses, noticing CeCe pacing away, tears staining her cheeks* I will be hosting a forum inside the Big Top soon, so I hope to see you all present as we discuss the murderer and the events leading up to the murders of Alden Glass and Cameron Powell. Thank you for your time. 
Connor: I should check up on CeCe...
Ramona: Give her some space first. She needs the silence. 
Connor: It's devastating. I couldn't bear to even think about how I would feel. 

Nan: If...if I died and left you alone? You'd be helpless...
Connor: I wouldn't be helpless...
Robyn: If there's nothing we can do to support her, we'll be at that forum with Flashy Franklin or whatever he wants to be called. Brash Benny? 
Connor: Ostentatious Oswald...


Kai: Missus Alicia Glass, how can we be of service? I insist your husband is...I insist his body is still well protected by our services, Detective X and Kung-Fu Kid! 
Alicia: Oh, thank you...thank you, Kid. 
Kai: I'd prefer if you called me by my full name, miss. I prefer for all to know of my abilities, rather than my age.
Alicia: Oh, yes, you are no more a kid, of course...

Dottie: Heading inside, I assume? 
Alicia: Oh, yes...I need to see him, I suppose. See his body one last time before I cover him in a sheet and shove his body into the ocean.
Dottie: Would you like assistance with this funeral burying, ma'am? 
Alicia: I...I certainly wouldn't mind it. 

She hadn't simply stared at his corpse since she discovered him. Since his ultimate death, she had simply replayed the vision in her head, over and over, repeating and repeating like a terrorizing nightmare. Like the plague. His body would ooze and crumble in her hands, and she would scream, tears cascading down her cheeks like two identical and almost perfect waterfalls, spilling down her soft cheeks.

Yet, the sight of his body, half-naked, still shocked her. Still pierced her flesh and tore her nerves and her blood stream; still ached and pained her very existence. If she had still been happy and in love, perhaps the sight of his corpse had merely shattered her emotionally, but there were mixed emotions flooding her brain, and she was neither happy nor in love, so the sight of his corpse muddled her every thought.

Alicia: *screaming* Oh my good lord! 
Dottie: What is it, ma'am? Has the culprit returned to slay once more or did Mr Glass' private region seemingly grow upon death. Some have claimed a thing like that to occur, you know. 
Kai: I hope my special member doesn't grow too big after death! 
Alicia: Shut up, idiots! *she calms herself, panting* Where...where is he? 

Alicia: *screaming* Where the hell is my husband? Where the hell is my husband's corpse?!
 For she could see, with her very own two eyes, that Alden Glass' corpse was nowhere to be seen. No more collapsed on the lower bunk bed. 
Alicia: What the hell happened to my husband's corpse?!
Kai: We've been guarding all day. No one could have entered, and certainly no one could have stolen a corpse under our noses.

Alicia: Well...someone certainly has stolen him...and I shouldn't care, because all I wanted was to dump his body in the ocean, but...but I wanted to dump his body in the ocean...

Jason: Welcome! Thank you all for joining me as we track this killer...well, this human murderer! We must rise together and slay the beast! 
Kirk: I...I still think the idea to build a raft would be smarter...
Jason: This is not a voting forum! This is the forum for the hunt!
Villy: Ya, ze hunt! Ze drawen zem in Villy's vodka! 

Jason: I appreciate your suggestions, but this is a closed discussion. We are not merely here to suggest methods of tracking and ending the life of the wicked man - or woman, let's not be sexist here.
Robyn: Are you suggesting it's likely a man, or it's likely a woman? 
Jason: As of right could likely be either man or woman. 
Kirk: What, or vice-versa? 

Jason: Does it look like we have any transgender contestants this season? I think not, unless someone in hiding themselves. *he sighs, shaking his head* I apologize if you are indeed hiding yourself. As I was saying, one of the fourteen contestants still living and breathing is the murderer, and this bathtub may hold the key to discovering their identity - 
Robyn: If you're searching for prints, it's likely our culprit didn't leave any. 
Gemma: Perhaps, by chance, they did leave fingerprints - 

Kallistra: A smart individual would not dare to leave a trace of their identity behind at the scene of a murder. Me, a smart individual, would wear gloves. Like I am wearing at the moment, but of course gloves to cover my fingertips. These gloves would be pointless in the murder scene. 
Villy: Vunce more looking beautiful as evar, miss Kallistra. 
Kallistra: Why, thank you, Villy.

Robyn: Kallistra agrees with exactly my thought. The murderer would likely have left no fingerprints, unless the murderer was an idiot and doesn't know how to plot and cover their tracks. 
Kallistra: And do you know to plot and cover your tracks, miss Robyn? 
Robyn: Do I look like a murderer to you? 
Kallistra: Oh no, of course not. 

Jason: Back on topic, please. This is very important: if we do not find this famed killer, then we will be murdered. One by one. You could be next. 
Gemma: You could be next, pal.
Jason: True, true, but most likely, he - or she - will target someone lesser known, someone more simple and cute, like...they may target Ramona! 
Ramona: Can they not target me, please? 

Robyn: How about no one threatens my twin sister, huh? 
Ramona: He didn't threaten me, sis. He was using me as an example, I suppose, but he was very realistic. 
Robyn: He was using you as a scare tactic. To scare us into following him like sheep and to prepare for whatever we will face staring into the eyes of the beast. 

Kallistra: Clever thinking, girl. You would sure be a must-watch contestant within the Games. I would potentially bet on you, dependent on the Careers for the year. You are very practical. 
Robyn: ...Thank you? 
Kallistra: It is certainly a compliment. 
Robyn: Okay...well, thank you. 
Kallistra: You are very welcome, Robyn. 

Kirk: What...what exactly are you suggesting, if not build a raft or...or drown them in Villy's vodka, which he apparently has enough handy for a drowning...
Jason: My plan is secretive and, in case the killer can hear us, I would rather not reveal it. This is a reality show, you know. 
Kirk: No...I forgot. 

Jason: You will all have to trust me. Follow my lead, and I will assist you in this plan I have seamlessly concocted in my mind. We will first need to block all of the cameras. The murderer must not see us coming for him - or her. 
Villy: How does vun suggest doing zis? 
 Jason: Smash them cameras, baby. 
Gemma: Yeah, real smart. Then, when we die, nobody has any footage to catch the killer. 

Jason: It is not 'when' we die, but rather 'if' we die. And the answer? We will not die. Not today. Not in 
Ramona: We're in a circus...I bet the murderer is a clown...
Jason: Say the murderer is a clown...where would a clown live? 
Ramona: Are you tripping? A clown lives in the circus. 

Robyn: The murderer is not an evil clown who attempted to commit suicide but failed, okay? The murderer is one of us. Could be creepy cult leader Charismatic Charles...or it could be the woman glaring at my head right now, Glaring Giselle. 
Gemma: I'm not a murderer. You might as well could be. 
Robyn: Look - we could all be the murderer. It's hiding in plain sight right now. 
If we continue to argue, we'll only attract the killer. 

Ramona: Sis...what are you doing? 
Robyn: Jason will need me, and I need him. This fight is worthwhile in the end. If we can stop the killer before another death, we'll have plenty of time to find an escape route.
Kirk: Princess and I will...attempt to build a raft. 
Robyn: For thirteen people? Have fun.  

Ramona: Hey, I'll join you. I'll be right by your side. 
Robyn: Okay...hey, Jason, we're in. Whatever it takes, Ramona and I will help out. We want this murderer stopped as much as you. 
Jason: Thank you for listening to logic, Robyn. 
Robyn: Oh, of course. I'm not an idiot. 

Jason: Now, who else will be smart, and act upon logic rather than guilt or stupidity? Who else will follow me and the twins into the lair of the beast and slay him - or her. Slay the person, be it woman or man! 
Gemma: What the hell is this idiot on? 
Villy: Hmm...did zis idiott sip at Villy's vodka? 
Gemma: Would not be surprised. Oh well...guess I follow him into false battle. 

Jason: Come with me. This is your only chance at an escape from the tyranny of one evil, horrid murderer. So, join me now. 
Kallistra: Shall I spectate from the balconies? 
Villy: I do not believe ze can spectate, missus. 
Kirk: I guess we have to do something before we're all murdered. 


Trauma. A deeply distressing or disturbing experience. Recovering from trauma is never the click of fingers, or waking up from a horrid dream. Recovering from trauma is eventual - a strain, winding and gradual. Some recover slowly, others recover sharper, more attuned to emotions and feelings. Others never recover, reminded constantly, over and over, of the horrors, of the agony. Of the trauma.

Alicia: I couldn't find his body, CeCe - 
CeCe: You came here complain about your missing husband's corpse...I thought you said we had nothing in common...I thought you said I hadn't lived through a marriage scarred by trauma, so therefore...therefore I wasn't scarred...not like you are...
Alicia: I...I shouldn't have snapped at you. I don't know you well enough to assume anything about you. 

CeCe:*sniffling* I know...I know that.
Alicia: I...I, uh, I should apologize formally. I...I was once in love with that...that wretched man...and I acted out of spite after his passing, because I...I blamed myself for the agony by staying with him until he died. 
CeCe: couldn't escape without further damage...further trauma. 
Alicia: That's true. I was trapped. 

Alicia: We were wed til death do us part. I couldn't part from him until then, and I...I certainly couldn't murder him and ruin my own life. Our marriage was a trap to begin with, but...but I was foolish enough to believe he loved me. 
 CeCe: I...I couldn't imagine spending so long feeling trapped...sometimes I...sometimes I really just hate men.
Alicia: Oftentimes they are pigs, and absolute roosters. 

CeCe: *she laughs softly, mostly to herself* Yep...roosters.
Alicia: I'm...I shouldn't have reacted the way I did earlier. I don't know you...I don't know your life, and for all I know...your relationship with your ex-husband, Ben, could have been...well, it could have been equally toxic. 
CeCe: marriage...well, it ended, without death, so we broke our vow, but...but Ben didn't traumatize me...not as much as...well, an incident involving a horny customer in the garage. 


Some time ago, before CeCe had signed up for the reality show, before she encountered her ex-boyfriend from her high school days, Cameron...before he died...before her life was threatened by the sinister claws of a this time, she worked at a garage with Shandra, a close friend.

Shandra: Hey, CeCe, you all good down here? 
CeCe: Yeah, I've got it covered. *she smirks* I think, hehe. 
Shandra: I'm right here if you need some assistance, but...but I've been pretty tired recently, so...maybe I'm not the best help you could get. 
CeCe: What are you talking about, Shan? You're fantastic help. 

Shandra: I might need to take a break, CeCe. *she sighs* No, I'll need to take a break, and I'll have to leave you in charge for a little bit, yeah? 
CeCe: What's up, Shan? Are you feeling ill? 
Shandra: Hey, just come over here for a sec. We need to talk. 
CeCe: Please don't tell me you're dying. 

Shandra: I'm not dying, no, so I'll be back sometime later. *she smirks* I couldn't leave ya here alone, CeCe. You need me. 
CeCe: *she laughs* Haha, very funny. *serious* I suppose I do need you, do help me out a bit. 
Shandra: More like I help you out a lot! 
CeCe: help a lot. 

Shandra: the serious stuff. *she pauses, exhaling* I'm not sick...far from it, really. Well, actually, some vomiting happens, but that's perfectly normal - 
CeCe: Are you - 
Shandra: Hey! Let me finish speaking! 
CeCe: Okay, sorry...

Shandra: I...yes, I'm pregnant. 
CeCe: This is fantastic news, Shandra! I'm so freaking happy for you, of course I'm happy for you! I'm so freaking're going to be a mother! 
Shandra: Yeah...I'm going to be a mother! 
CeCe: Why don't we just close up now and celebrate? My shout! 

Shandra: You know we can't do that but...thank you for being so supportive, CeCe. I'm so glad you're here with me. Not just to be my closest friend, but to support me through all this pregnancy stuff, 'cause I know...oh, I know it won't be fun. I've seen those films...
CeCe: You're going to be a wonderful mother, Shandra. 
Shandra: And you will be a fantastic aunt! 
CeCe: Stop it! 

Shandra: Now that you know, I can breathe a sigh of relief and wait for my painful and bloated holiday vacation to begin! Yippee! 
CeCe: You deserve the break, Shan. You've worked your ass off in here. *she smirks* Now, go upstairs and relax a little! I've got business down here. 
Shandra: You sure?
CeCe: Of course! Go! *she shoos her with her hands* Go on! 

CeCe returns to the car once Shandra has exited the downstairs room, stepping upwards towards the office on the second floor. CeCe is alone, briefly. 
CeCe: Okay, big guy, what've we got left to fix with you?  

???: Hey, I'm here to pick up one of the cars parked out the front. It's the old Pontiac, the beige one. You said it'd be ready today? 
CeCe: Oh yeah, let me just fix things quickly here and I'll be good to go. 
???: Nice beauty you have here. Is it yours? 
CeCe: Nah, a car from another customer of mine. 

CeCe: Okay, so the Pontiac outside, yeah? Beige one. 
???: Yep, that'll be mine. 
CeCe: Okay, I'll just fetch the receipt for what you owe us and you'll be on your way once you've paid. Fair and simple, yeah? 
???: Sounds about right, but missing just one thing...

???: How about I some other way? 
CeCe: What are you suggesting? Are you gonna pay with cash or card? 
???: You look like a smart girl. You finished college, yeah? Or did you drop out of high school to follow your cheap boyfriend to his stinky garage, only to be dropped off and forgotten? 
CeCe: I don't...I don't know what the heck you're saying... 

If only someone had been downstairs, watching, observing. If only someone had been close by to hear the distress in her voice, to see the intense and odd encounter between the two people...if only someone had been there to fend off the man with the beige Pontiac. 

CeCe: Get the fuck off me, you pervert. 
???: Oh, you know you liked it, deep inside. You know you did. 
CeCe: What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Can you get the hell...get the hell out of this garage, right the fuck now! 
???: Fuck you, girl!  

CeCe: You better freaking give me the money for that stupid hunk of junk outside or I'll race out there myself and rip out the innards, like I'd do to you if I was a murdering little girl. *she calms herself, politely* Please, this is the cost. I can fetch your change if you can't pay the proper amount. 
???: Ah, screw you, bitch. *tossing the money in her palm* Here you go. 
CeCe: Have a nice life, pig. 

Ten minutes pass...she doesn't move from her frozen position, standing there still, breathing in and breathing out, sighing softly to herself. 
Shandra: Hey, what's up? 
CeCe: I'm...I'm not feeling so great anymore...
Shandra: Hey...CeCe, what happened? Is it a headache?  

CeCe: *she sighs, shaking her head* No...not a headache...
Shandra: Are you feeling sick, like you might vomit? You haven't caught my morning sickness, have you? *she laughs softly to herself, then stops, shaking her head* I'm sorry, that was insensitive. 
CeCe: It''s fine...but it's not morning sickness...

CeCe: I...I got my period, but I...I don't have any tampons with me...
Shandra: Hey, I've got you covered. I'll go and grab mine from my backpack upstairs, you just wait here for a brief moment. 
CeCe: Thank you...thank you Shan. 
Shandra: Of course, honey. What are friends and soon-to-be mothers for. Hehe. 


Alicia: Oh my...I'm sorry, you don't have to tell me about it...we've gone through our own traumas, it seems...
CeCe: He, uh...he, uh, touched me...
Alicia: I know what he must have done to you...
CeCe: I was...I was weak, and he was strong...and even if I could save myself, even just a little...I couldn't ever forget what happened to me. 

Alicia: CeCe -
CeCe: I...I haven't ever really spoken about it. It was always so vivid in my mind I...I didn't dare repeat it. It was fear...I was fearful, but I...I had shoved him off me, and even though he left me well alone...I still pained because...because he had hurt me. *she shakes her head, wiping the tears* That was so many years ago, but I...I never healed.  


For as far as one could see, there was ocean - a sea of bluey-green water, no rushing or lapping waves, but calm waters. A raft, once suggested by the woman in pink, would sail with ease, but the raft must be first constructed. Must be first built, and first tested. If the raft was successful, and the raft could carry the contestants - for there would be plenty of contestants surviving - then perhaps escape and freedom was possible. Perhaps not yet.

Connor: Princess...Princess Barbie...*whispering* It feels so weird to call her a Princess, but she angers easily if you don't...
Princess: Oh, is that you, Linguini? 
Connor:, it's me, know, you were worried my boyfriend - 
Princess: Oh! Hehe, I am certainly worried about your boyfriend. He will come and steal tea from other men. I know so.

Connor: I...I don't understand what you're suggesting, Princess - 
Princess: You don't understand me...oh well. Hehe. *she laughs maniacally, grasping a stone in her hand* Well, when the Great Wizard reveals himself, and he tears away your icky boyfriend's skin, you will understand me! 
Connor: don't sound okay -
 Princess: Are you...are you suggesting I am insane, Connie?

Princess: Oh, you most certainly are, and I certainly do not blame you, because you were raised to be like think that the truth is a lie and that the lies are truths. The cake is not a lie, silly. I ate a slice this morning! 
Connor: We...we weren't discussing cake...Princess, please...
Princess: *tossing the stone, fiercely* No more "Princess, please", thank you!

Nan: she bugging you, Conn? 
Connor: Oh, no, of course not. *he kisses Nan's cheek* We were just chatting, but from a distance because she wanted toss stones, and I didn't feel like wetting my jeans. 
Nan: She wasn't harassing you with any of her odd stories again? 
Connor: Not...not really. 

Nan: Come on, let's head inside. *he shakes his head* You'd think that production could've provided some more sunscreen. You'll burn up out here, Connor. 
Connor: Yeah, I know...I've tried staying inside, but...I just wanted to chat to her for a little bit. 
Nan: Was it even the slightest bit informative? 
Connor: She...she just muttered nonsense. 

Nan: Yeah...we shouldn't listen to much of what she says, really. 
Connor: She...she's bent on one theory and one theory only, and without evidence...she seems foolish, and I know she probably doesn't understand how to act, but...I try and try to engage with her, and...nothing. 
Nan: You can't expect much. She's...she's crazed. 
Connor: We don't even know her enough -

They were true there, indeed. None of the other contestants knew Princess Barbie Garnet well enough to understand her, and believing her to be some crazed mental patient, they ignored her every word for nonsense. Kirk listened once - to her suggestion for a raft - but once he relayed the information to the others, nobody would truly believe Princess had suggested it. She was alone by the ocean shore, alone with the still, calm sea breeze.  

Robyn: So, now that we're on the move, what exactly is your plan, man? 
Jason: No, I will not mention it. Cameras are still lurking, you know - 
Robyn: The murderer may not be watching - 
Jason: The murderer most certainly will be watching, and you should learn not to doubt me.

Ramona: Maybe we should let Jason carry out his plan and we'll try to help him whenever we can. I'm sure - 
Robyn: I don't know how I can help him when I know nothing of his 'plan' - 
Ramona: Just follow his lead, I guess.
Jason: Yes...follow my lead.

Robyn: I...I don't trust this 'plan' of yours, Jason, but I will follow you, because I said I would, and no, I'm not going to change my mind because you refuse to tell me what you plan on doing. 
Ramona: Good thinking, sis. *under her breath* For once. 
Robyn: Did you say something else, Ramona? 
Ramona: Oh no, just celebrating your smart skills...

Jason: You two will be my seconds-in-command, because I trust you both in this mission immensely. You will be tasked with protecting not only me, but yourselves and the others wandering behind us. Got it? 
Robyn: Yep, we follow your non-existent plan and protect everyone like the patron-saints we are. 
Ramona: It's not that bad, sis. Live a little. 
Robyn: And tell is any of this 'living a little'? It's kinda more like we're walking into a death trap, but sure...


Gemma: Well, isn't this an exciting path for us, Kirk...
Kirk: I wouldn't say exciting...
Gemma: It was a joke, Kirk. *she sighs* I didn't ever picture ending up here with you. Not in some reality show, where our lives are threatened. 
Kirk: Yeah, neither, I suppose. 

Kirk: This is all...very weird...but I'm kinda glad you are here and I know at least someone here. I'd be completely lost without you, even if...even if we disagree sometimes. 
Gemma: This place is a mess, Kirk. 
Kirk: It huge mess.
Gemma: At least we aren't dead yet, buddy. 

Gemma: We're still breathing here, chasing after whomever murdered those two clowns. Alden and Cameron. Dead. 
Kirk: Yeah...I still can't believe it. *he pauses, shaking his head* Maybe... maybe they aren't really dead, but just...just faking it? 
Gemma: Sadly, I don't think they were faking. 
Kirk: They did seem pretty dead...

Gemma: You know...if we survive this mess, I'll keep considering you for the manager position. I know what it'll mean to you, even if you seem...uninterested sometimes.
Kirk: I...I would like the paycheck. 
Gemma: Don't force me to change my mind from one comment. I want...I want to know you'll care for the store. 
Kirk: I promise...I promise I'd try to care. 


Kallistra: What do you believe would be past this rope barrier, mister? 
She could step over it, pass the barrier and discover for herself what lurks beyond a simple strand of scarlet rope. She could discover just beyond the barrier bend, but instead, she discussed first with the man standing behind her. 
Kallistra: Hello, dear Villy? What would you believe?  

Villy: Ze barrier is scarlett, yes? Much like ze coat I wear. Perhaps...perhaps ze barrier is reserved for ze backstage crews, like ze performers. 
Kallistra: Oh yes! Backstage and performers! This is in fact a circus, or it of course was once a beautiful circus! I would have cherished in coming here, Villy. 
Villy: Oh yes! Villy loves ze circus too, reminds him of ze childhood with ze familiars. Seeing ze animals and ze clowns...mmm, yes.

Kallistra: So, we best not disturb the backstage area, yes? It is out of our jurisdiction, and I do not believe in disturbing areas I am prohibited from entering. You know...I merely stand in observation during the Games. 
Villy: Do you not bet, zilly? 
Kallistra: Oh yes, I do involve myself in...gambling...I suppose, but never do I interfere with the Games themselves. 
Villy: Oh, of courze. 

But had either stepped over the scarlet rope, had either dared to 'disturb the backstage area', they would have discovered something peculiar, something out of the ordinary for a simple circus. Yes, a simple door, but it was not what the door was made of, or what colour it was, but what the door represented. An entrance - an entrance to somewhere. 
Kallistra: I would not dream to lift my gown high either, in fear of ruining or tearing it, of course.

Kallistra: We must rejoin the others in this party! It was foolish to lurk behind without them. They may have suspected...fool play! Or trickery! Or...or they may have suspected that we had murdered each other, and in some ways they may have been pleased, for they would thus be one - no, two - steps closer to victory. 
Villy: We would not haz murdered one anozer.  
Kallistra: Perhaps. 
Villy: Vut would happen to ze vodka vactory? 

Kallistra: It was merely an imagination story, Villy. Come on, we must follow behind the others. They will be questioning where we are. 
Villy: Oh, yes. Ze plan is in motion, of courze. 
Kallistra: Yes, the plan Jason wishes not to be mentioned. It is time for us to rise up above this horrid villain of the Game, because as I always hear in discussion of the proper Games, the death of a serial murderer is mostly celebrated. 


CeCe: Thank you...thank you for understanding, and for...for staying by my side for all of this, Alicia. 
Alicia: Of course, honey. *she smiles warmly to CeCe* We are hurt women. We were trapped in situations harmful and toxic, but we escaped...sure, into a dangerous and deadly scene, but no more do we worry about our past. 
CeCe: *she wipes her eyes* That man...*she exhales* that man is still alive, no doubt.   
Alicia: No more worrying about him.

Alicia: I...*she glances upwards, noticing the procession before her* Excuse me...what is happening here, Jason? Where are you all going? 
Jason: Hello, Alicia! Care to join us as we search for the beast! 
Alicia: I'm sorry, but if you haven't noticed, my husband was murdered. CeCe and I are...well, you are blocking our path to the bedroom, where we plan to rest. 

Jason: We'll just be passing through this section, then, so we'll just squeeze past - 
Alicia: No. *she shakes her head* I'm...I'm sorry, but...but I won't sit here, thinking about how horrid this murderer could be, and let you all barge in there like you have a perfectly formulated plan in your little noggin. I'm sorry. 
Jason: But...but I do have a plan in my little noggin! 

Jason: You can't oppose us, Alicia. Not when it is majority rules and you are singled out and on the bench. 
Alicia: I'm sorry, is this now a sports game to you? My husband was murdered! 
Jason: I know that but-
Alicia: No more 'buts', I'm sorry. Can't we...can't we just spend one day, even just one single day, in mourning - 

Jason: You hated your husband! 
Alicia: I...he was my husband, and I may not have loved him so purely as I did when we married...some time ago...but Cameron died too, and he was close to CeCe behind me. Give him some respect. 
CeCe: You don't need to - 
Alicia: No. I do. 

Alicia: I am sorry, Jason, but this is not a time nor place to be leading some...some wild goose chase! You will be killed if you chase after the person responsible for Alden and Cameron's deaths. You will suffer their fate. 
Jason: But that is where you are wrong. With my plan, we will find him or her and we will capture then. Fair and square. 
Alicia: And what exactly is this...plan? 

Jason: You see, it is inside my head, but the cameras and microphones will no doubt hear us, and I can't risk the murderer knowing my plan - 
Alicia: So, no plan then? It's just a jumble of letters and words? 
Jason: There is a plan! 
Alicia: Then man the hell up and confess it or else these idiots will follow you into battle and will be mercilessly murdered by your hand! 

Jason: I...I do not wish for that - 
Alicia: You do know to whisper, correct? 
Jason: Yes, I know how to whisper! 
Alicia: Then turn around, walk up to Ramona or Robyn or whoever, and whisper in their ear the plan you have inside that head of yours!

CeCe: shouldn't force it out of him - 
Alicia: Then I let Mr. No Plan march inside the den of the murderer and kill himself with nothing in his head but silly imaginings? 
CeCe: How about about we head to the bedroom now and rest? 
Alicia: Don't you still oppose their stupidity, CeCe? 

CeCe: I...I...
Alicia: Go on, Jason...tell them your fantastic plan, in detail too. They need to know what they're doing so it all runs smoothly. You do know that, yes? 
Jason: Yes...but...
Alicia: What did I say about these nasty little 'but' words? No more! 

CeCe: Alicia...I think I've got this...
Alicia: *whispering* Are you sure, honey? I...I don't believe he will whisper in their ears. He certainly doesn't seem to have a fully-concocted plan in mind - 
CeCe: No...I know I can sort this out. Please, Alicia. Let me. 
Alicia: Okay, go right ahead. 

Robyn: Okay, here we go...
Ramona: What do you mean, 'here we go' don't expect her to break down in tears, do you? 
Robyn: I don't know, but gosh it's freaking bright out here. My eyes are burning!  
Gemma: Shush...she's about to speak. 

CeCe: I...I know you expect me to be distraught, and to be traumatized because...because my ex-boyfriend, Cameron Powell, was murdered, but...but I'll push through it. I will gather the courage needed to strengthen myself, not just for myself, but for everyone I love and care about. I can't simply sit idly and await for the person responsible for the death of Cam - and of Alden Glass - because if I were to sit idly, I would be dead too. No doubt the murderer would come for me too, would come for all of us.

CeC: ...So we rise. I...I was always fascinated with the legend of the Phoenix, a bird of fire which rose from the ashes and was birthed over and over again, constant rebirth from each and every death. The Phoenix was an embodiment of strength, and agility, and perseverance against all odds. The Phoenix reminded me of a strength buried beneath my skin, and I remembered the Phoenix every step in my life...even now, I remember the Phoenix...

CeCe: We will become phoenixes whether we like it or not, because we are stuck in a never-ending loop, or so it seems. We witness the death of those closest to us - emotionally or literally - and we are reborn, in their name, in their strength, in their courage and perseverance. So, I do not wish to stand idly, mourning in the black clothes of a widow.
Jason: What do you have planned, CeCe? 
Alicia: *muttering* I knew the little idiot had nothing in mind. 

CeCe: I say we slay the Beast.  

Nan: In they go, searching for someone. I bet they think they can just storm on in there and catch the murderer with their hand clasping a champagne glass, eating from a platter of cheese. 
Connor: The murderer could be with them, hiding. 
Nan: Just in plain sight. Could kill them all in an instant. 
Connor: But then we'd know exactly who it was...

Only four contestants entered the mysterious shed that day. Most had refused or simply chose not to enter the place they believed to be the centre of death and misery. But four contestants  - daring and adventurous - were willing to enter, to search for clues or leads into the mysterious murderer. Those four contestants prayed for a sign or a hint. Some form of evidence.

Alicia: Of course I won't head inside. I merely followed you all to look out for CeCe. That's all. 
Kallistra: You could properly guard her inside, you know. Stand by her. 
Alicia: I...I do not wish to go inside, thank you. 
Kallistra: Oh, me neither. *she lowers her head* As you can see...

Kirk: I wonder where...where Princess is hiding...I would've thought she would rush at the chance to enter this mysterious place. 
Villy: Me vinks she is alreazy inside, waitzing. 
Gemma: You think she's our mystery murderer, Villy? 
Villy: Oh yes! Who else could it possibly be? 

Who could it possibly be? Certainly a question to be pondered upon. Surely one of the remaining contestants was the murderer, they had all thought, because of course the idea that it could be anyone else was utter nonsense. Of course, they were correct in their assumption - someone living among them was murdering, and they would soon strike once more if their ravenous spree could not be prevented. But exactly how did they plan to defeat the great evil?

Ramona: Why, isn't this place just...just dandy. Looks like we're inside a volcano, or maybe more so...the outside of a volcano? I don't know an awful lot about volcanoes...
Jason: We're searching for a secret passageway - 
Ramona: Any hidden buttons, perhaps? 
Jason: I'll keep searching. You too, Ramona. 

Robyn: God, this rocking chair is freaking comfortable! 
Ramona: Hey, sis...can you help me out over here? I could really use someone else to search for this secret button with, or whatever. 
Robyn: ...
Ramona: Robyn! Hey...sometimes I don't even know why I agreed to come here with you. Sometimes you're just so...inconvenient. 


Before applying for the third season of High Hopes, Ramona was sitting in front of the television awaiting the results of the presidential election. The candidate for the republicans was Vita Alto and the candidate for the democrats was Ariella Chen, a resident of Starlight Shores and one of Ramona's closest friends. Now the results were to be revealed...

Ramona: Shit. 
Robyn: *not paying attention, she texts a friend* Wait - who won?
Ramona: That freaking Vita Alto won. Why would somebody want a person so cruel and egoistic like her?
Robyn: Apparently the ones who voted for her. Maybe Ariella was just too young and inexperienced. 

Robyn: Anyway, you'll never guess what I was reading about just before. The producers of High Hopes - you remember that show we watched together - they're searching for new contestants, and this time siblings are allowed too.
Ramona: And?
Robyn: I mean come on, wouldn't that be the ideal opportunity for us? This could be very exciting!
Ramona: I don't know.

 Robyn: Come on, you'll love it -
Ramona: Oh really. As far as I can remember people actually died in this show. Remember that rude fashion designer Zara De Vil who died with Jamie O'Connor in the last edition, and actually letting people like TJ Duncan compete in their show. That is nothing for me.

 Robyn: Oh come on, the deaths of Zara and Jamie were accidents - it's not like there would be a serial killer like on The Locomotive or at Jetset. Also, we both have each others backs, so nothing is gonna happen. I'm just there for the thrill and I want to do this with you. Please, Ramona.
 Ramona: How can you be so sure we'll be okay...
Robyn: We will, because...because I'll always be with you. 
Ramona: I -

Ramona: Ugh, fine. But only because you would go anyway and I don't want you to go alone.
Robyn: YAY!!! By the way, why do you hate TJ so much...I think he is really handsome!
Ramona: Yet again you prove that you have a horrible taste in how your man should be. 

Robyn: What am I supposed to do? The only attractive woman there was Jocelyn and she is in a relationship with that Bradley dude.
*both girls laugh and keep on chatting about.... actually everything possible for Robyn to understand*

The twin sisters would apply for the third season of High Hopes, expecting grand adventures and lasting friendships, hoping for victory and success, but they would come to learn that life is rarely simplistic and straight-forward. Life is a series of events, be they joyful or unfortunate, and Ramona and Robyn would come to learn their events would take a dark turn in a reality show that was once flourishing. 


  CeCe: Hey...this is...this is where the bathtub comes from, yeah...*she exhales* Maybe...maybe it was...maybe it was covering something...
Jason: Let me have a look here at the...the star rug. 
CeCe: Try flipping it or lifting it upwards, maybe...
Jason: Yeah, will do. Ramona?

Ramona: There's nothing over here except two apparently comfortable rocking chairs and one agitating and irritating twin sister. 
Robyn: Oh, wow, so mature. 
Ramona: Why are you so freaking furious today, Robyn? 
Robyn: Maybe I'm just extra pissed at the world today, yeah? 
CeCe: You ready to check the rug, Jason? 

Jason: Hold on...what's this's not blood, but the red is darker in this spot...and the rug is actually...well, the rug is torn right next to it. 
Ramona: What the hell...
Jason: What the hell is right indeed. Hold on...there's something hidden here, underneath the flap...hold on...
CeCe: What is that...right near your finger? 

Jason: It''s a button...a button for a trap door, or a secret passageway, maybe? Dare me to press it? 
CeCe: it, Jason - 
Robyn: Oh yes, Jason, press the hidden button with all of your might! 
Ramona: The heck is wrong with you today? 
*Jason presses the button*

In this moment, one of the mere few voices unusual to our contestants was recorded by the cameras and microphones. What you will hear in a brief moment is the voice of a stranger we have named VICKI. The button triggered the automation of the voice, nothing the contestants had hoped for. There was no secret tunnel to be found from simply pressing a button where a bathtub once rested. VICKI now spoke clearly, addressing the contestants. 

VICKI: Hello, dear contestants. My name and my identity is irrelevant, but I would like to personally welcome you to this beautiful yet abandoned circus. I once loved living and breathing in the air of this place, but I am afraid it is now your home, and not mine. *she sighs* You must be wondering why I am speaking to you. Some of you will be saved from the danger of the kill. Not because we care, but because you earned it by pleasing a few special guest judges. Alicia...we admired your sternness and perseverance, and how not once did you falter in your beliefs.

 VICKI: Connor and Nan...we admired your absence from the beast hunt taking place around you. You chose not to be involved, but rather observed willingly from the sidelines, and in the meantime, considered other possible solutions, such as the raft suggestion. Others may have followed a similar path, but you stood outside in anticipation, as if hoping all would crumble inside.

VICKI: Jason Montgomery...oh, how we despised your pitiful attempt to follow our footsteps and hunt down the beast. Oh, we truly are sorry you could not locate the murderer, but you did not have a true plan. We merely admired you for your inspiration to 'slay the beast', as you had said. We, of course, admired CeCe's instinct and determination, but of course, she was a flipper. Her mind was never solely focused on the hunt, unlike yours. 

 VICKI: And sweet, innocent Princess Barbie Garnet...oh, you are an odd creature, but your intentions were clear, and we thus awarded you and applauded you for your...differing thoughts. Why not construct a raft and sail away from this hell-hole? Brilliant thinking when those surrounding you believed so strongly in destruction and chaos. You simply chose construction and escape, above all else, even when your motive involved this...this Great Wizard you dream of.

 VICKI: The four of you are saved from the threat of death and chaos, for you have impressed and pleased those staring down upon you. You have pleased the murderers, and oh yes, there is more than one. From the moment you arrived here, two devious and wicked human beings have been stalking you and plotting for sweet, sweet death. One murdered Alden, the other slayed Cameron. 
Tomorrow, two more will be dead. Goodbye for now, contestants.

With the threat of death looming, who will feel threatened, and who will witness someone close by suffer a fate of exact death? With four outside the target of the vicious murderers, who will be slain? Who are these vicious murderers? 

I urge you to switch off the television, or whatever devise you view this on, right this instance. Turn it off and never view this content again. None of what you will witness will be pleasant. This show is not faked. Real life human beings died. And here you sit, watching with your two eyes, entranced by the game of cat and mouse concocted by Selma and Miles Tanner...


Challenge Scores:

Haylo: 38 (Alicia)

Choco: 29 (Nan + Connor)

Jake: 26 (Jason + Princess)

Iceman: 25

Twiddle: 25

Vul: 23

Yannik: 15