Monday, February 20, 2017

The Circus, Episode Two: Shattered Sight

 Episode Two: Shattered Sight

You are aware of the events that occurred prior to the contestants' arrival at the abandoned circus. You are aware that the events that occur in the close future are not pleasant, and are not to be attempted at home. Innocent contestants die in this viewing - but not this episode, I may add. 

Good evening. My name is Kyle West, and I regret to even consider retelling this story, but this atrocity must be told...

Dottie: Is someone there? I know you are there, and I am not afraid of you. 
 *she pauses* I have defeated you before, Doctor. 
*empty silence* 
Dottie: Do not speak, if you must. I will not be fooled. 
*empty silence*  

To this day, no footage has emerged of any specific person undressing the contestants and dressing them in their everyday attire, but it is certain that it occurred. I would doubt the contestants would lie about this specific action. 

Dottie: Come to face me, you villain!

Princess: *grumbling to herself* not villain. 
Me playful, dancing...dancing princess! 
Dottie: *startled* Oh, it is not the terrible man at all! 
Why hello, Princess. We have yet to speak. 
Princess: Oh...interesting? 

Dottie: *pretending to aim a gun with her fingers* I have no inkling to trust you, so-called 'Princess'. You are not from this land - I know that now. 
Who are you truly? 
Princess: *she grumbles eerily* Barbie...I am Barbie Garnet, yes I am. 
Dottie: I have not heard of you yet. 

*Princess leaps into a fighting position* 
Dottie: I have my suspicions that you are dangerous. Yes, I do see you that. 
Perhaps you are in cahoots with the villain. *she lowers her voice* Plausible theory, Dottie. *her voice returns to normal* Thank you, yes.  
Princess: I am not afraid. I am not afraid. Hehe. 


Kallistra: To enjoy the filth of this dilapidated fairy floss machine or not. 
What a question for the Gamemakers themselves, I must admit. Hmm...can you imagine one of the yearly Games featuring rusty machines that will, of course, give the unlucky contestants some form of disease. Ha! What a riot!   

Kai: Afraid I'm allergic to something...something in there. 
Kallistra: I did not hope to digest some myself either. 
Kai: That...that was not an excuse. 
Kallistra: Oh, sure. 

Kai: How long ago was it that someone actually visited this place? It's...somehow cleaner than I...than I would've suspected for an abandoned place. 
Kallistra: Who knows, who knows.
I do hope this is our setting for the season!
Kai: Aren't...aren't you worried about all this? 

Kallistra: What is the worst that can happen, Kai? 
We all die? 
Kai: Uh...*he whimpers*...exactly that! 
Kallistra: This is the the spin-off series of the Games, is it not? 
Kai: Uh...I don't think so.

*she collapses into the seat* 
Kallistra: Then this is all strange. Why...why are you dressed like that, sir? 
Kai: *he pauses* It's something...something I often pretend to forget.
Kallistra: So it is not your everyday attire?
Kai: Of course not.   

Kai: It is a costume for a character I portrayed. Of course not in this size, might I add. I was...I was seven when I first wore this. 
Kallistra: Oh, I had no idea! You must have been a 
Kai: Yes, an actor. The character was...The Kung-Fu Kid. 
I'd rather...rather not focus on that. 

Kallistra: Ooh, how intriguing! 'The Kung-Fu Kid'
Could you defend yourself with the art if you needed? 
Kai: *he shakes his head abruptly* Oh no. I'm seriously out of shape. 
Kallistra: You could not try, even for me? 
Kai: Let me think about that...

Kai: No, I could not. That...that time of my life is in the past and I didn't come here to sink back in the role of a...sidekick. Oh no. 
Kallistra: That is brave of you, Kai. *she smiles* Choosing a path less traveled. 
Kai: Are you...*he sneezes*...oh sorry. Are you...suggesting what I think?

Kallistra: Darling, where I come from, the world simply revolves around the actions of an individual and the like. If you choose to fight, you fight, or else you die. I am optimistic, however, that you are brave. 
Kai: I...I...I suppose. 
Kallistra: Well, I suppose I will shower the day's filth away. 
Toodle-loo, The Kung-Fu Kid. 

Connor: I'm so glad you woke up, Nan. 
I don't know what I'd do without you here. 
Nan: I'm a survivor, baby. 
Connor: I know, I know. 
Nan: I promise...we'll find out how we ended up here. 

Connor: I love you, Nan. 
Nan: And I you. *he holds Connor in his arms* I promise you...nothing will happen to you while I'm around. Nothing. 
Connor: I...I don't ever want to lose you. 
Nan: You know you won't. 


CeCe: *her tone is sympathetic* Why...why are you here, Cameron? I...I haven't seen you in forever. 
Cameron: What do you mean? invited me. 
CeCe: What? 
Cameron: You messaged me, inviting me on this 'amazing journey'. 
Don't you remember? 

CeCe: Of course I don't remember. *she pauses* I didn't message you at all. 
I haven't messaged you since...since the break up. 
Cameron: You don't need to act modest-
CeCe: I think I would remember this-
Cameron: So I'm supposed to believe you didn't? 

Cameron: Well, who did then? 
CeCe: I...I don't know, Cam. 
Cameron: *he shakes his head* Aren't you at least pleased to see me here? 
It''s not like we hated each other at the end of things, CeCe. 
CeCe: was a pleasant surprise, I guess. 

Cameron: I'm glad. *he begins to scoot over*
CeCe: What...what are you doing? *she pauses* What are we doing here?
Cameron: I'm extremely glad to be here with you, CeCe. 
CeCe: Cam, I...I don't want to start this again.  

Cameron: We were in love! 
CeCe: That was years ago, Cameron. We can't just restart everything from so long ago! I...I have a child! 
Cameron: What? You...
CeCe: Yeah. I have a daughter. She's three, Cam. 

CeCe: She's three-years-old and I'm a divorced mother. 
So, no, I'm not starting this again. 
Cameron: But-
CeCe: No. We can't ever do this again. I'm sorry, Cam, but this isn't high school - we're in an abandoned circus. 

Cameron: Doesn't that mean we should-
CeCe: Hey, we can't do any of this. 
Please...can we just talk about how you ended up here. Please. 
Cameron: Please, Ciara. 
CeCe: No. *she pauses* Are you even single? 

Cameron: Uh...*he sighs*...not exactly. 
CeCe: want to be with me while you're dating some girl? Who is she? 
Cameron: Her name is Natalie, but she is nothing like you, CeCe!
CeCe: That doesn't matter! You're willing to cheat on her! 

Cameron: It's's not cheating! I don't love her like I love you! 
CeCe: Can you hear yourself right now? 
Cameron: Please, CeCe, at least let me hold you...even one last time. 
CeCe: Cameron-

Cameron: I'm glad I came here. I've missed you. 
CeCe: This doesn't mean anything-
Cameron: I know, I know. I just...just wanted to remember. 
CeCe: We'll never be who we were, Cam. 


 High school. A young Cameron and Ciara are in love, seemingly, and the talk of the entire school - however for a reason that is not what they would dream. 

Cameron: Hey, baby, are you still awake? 
CeCe: *she giggles* Of course I am. 
Is there something wrong?

 Cameron: Of course not. Nothing can be wrong when I'm staring at your beautiful face. *he winks* I'd just...I'd hate it if I was boring you, that's all.
CeCe: You're not boring me, silly. *she smiles* I'm just tired. 
Cameron: Don't tell me you haven't been sleeping-

 CeCe: No, no...of course not! *she giggles* I'm worn out - tired.
Cameron: Worn out? What...what are you not telling me? 
CeCe: The coach is just pestering me with training, Cam. 
He's hoping I try out for the team this year. 

 Cameron: That's terrific news! You'll be amazing, I swear. 
Being a part of a's so inspiring. I should know. 
CeCe: *she laughs* I haven't even tried out yet! 
Cameron: I already know you'll be wonderful!

 Bea: They think they're so perfect. I hate it. 
I can't stand to think that an attractive guy like him would date someone like...her. 
Adrianne: Bea! *she laughs* You can't say that. Not when they could overhear us! 
Bea: Let them.

 CeCe: I'll be sure I tell him today then. Thank you, Cam, for believing in me. 
Cameron: Of course! 
*the two girls gossip*
CeCe: Are they...are they talking about us again? Because we're-
Cameron: *he snickers* I can't believe people would treat us like this.

 Bea: Hey, Cam. 
Cameron: Can you and your idiot friend please leave us alone? Have you never seen an interracial relationship before in your life? Are you that white? 
Bea: That's what you think this is about! 
Cameron: I fail to see what else it could be about, Bea! 

 Adrianne: Bea, meet me in the hallway outside our homeroom class. 
Bea: What the hell, Adrianne! 
CeCe: Cameron, they...they aren't worth it. Can't you see this girl is running away from you as you scream at her friend? 
Cameron: Ciara-

Cameron: I can't stand people who disrespect us! We aren't any different from anyone else! This...this isn't the 1950s! *he tightens his fists* 
Bea: I didn't say it was, Cammy! 
Cameron: But you probably thought about this. When we first started dating, I bet you did - thought about how wrong it is. Talk to me, BEA!


Alden: Are you f*****g kidding me, woman! 
Gemma: Oh, I apologize, your highness! I didn't realise this was the bigot bedroom. Please excuse me. 
Alden: Yeah, get the hell out of my bedroom! 
A low-life like you doesn't deserve this! 

Gemma: Wow, man. Calm the f**k down. This isn't your bedroom, nor is it labelled as anyone else's. 
Alden: So, you think it should be yours? 
Gemma: I think a selfish, narcissistic asshat shouldn't control everything! 
Alden: How pleasant.  

Gemma: Some people don't sleep on velvet sheets, dude. 
Alden: You're a disrespectful woman with no right to call me a 'dude'. 
I can't believe the way women act sometimes. 
Gemma: Women, in general? Like we all act the exact same?
Alden: You always whine, that's for sure. 

Gemma: And men can't whine? Is that the general consensus?
Alden: We don't bitch like all you lot! 
Gemma: This is everything wrong with humanity! 
Alden: Like a woman would know about humanity! 

Gemma: Oh, you are a insensitive man, and you are a bratty man-child. 
Have fun rotting in hell, idiot. 
Alden: No doubt you'll be there first, lesbian! 
Gemma: So you're a homophobe too? Should've known. 
Alden: You are a sin. 

Alicia: Love! Please, be civil! This is the first night. 
This woman might kill you! 
Gemma: I wish I could. 
Alicia: Please! Calm down and take a shower. Both of you. 

Gemma: I need to wash his filth from my skin. 
Alden: If I find you in my private quarters when I return, you will suffer. 
You vile woman. 
Gemma: I'll suffer, huh? Oh how scary! 
Alden: This is not your bedroom. 

Alden: You do not deserve the finest things in life because you did not work hard for it. I have built a business from the ground floor to the highest tower in all of our shit country. No velvet sheets for a 'manager' of a 'music place'. 
Gemma: You want to actually fight. I would kick your ass. 
Alden: You would cry. 

Alicia: Please, Alden, come and shower. Stop irritating the lady. 
She does not deserve this nonsense. 
Alden: Oh, yes she does. *he pauses* Will you be joining me in the shower, my wife? 
Alicia: *she hesitates* Of...Of course, husband. 

Alden: Do not touch my bed, woman. 
*he glares at Gemma* 

It is at this time that we believe a pre-recorded voice filtered through the hidden speakers and warned the 'guests' of the reasons not to even step foot in the master bedroom. We have yet to locate the recording, as it seems to have been deleted completely.   

Alden: I was not going to touch anything else in the master bedroom, voice! 
I could not stand to see such a vulgar woman sleeping in luxury. 
Gemma: The voice said to get the f**k out, idiot! 
Alden: You too. You don't get any handouts. 
Gemma: Oh, of course. 

Gemma: Suppose I better avoid the bathroom while those two deal with their freaking anger issues. Or, he deals with his while essentially raping his wife
Oh, the joys of straight couples. 


Robyn: It's locked.
Ramona: What even is that building? A storage room? 
Robyn: If it was unlocked, I'd be able to tell you, sis. 
Ramona: Come on, sis, keep searching with me. 

Robyn: Hey, what are you looking at? 
Ramona: This's green.
Robyn: Shocker! It's grass, sis, not a lamp or an apple!
Ramona: How is this grass green? It's covered from the sun-

Villy: Someone muzt water ze grass here. 
Odd to think, zis is not friendly place. 
 Ramona: But water grass in a covered eating area? Makes the place seem perfected or controlled in some way. 
Villy: Ezactly! 

Robyn: This entire place is creepy! I don't really like circuses, but at least all of the other circuses I've been to have been...normal? 
Ramona: This place is not normal.
Robyn: Definitely not. 
Ramona: We need to find out what's going on. 

Villy: Ze ocean. Are we on island? 
Ramona: I...I hadn't even considered that. 
Villy: So, we cannot leave zis place? 
Zat is their plan, is it not? 

Robyn: Who even is the host of this season? Like, season one had Tiger, and season two had the super-attractive Greta, so like...who is it this time around? 
Like another male or something? 
Ramona: I don't think that's the most important question-
Robyn: No, it is! Why couldn't I see Greta in person? 

Ramona: Something tells me we won't be seeing other human beings for a very long time.
Villy: If only I had father's boat with me. We could travel to mainland. 
Ramona: We have no idea where mainland is.  
Robyn: I don't like that.  


Jason: I am not a terrible person. 
Kirk: What? 
Jason: Me, I am not a bad person. 
Kirk: Is there a reason why you had this revelation? 

Kirk: Did you...kill an ant outside or something? 
Jason: *he sighs* You think that is a terrible crime, Kirk? 
That's funny. 
Kirk: Look, for what it's worth, you don't seem 'terrible'. 
That being said, I don't know you. 

Jason: Do you think I'm terrible because I'm not outside finding answers or whatever? 
Kirk: That...that is what...what this is about? 
Jason: I'm used to always supporting everyone with my fantastic skills, and now here I am, dressed in my pajamas, about to sleep. 

Kirk: I...I don't know what to say. 
Jason: Tell me I'm not a terrible person. 
Kirk: Uh, *he pauses, sighing* you're...not a terrible person? 
Jason: That's not very convincing, Kirk. You wouldn't be a very good secret agent. 

Kirk: I wouldn't? Oh. *he pauses* that what you are? 
Are you...a secret agent? 
Jason: Uh, of course not. 
Kirk: Oh. Sorry if I offended you. 
Jason: Offended me? No, no, of course you didn't. 

Kirk: Oh, okay. *he shakes his head* Uh - what was your name again? 
Jason: Right. The name is Montgomery. Jason Montgomery. 
Kirk: Oh, neat. *he stands awkwardly* I like your name. 
Jason: Thanks. That would be my parents' idea. 

Kirk: Oh, yeah, right. Sorry. 
Jason: Why are you apologizing, Kirk? 
Now, where are you sleeping tonight? 
Kirk: Uh...can I bunk with you? 
Jason: I don't see why not. 

Kirk: Uh...thanks, Jason. 
Jason: Goodnight, Kirk. 
Kirk: Goodnight. 


 Throughout the season, entries from the contestants will appear. Our team found diary-type footage of these contestants and matched them with events filmed by the cameras located at the abandoned circus.

Ramona: The first night was...interesting. I couldn't sleep a second because I had to think of so many things. So far nothing really shocking happened, but I'm still concerned about this show. I don't fully trust this. Well, apparently I wasn't the only one who couldn't sleep. Connor couldn't sleep either, so I used the chance to talk to him. I think we got along quite well, and the fact that we both are sick of Alden already made this conversation quite entertaining.  
*she laughs*

Ramona: I hate to say this, but I totally hate that evil guy! Hehe. 
Was his name...Arthur, or something? 
Connor: His name is Alden, and I agree. 
Ramona: Did you hear his argument with...Gemma? 
Connor: Loud and clear. 

Connor: I'm glad you're awake too, Ramona. 
I...I kinda think we'll be close friends. Do you? 
Ramona: I think so. You seem amazing. 
Connor: Stop it. 
Ramona: No, you do! I'm not joking. 

Ramona: I just...I don't feel safe here, Connor. It would be different if we woke up in a beautiful cliff-side mansion, but...a circus? All dilapidated and yet also growing? I'm so confused. 
Connor: I know. *he shudders* I hate to think how someone undressed us to change our clothes. 
Ramona: Can we consider that sexual assault? 

Connor: I...I don't know. We were knocked out, or something. 
When the lights turned off...something happened. 
Ramona: They drugged us! 
Connor: I...I don't want to think about that. Makes me feel sick. 

Ramona: I know; me too. 
Connor: I suppose we should be glad to be alive. 
Ramona: You think they could've killed us, Connor? 
No...they wouldn't. Never. No. 


CeCe: He...he has a girlfriend, Ciara. *she exhales* He was your high school boyfriend...that means nothing to you now. You have a daughter - a beautiful daughter. He...he has a girlfriend, Ciara. *she sniffles* Look at yourself. 

CeCe: Why are you crying? *she wipes her eyes* He means nothing to you, and yet here you are with your hands against your face, wiping away the tears. 
*she shakes her head* He shouldn't have come here...he shouldn't have come here. Tomorrow is a new day - tomorrow is a brand new Ciara Colby. 

*he hums to the tune of Jukebox Hero* 
Cameron: *singing* Heard the roar of the crowd, he could picture the scene. 
Put his head to the wall and like a distant scream... 
He heard one guitar. It just blew him away...

Cameron: *singing* He saw stars in his eyes, and the very next day...
*he twists the taps off* Shit! I forgot to find a towel before I walked in here. 
Dammit! *he sighs* Guess I'll find another way to dry off...


{Day Two}

The second day for the contestants was their first official day of the so-called 'competition'. Sadly, this was not an achievement or something to be celebrated - this was a death sentence. Most contestants should be joyous about the first day of an experience like a reality show. 

These contestants were not facing evictions to later return for the grand finale. These contestants were facing literal death, and none of them could predict it.

The contestants awaken on this fateful day only now remembering where they truly are. Where they are trapped and isolated from the world that is uncaring and unable to find them. These contestants face a cold and mysterious awakening - one that defines the safety of those surrounding and of themselves.

These contestants could not predict that, like most of the airing reality shows, the challenges and competitions are important - crucial. The contestants were too concerned with their location; with why they happened to arrive here and what everything meant. 

Like the cruel voice hidden in the walls, their morning would not be pleasant. 

Jason: Sleep well, Kirk?
Kirk: I...I don't know. It's nothing like my home here, so I suppose I feel a little homesick already. *he pauses* It was good enough. 
Alden: I did not sleep very much. They expect me to sleep in a single. 
Jason: *whispering* Listen to this jerk...

Alicia: I can almost hear the birds chirping...oh, I loved that quiet night's rest. 
CeCe: Do you not enjoy that with your...husband? 
Alicia: Rarely. He complains...a lot. 
Kallistra: Glad to know you are enjoying this alone time. 

Villy: I am awake. Again. *he laughs to himself* Anyone tempted to dine with Villy for breakfast? 
Alden: Unless you plan to serve a five-course meal, I shall pass. 
Nan: More like none shall pass. Not with you around.
Villy: Oh-kay, Villy will dine alone. 

Cameron: Good morning, Connor. Nan. Kai. 
Connor: Oh, uh...morning. *he clutches tightly to the covers* Sorry. 
Nan: You alright down there, baby? 
Cameron: You know what, I'm going to join Villy for breakfast.


Villy: My lord, Villy is hungry today! Zis in not much of kitchen, but I can make do with zit. 
Robyn: I don't even care where we are, I'm just so hungry! 
Villy: Yes, it zeems zat way. 
Robyn: Can you see if there's some eggs in there? 

Connor: Our chat last night...I'm glad you wanted to talk, Ramona.
I think...I think it helped me.
Ramona: Of course, Connie! Can I call you 'Connie'? 
Conner:, no thank you. 
That's...that's my sister's name. 

Gemma: I can't believe you missed the fight last night, Kirk! 
Hey, you listening to me! 
Kirk: Yep. Yep, I am. I...I suppose I should've been there? 
Gemma: Of course you should've been there, idiot! 
Kirk: If it helps, Alden looks...annoyed. 

Gemma: And what do I look like, Kirk? A stuffed gazelle!
Kirk: A...a stuffed gazelle? No, no-
Nan: Can the pair of you quieten down? Some of us didn't sleep well. 
Gemma: I would've loved that master bedroom...

Kallistra: Good morning, dears! Thank heavens they found my suitcase last night or else I would be forced to wear the same outfit for two days in a row! I'm not a homeless! So, how do I look? 
*everyone turns their head in her direction* 
 Robyn: You look fantastic, girl! 
Ramona: Those bows are, like, super adorable! 

Villy: Bad news, friends. 
Connor: You don't like Kallistra's new outfit? 
Villy: No, of course not! Villy loves ze design. 
We do not have eggs, I am afraid. 
Robyn: Nooooooooooooo!


 Kai: What the hell is happening? What sort of sick person changed me into this costume? I am not wearing this tomorrow! This is just cruel...
I...I can't believe it. Honestly, if someone is watching us like a sick freak, let them know that they cruel. 

 Dottie: Civilians! We must remain calm, The worst thing we can do is panic. I suggest we all stick together and search for who is behind this dastardly trick. I suspect this is the work of my arch nemesis... 'Dr Madd'
 Kai: Dottie! She is just a character from that TV show we were in! She's not real!
Dottie: Kid, that is exactly what she wants you to think! 

Kai: Yeah. Sure. Whatever. 
Dottie: Not being real is a cheap villain trick and I for one will not fall for it...not like I did in Episode 341: Detective X and the Imaginary Plot Device. 
Kai: Sure, Dottie, something is definitely fishy about all this. I don't know about you, Dottie, but this isn't what i signed up for. *he coughs*

Dottie: Kid, where is the X-Car? I need to retrieve my equipment from the trunk. My tool belt is on the back seat.
Kai: Destroyed like the rest of the ancient props almost 20 years ago! Do you really think this is the time for a trip down memory lane?
Dottie: Kid, this is the perfect time!

Kai: Stop calling me Kid! I...I had to live with you calling me that for years. I have a name you know. Gee, quit living in the past.
Dottie: Kid, I find that when you are left puzzled, it is best to retrace your steps. Then the solution will present itself....
Kai: My name is Kai Wright! 

Dottie: Kai Wright? Who the hell is that? Another villain for us to defeat? 
Kai: No, that is my name. 
Dottie: O-kay. *Dottie searches around for clues* I have the uncanny feeling that i have seen this place before... It feels very familiar... 
Kai: I'm going to have breakfast.

Dottie: Okay, check in later with any possible theories. Perhaps the villain we are dealing with here is hiding in plain sight? I bet it is that Alden fellow! 
Kai: Yes, he is obnoxious and rude-
*Kai trips over*
Dottie: Kid! Do not die on me today! Kid!  

Dottie: He is dead, isn't he? He does not move. He does not speak. 
Oh, I know who is responsible now! This is the work of...'Dr Madd'.
She will pay for this! I promise on my dead Kung-Fu Kid!  
*he moves an inch, and Dottie flinches*  

Dottie: Kid, what is this nightmare? Are you alive or not? 
Please, answer me! We cannot lie around and let the innocent folks of this city die at the hands of Mr. Glass! 
Kai: Uh....are you still there? 
Dottie: Yes, of course, Kid! You are okay! 

Kai: Leaping Lizards! *he sighs* Indeed I am, Detective. 
Dottie: Oh, Kid, you are back to me once again! Thank the heavens the team is reunited again! What do you say, Kid? Shall we find the villain responsible? 
Kai: I...I do believe we shall. Detective X, I shall lead the way to the X-Car. 

Dottie: Please. This villain shall not reign anymore. Thanks to Detective X and her Kung-Fu Kid, the world will be a safer place. For not just you and I, but for every innocent civilian! Ever!


Jason: *humming to himself* 

It is currently unknown to me the exact reason why Jason consistantly changed his appearance. I believe he mentioned something about his face in a later episode, but we are not there yet. We are here. Day two of the...uncalled for fate. 

Jason: Is anyone in the bathroom? 

Alicia: Shit! 
Jason: Pardon? 
Alicia: Oh, it is you! James, correct? were the one who lied about being the security guard so you could manhandle the ladies? Hm...
Jason: Uh, it's Jason...hey, I-I did not-

Jason: Ma'am, I did not 'manhandle' the ladies! I simply offered my services, considering I was once an actual security guard myself. A butler, too. Oh I was many things, see. 
Alicia: You still tried to grope women-
Jason: I did not. 
Alicia: You didn't have to lie, however. 

Jason: I'm...I'm sorry for that, I supopose. It's my job, you see, not reveal important information. 
Alicia: So, if I can hear this correctly, you're a spy? 
Jason: I'm not a spy! I'm not James Bond. 
Alicia: You seem very quick to argue about that. 

*Alicia slams her hand against the flush button* 
Jason: Look, I promise I won't lie again. 
Alicia: This stupid toilet sucks. I recommend you don't use it. 
Jason: Are you trying to force me to pee myself, lady? 
Alicia: *snickering at the toilet* Of course not.  

Jason: It sure sounds like you wish for me to pee myself, Alicia. 
Alicia: I...I'm sorry, I was just arguing about the plumbing in this horrid place. You know, if you bother to keep this place so...void of vandalism, fix the stupid toilet. 
Jason: I doubt these sickos care for our bladder. 

Alicia: Well, frankly...Jason...I don't give a damn. 
Jason: You don't give a damn about the plumbing or the sickos? 
Alicia: The sickos, young man! Jesus, of course I care about plumbing!
Do you expect the wife of Alden Glass to shit in a bucket? 

Jason: I mean...I don't really know the wife of Alden Glass...
Alicia: You will soon, lying spy-boy. You will soon. 
Alicia: *pausing briefly* Oh, toodles! 
Jason: Uh, okay...goodbye, Alicia. 


It was around 8:13 when the contestants finished their breakfast and began to continue to explore the abandoned circus. Some approached the big top, others explored for hidden clues or the like within the bedrooms, the bathrooms and the backstage glamour parlor - a name given by one contestant in paticular during a future diary entry. 

Two contestants had interesting plans outside, however. 

Cameron: If only I could find the entrance for this patio-like area. There's a freaking easel in there, which I am sure...nah, I don't think CeCe would like it. She's not much of a fan of art, really. She prefers fashion and cars. Yeah. 

Cameron: There's...there's something like a door opposite me, maybe accessed by that other door to the right of the diary-room. *he pauses, confused* Why the heck is there a diary room at an abandoned circus? 

What an interesting question Cameron posed. The answer: the two hosts of The Circus had updated and remodled the abandoned circus upon purchasing it, and of course, their love of reality shows meant including a place for contestants to...vent. 

Cameron: I should definitely try to open that door. Maybe...with CeCe's help, of course. 
Princess: *whispering to herself* This man...who is he? 
He bad man. He...he in disguise. 
Cameron: Hmm...I wonder if she'll be glad to help me out now? 

Princess: *trapping Cameron beneath her* You come to kill me? 
I...can't trust a man, can't trust someone like you. know the saying, like, hehe! Curiosity kills kitties! 
Cameron: Get the hell off me! 
Princess: I know...*she sings* you've been a bad, bad boy. 
Cameron: *he shoves her backwards* What the-

Princess: Why...why have I never seen you, little boy? *she laughs maniacally* I know you are to kill me! *she freezes, suddenly joyous* I...I don't like dragons, because they are scary! Like, so venomous! *she stares up at Cameron* Excuse me, sir, are you a dragon too? 
Cameron:'re insane, girl. 

Cameron: CeCe didn't tell me there was a whacky woman hiding here. I can't believe it. 
Princess: *she screams* No! You work for evil dragon! 
Cameron: I don't know anyone evil. I'm leaving now
Oh, and dragons aren't real.   


10:20, or sometime around. There is movement within the master bedroom of the circus. While we gaze into the eyes of this tragic and yet ever-smiling scarecrow, I'd like to point out that since the closing of Season Three, mister scarecrow here was been promptly destroyed. 

He had seen far too much pain. Poor scarecrow.

Some background information on the master bedroom provided by the previous owner : housed the incomparable Alexandra Olympam for five years during her tour - this is, of course, prior to the reconstruction of the building as a permanent fixture. Her presence, however, can always be felt. 

Now her presence is barely heard over the tragic screams of those who have been lost. No, I should not discuss the deaths any further. 

Dottie: Hello? Anyone in here? 

It is to be noted that four contestants were summoned into the master bedroom by that mysterious voice in the sky. The reasoning for their summoning would be revealed in a few moments, with one of the only surviving messages from the aforementioned voice. 

Voice: Good morning, Dottie Stubbs. 
Dottie: Ah! Who goes there, you coward? Come and face me! 
Voice: Calm down, Ms Stubbs. I'm not here to hurt you. I want to congratulate you. *the voice pauses* You are the winner of this lavish bedroom for the week. Enjoy this privilege.
Dottie: I cannot believe it! My luck did pay off and I am grateful! 
Alicia: You aren't the only smart one here, Dottie. 
Dottie: Who said that? That was not the voice in the sky! 
Alicia: Relax, silly detective, it is only me. Alicia, remember? 

Dottie: Oh, sorry love. Just overjoyed at the occasion. I had not expected to be so wonderful at that challenge. I had been so shocked to be competing in a challenge, after all of the Kid's troubles this morning. 
Alicia: The Kid? I'm afraid I do not know him. 
Dottie: Don't be silly! He's the fellow dressed much like myself! 

Kirk: Are we interrupting anything, ladies? 
Alicia: Oh wonderful. I suppose every other man is...well, a dream compared to my husband.
Villy: Villy is zoked to be here. A drink, anyone? 
Kirk: Uh...I doubt...I doubt they have alcohol for us. 

Villy: Oh...heavens! *he coughs* I am sorry, Villy almost swore in his mother language for the world to hear! 
Alicia: I do believe we aren't being broadcasted. 
Dottie: What? Oh...heavens! That is appalling! 
Kirk: So, uh...what did you think of the challenge? 


Dottie: I do enjoy adventure, I might add. Something about the free feeling of it all, you know. And what features adventure most prominently? 60s comic books! Love them, but hate villainy. Absolutely loathe it. other dislike? Oh, shark repellent. Such a cruel invention for a peaceful creature, swimming around in the calming blue of the ocean. 

Alicia: I do not understand why I have to explain my choices for this stupid thing. I didn't have to do this on my first date with Alden, so why here? I hope you at least consider purchasing me some new clothes. Please. Oh, and I wouldn't object if you could give me my peace and quiet often. I love being left alone. *she pauses* No! I see what you are doing! Just like marriage and bigots, I don't like it! *she folds her arms, sulking*

Kirk: Hey, yeah, I can answer your questions. I came here to compete anyway, so might as well. As long as this doesn't kill me. *he pauses, staring* I'll take that as a "we won't." I like action figures - have since my childhood - and uh...please don't judge me, but...paprika? Love it. I was, uh, at the beach once and my brother told me all about sharks...I've hated them so much. Daytime soap operas too. Also from my brother.

Villy: Oh, yes, hi! Name is Villy! *awkward silence* I shall say my likes and dislikes now, shall I? O-kay! Villy likes untroubled times of childhood and warm stuff - when Villy's childhood was untroubled, zere would always be warm stuff floating around nearby. Villy does not like wodka - it is like Polish vodka but zit is not nice flavour; it is utter garbage. Villy does not like peaches - they do not like Villy's stomach eizer.

To save you the agony of listening to every single contestant's challenge, along with the second half of the challenge, I have cut that footage from this episode. If it is so important for you to witness said footage, I will gladly send that to you in a private email. It is, however, extremely lengthy and boring. I recommend you just ignore it.


Selma: You sure we made the right choice hiring them to murder for us? Why couldn't I just murder everyone, brother? I'm so much more skilled than them. 
Miles: Hey, Sel-
Selma: I know, I know...*mimicing him* "don't complain, Selma. You killed Cory, wasn't that fun?" 
Miles: And wasn't that fun? 

Selma: Yeah. It was. 
Miles: So, you aren't ignored, Selma. You are given the opportunity to kill just as often as I am. Please...have faith in this plan you developed. 
 Selma: Yes, it was my plan. A plan that, thanks to Greta Francis, can earn me exactly what I have wanted.

Miles: Remind me what that is, sister? 
Selma: Oh, Miles, no! We're being filmed right now. I couldn't possibly reveal my brilliant plan to the whole world! *she giggles* 
Miles: Of course not. That was the correct answer too
Selma: You think I'd be stupid? 

Miles: Of course I wouldn't-
*the door opens* 
Selma: *sarcastically* Our murderer! Hooray!  
Miles: Please, come inside. Tell me nobody saw you enter.  

??: Nobody saw me enter. 
Selma: Brilliant. *she sighs* Because if someone had seen you, oh, I'm afraid you'd be killing someone very soon, my dear. Which does bring me to our next topic of discussion. 
Miles: Selma-

Selma: No, Miles, it's time. *she exhales* It's time for you to kill someone. Please don't delay this further. 
??: Of course not. 
Miles: Good luck out there. Remember, you can't kill those safe. 
Selma: It would be a shame if you went against our rules. 

??: I would never. 

It should be noted that, at this time, Dottie, Alicia, Kirk and Villy were all 'safe' from the impending death that would occur at the abandoned circus. The challenge, however, would not be the only form of survival. These villainous hosts enjoyed another form of discipline - one where the contestants would vote for those they wished would die. 

Something much like ostracism, really.  


  Connor: Hey...I'm scared for us. I know...I know there's no psycho murderer running around, but none *he chokes up*...none of this seems normal. 
Nan: I'm here, Connor. You can trust me. 
Connor: Thank you. *he kisses Nan's cheek* I love you. 
Nan: I love you too, Conn. 

~Broken bottles in the hotel lobby
Seems to me like I'm just scared of never feelin' it again.~

Dottie: We will protect these citizens, won't we? 
Kai: Of course we will! It is our...duty! 
Dottie: Yes, our duty! Never will a villain interfere with Detective X and her Kung-Fu Kid! 
Kai: Amen. *he clears his throat* Let's defend! 

~I know its crazy to believe in silly things
It's not that easy~

~I remember it now it takes me back to when it all first started
But I only got myself to blame for it and I accept it now~

~It's time to let it go, go out and start again
It's not that easy...~

~But I've got high hopes...
It takes me back to when we started
High hopes~

~When you let it go go out and start again
High hopes...
When it all comes to an end
But the world keeps spinning around...~


And, with that, I say goodnight. Thank you for tuning in tonight, even as depressing as tuning in may seem for a...disturbing event like the third season of High Hopes. My name is Kyle West and this has been the second episode of The Circus, titled "Shattered Sight". 

Goodnight, and I hope your evening is more pleasant than that of the first night at the abandoned circus. 

Challenge Results:

Twiddle: 8 Correct
Haylo: 7 Correct
Fresh: 6 Correct
Vul: 6 Correct
Choco: 5 Correct
TSS: 4 Correct
Jake: 2 Correct
Yannik: Failed to Submit: 0 Correct