Saturday, March 25, 2017

The Circus, Episode Three: Murder Most Foul

 Episode Three: Murder Most Foul


Hello, my name is Kyle West. I am afraid you best be turning away from your screens for this episode. This is not a happy episode, nor is it an episode filled with glee and contestants celebrating some joyous holiday. This is an episode where no one is happy or elated. This is an episode where the word 'happy' has lost all meaning because all contestants face a dire situation - death.

~The Piano Room~
Announcer: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. You are in for the treat of your lifetime tonight as we welcome the lovely ladies of the abandoned circus to the stage. *the audience applauds* Here they are, performing 'Chains' by Tina Arena...
 ???: Ooh. Mmm hmm. Oh. 

You see, the contestants weren't happy the moment they woke in this desolate circus. Nobody would be. Except perhaps a killer clown, but none of the contestants are clowns. Yet one is a killer...

Alicia: *singing* Your arms are warm but they make me feel....

Alicia: As if they're made of cold, cold steel...

Alicia: A simple kiss like a turnin' key
A little click and the lock's on me...

CeCe: *singing* Can't move my arms, can't lift my hands...

CeCe: I won't admit to where I am...
CeCe: But I know baby, I'm in chains...
I'm in chains...

Robyn: *singing* I pretend I can always leave...

Robyn: Free to go whenever I please...

Robyn: But then the sound of my desperate calls
 Echo off these dungeon walls...

Dottie: *singing* I've crossed the line from mad to sane...

Dottie: A thousand times and back again... 

Dottie: I love you baby, I'm in chains...

Gemma: *singing* I'm in chains...

Gemma: I'm in chains...

Gemma: I'm in chains....

Hey, hey. 

Kallistra: *singing* Should have known passing through the gate...

Kallistra: That once inside I could not escape...

Kallistra: I never thought this could happen to me...

Ramona: *singing* Never thought this is where I'd be...

  Ramona: But baby, baby, baby, look at me...

I said...

Ramona: Baby, baby, look at me, I'm in chains...

 Princess: *singing* I'm in chains

Princess: I never thought this is where I'd be...

Princess: Never thought this could happen to me...

All: *singing* Chains...
CeCe: Baby, baby...
Kallistra: I'm in chains...
All: Chains....
Baby, baby, I'm in chains... 

Selma: *singing* Baby, baby...I'm in chains.
Robyn: Chains...
Princess: Chains... 

*Alicia collapses* 
CeCe: Alicia! Hey, are you okay? Alicia! 
Dottie: Is the white woman feeling tip-top?  
Gemma: It must be her husband, screaming in her face every day. 
Piece of shit.


 [Day Three]
I'm afraid to say that nothing in this episode is joyous. I've analyzed the past two seasons, picking out happy moments with the contestants celebrating. From the moment I began narrating this season, I did not envision those moments happening, but that is the depressing reality. 

Dreams are an escape from a world so desolate and so destructive. 

Alicia: that you staring at me, Ramona?
Ramona: Yeah, uh, sorry. Just...*steadying Alicia* don't rush this, okay? 
Just steady yourself.  
Alicia: Did something happen to me? 
Ramona: Oh? *she nods* Yes, you, fainted, Alicia. 

Alicia: Fainted?
Ramona: Yes...hey, don't force yourself to sit up. You can rest for as long as you wish, okay? 
Alicia: *shaking her head, irritated* Why did I faint, Ramona? 
Ramona: weren't drinking enough water. 

Alicia: Tell me the truth, please. I...I don't do well with lies, okay? 
Ramona: Okay, I'm so sorry. *she clears her throat* Uh, well...there was an... incident earlier and you didn't act so well to it. 
Alicia: Incident? 
Ramona: You fainted at the sight of it. 

Alicia: Can't you tell me what this incident was? 
Ramona: I wouldn't want you to faint on me again. The others already weren't the most accepting of me volunteering to help you, imagine if they knew I caused you to faint again. 
Alicia: Hmm...I don't think I'd faint again. 
Can you show me where it all happened? 

*Alicia moves towards the exit* 
Ramona: Alicia-
Alicia: Yes, Ramona? 
Ramona: You don't remember what happened, but it is traumatic. 
We aren't safe here, we never were. 
Alicia: What happened, my dear?  

Ramona: Someone died. couldn't deal with the sight of it all, and there you went. Straight to the floor. *she pauses* Are you sure you're okay? 
Alicia: Who...who died? 
Ramona: Alicia-
Alicia: I want to know, Ramona. I want to know whose dead body caused me to faint, because I rarely faint. Ramona? 

Ramona: It was your husband. 
Alicia: Alden is...dead? *she exhales* Did you know how he was killed? 
Ramona: We didn't...we didn't want to examine his body without you. 
Didn't think it was right to look at him without you. 

Alicia: I need to see his body. I need to know that you are not lying to me. Please, tell me you are telling the truth. *she sighs* Where is his body, Ramona? 
Ramona: We left him where we found him. The male bedroom. 
It was Nan who found him. 
*Alicia races outside* 

It was true. Nan had entered the male bedroom, searching for his bathing suit to change into. Him and Connor had hoped to swim alone, together in the moonlight of the pleasant evening. He had discovered the body there, and for a moment, he felt the worst feeling he could feel upon seeing a dead body - relief. Then the others heard his calls and Alicia melted to the floor, her husband dead in the male bedroom. 


{The Day Before}

Connor searched the minimal stack of books in the hopes to find something interesting to read - to take his mind off the fact that he was seemingly trapped at an abandoned circus. He had pondered with Ramona about whether it would be wise to wander away from the circus, but both decided that this was a monitored reality show and they would be executed. Most likely. 

Connor: These are all horrible choices. 
Photography 101? Where is my camera then, circus people? 
Alchemy 101? You expect me to whip up potions in the bathroom sink? 

Connor had left Nan in the bathroom, where he was most likely using the toilet. Nan told him he would see him later. Connor knew Nan would not lie. Nan knew Connor would not veer too far from him. 

Connor: There's only one work of fiction here. Wait...oh my god! That's...that's disgusting. *he throws the book at the floor* I'm disgusted. 

Connor: Guess this book on Photography will do. 

He had expected to sit down with the book in his hands - on his lap - and read peacefully to forget about the world surrounding him. Perhaps something interesting would surface in this skill book about Photography? Perhaps Connor could aspire to be a fantastic master of photography like a certain small brown bear? 

Connor, however, would not be peacefully reading for long. This is a reality show, after all, and as a certain woman with a name that rhymes with Stooly Den would say..."Expect the unexpected." 

Connor: Uh, extreme close ups? Interesting. I don't think I would want one of them taken of me. *he flicks the page* Too close, thanks. 

Princess: Connor...hello. Book...what are you reading? 

Princess hadn't meant to startle Connor- no, wait, she most certainly did. Her name is Princess for Christ's sake. Oh sorry, shouldn't offend the Christians who no doubt will be watching this. What I meant to say was...Her name is Princess. Of course she likes to surprise people.   

Connor: You scared me! 
Princess: You scare me often, Connor. *she giggles* I'm not a scary animal...not a scary animal. *she pauses* Uh, did you hear about my friend Louise? Goodbye friend Louise...scary animal found her. 
Connor: I...I just wanted to read a book... 

Princess: Hehe...I just...just wanted to sing and in forest in dreamy clothes and no...oh no. *she freezes* Someone is after me, Connie, and...hehe, the teddy bears are having their picnic! 
Connor: My name is Connor-
Princess: The teddy bears are having their picnic, Connie

Connor: Teddy bears? Princess...Barbie...what teddy bears? 
Princess: He's...he's very scary, and he stole me. *she giggles almost silently* My friends in the forest thought he would...he would...steal my tea. 
Connor: Steal...steal your tea? 
Princess: Yes, my dear wood rodent. 

Princess: *she whispers* The teddy bears are chasing the tea! 
Connor: Hey...I don't understand. 
Princess: A man...he's come here. *she giggles, staring around the room* He's gonna get me! 
Connor: Do you know his name? 

Princess: Hehe. He doesn't have a name, silly! 
He likes to steal names. Like, *she tightens a hand around her throat* I think he's hiding in your boyfriend, Connie...I think he likes stealing tea from men. 
Connor: *he gasps* Princess...tell me the truth. 
Princess: *singing* His name is Nan, his name is Nan! 

Connor: My Nan? What? *he pauses, confused* He doesn't even like tea that much. Why would he steal it?
 Princess: *she cackles* It is not real tea, you baboon...hehe, baboons are funny. I met a baboon with a fancy red cape once. He laughed at my blonde hair. Baboons rarely see blonde hair. 
Connor: Princess? 

Princess: He is coming for me! *she screams* Save me, save me! I'm...I'm melting! 
Connor: I'm...I'm going to go and talk to Nan, okay? 
Princess: He'll steal your tea! Maybe...he's already stolen it? 
Last night? 
Connor: I'll see you...later. 


Princess: cannot catch me, Great Wizard! I know you are the baboon named Nan and I will not hesitate to...hehe, hesitate. Hes-i-tate. Funny word. *she giggles* Wait...*she presses her ear to the wall* Is that a snow leopard? Oh no, oh no...the teddy bear is here to steal my tea! *she collapses to the floor* You will not, you silly baboon! 


Cameron: Opening a simple door shouldn't be too difficult. 

Normally, Cameron would be correct. Opening a door is simple and effective. You grip the handle, you hold firmly without letting go, and then - depending on the installation of the door - you either push or you pull. However, this door was not simple. Nor would Cameron open it. 

Dottie: Detective X is here. You shall be protected from the clueless villains who threaten to harm you, Cameron Powell. 
Cameron: Thank you, D-
Kai: You are of course welcome, with the Kung-Fu Kid at your side! *he waves his hand through the air* You may proceed with care, sir. 

Cameron: Ugh! Open! 
Dottie: It is not strength that opens doors, hero. It is belief. Trust yourself and you will open all the doors. 
Cameron: I...I...I trust myself! 
Kai: That is the spirit, Cameron! 

Dottie: Any sign of the evil Doctor, Kid? 
Kai: No sign. We appear to be protected here. Don't be fooled, Detective.
Dottie: Oh, I will not be fooled today, Kid. If anyone approaches, we will defend. 
Kai: Exactly. *he squints* Someone appears to be approaching the shoreline...

Cameron: It's no use! *he puffs* This's made of brick, I swear. 
Dottie: Do not lose faith, sir. 
Cameron: do you expect me to break open a locked door? I'm not Superman, Dottie-
Dottie: Who are you speaking to, sir? Who is this Dottie? 

Cameron: I...I give up. *he sighs*
???: When one man gives up, another steps up to the plate. 
Cameron: What? *he lifts his head upwards* Was that you, Kai? 
Kai: I said nothing. Kid doesn't intrude.  

???: I'm here to help you, Cameron. 
Cameron: What? 
???: As stereotypical as this all is, I can break down that door! I've trained most of my life. I will not let some measly door destroy my mate's happiness! 
Dottie: *she whispers* Be on alert, Kid. This one could be dangerous.  

Cameron: Wait...I think I know you. *he nods his head twice* Yeah, I do know you. We all know you. 
Kai: Is he a friend or a foe? 
Dottie: Quite the question, Kid. Any possible theories? 
Kai: Hmm...*he eyes the male* quite the stature. Yet he hides his eyes underneath sunglasses. Interesting...

Cameron: Hold on...Jason?
Jason: My name is not important. I serve and protect, and today, I need to break down this door. Out of the way, citizens. 
Dottie: We serve and protect, sir. You are a foe. 
Jason: Out of the way, citizens. 

Kai: How do we know we can trust you, sir? 
Jason: Most certainly, you can trust me. Why, listen to my friend Cameron here. He knows he can trust me. 
Dottie: Is this true, Cameron? 
Kai: Can we trust this...half-naked man? 

Cameron: Uh...I suppose so. 
Jason: *he smirks* See? Cameron does suppose so. Now, stand back. It's time we find out what is hiding behind this dark door. 
Cameron: *he mutters to himself* Now I wish I opened the door myself. 
Jason: Stand back, Cameron! 

Kai: Cameron supposes so, but do we trust Cameron? 
Dottie: Of course we trust Cameron, Kid. He is one of the protected. Orders from the home base, remember? 
Kai: Of course I remember, Detective X. 
Dottie: We must trust this half-naked man. He may not be foe. 

Jason: These guns are fully-loaded. 
Cameron: Hey, Jason...I mean, half-naked can open the door now. 
Jason: Thanks, bro. *he stretches his arms, pumping himself up* Time to open some doors, mate. 

Dottie: Out of the way, Kung-Fu Kid! 
Cameron: Go on, J-sir. *he inhales* Open the door for us. 
Jason: *he kicks the door hard* Ya
Cameron: You sure you don't need my help, Jason? You look-

*he opens the door with ease* 
Jason: I look how, good Cameron? 
Cameron: Well, uh...*he coughs* you look...buff, I suppose. Thanks for opening the door, man. 
Jason: You're welcome. *he pauses* Now, let's explore this bitch. 


Kirk: I surprisingly scored high in something. Well done me. 

For Kirk, his achievement meant everything to him. Even scoring high enough in the first challenge had given him a sense of purpose; a reason to keep pushing forward and score higher and higher. He hoped staring at himself in the mirror would be confidence enough - that he would be suddenly eager to compete again. 

Poor Kirk. Hoping to succeed in a world where those who slept in confidence would lock him in fear; lock him in an abandoned circus for all of those other contestants to ogle at him and taunt him. His hope was not necessarily wasted on the competitions, but he needed to hope for his safety. Or else he would be murdered without any protection at all.

Gemma: *singing to herself* Hmm, hmm...I'm in chains...

Gemma had finished washing her hands in the bathroom as CeCe entered. Both waved, said a quick hello, and proceeded on with their business. Gemma had not noticed Kirk at first - for she had been singing to herself - but soon spotted him and eagerly crept towards the exclusive master bedroom that she had argued with Mr. Glass in. 

Kirk: *scratching his neck* I don't look too hideous. 
I'd find myself relatively attractive, I suppose. 
Gemma: This kid. 
Kirk: *to himself, muttering* Then why you can't find someone, Kirk? 
Are you that stupid and ugly?   

Kirk had rarely discussed this with anyone else. He had discussions in his head about his failing romantic life. As an asexual, his options may be rare - people nowadays wanted sex and lots of it. Maybe his personality had limited him to feel anything for anyone. Kirk loved the outdoors; the open world. Yet there still seemed hope for someone to be with him; to hold him close.

*CeCe washes her hands after a sweaty workout*  
CeCe: Gemma, do you want to go and check out what the others are up to? 
Gemma: Uh....
CeCe: On second thought, maybe I'll see what Cam is up to. 
You know at all?  

 *CeCe turns off the tap*
Gemma: Shit. 

In that exact moment, Gemma thought Kirk would know she had been eavesdropping on him, and instant embarrassment would sink in. Sorry, pun not intended. CeCe would think differently of Gemma if she noticed her standing outside the master bedroom, suspiciously anticipating something to happen inside. 

So, naturally, she decided to run inside. 

CeCe: Gemma? *she sighs* Guess I was talking to myself this whole time. 
I'm still talking to myself. Crap. 
Kirk: CeCe? Is that you? 
CeCe: Hey, Kirk.  

Kirk: Hello, Gemma. I didn't know you were allowed in here. 
*he clears his throat* You know, after that whole screaming match last night, I'd have thought you would rather not enter this bedroom ever again. Guess not. 
Gemma: Shit. 
Kirk: Can we...can we talk, please? 

Gemma: Shit. Shit. 
Kirk: Gemma, I know you're in here. I'm not stupid. 
Gemma: You're imagining things, Kirk! *she whinnies* I'm a horse, neigh! 
Kirk: I don't believe you. Let's talk outside, please. 

Cameron, with the assistance of Jason and somehow Dottie and Kai - sorry, Detective X and the Kung-Fu Kid - had managed to open the door. Switch the lock and break inside. To find what, they had not anticipated. None had pondered that inside would be something different from what the building seemed - an old shed for old props. Cameron couldn't decide on what to think.

Cameron: Jason? What...what is this place? 
Jason: Hmm? 
Cameron: You aren' know...concerned about anything here. All the crimson and red and stuff. It's...very odd, for an abandoned circus. 
Dottie: This is not an abandoned anything, Cameron. 
Clearly a dastardly villain is hiding in here. 

Jason: This rocking chair is comfortable, bro. *Cameron sighs heavily* Look, I know you really had hoped for...whatever you hoped for in here, but this is the reality. Face it sometimes, dude. 
Cameron: The reality is...a villainous lair? 
Jason: If that's what you think, man. 
Cameron: I don't...I don't know. 

Cameron: There's a freaking bath in here. Who would bathe in this place?
Where the room screams "I'm about to erupt while you soak". 
Kai: Neat observation, sir. The room is very distinct and similar to that of a volcano, so I am glad you could distinguish that. 
Jason: Look, dude, I wouldn't judge if you wanted to bathe in here.

Cameron: I...I don't want to bathe in here. *he pauses* At least not while everyone else was in here. 
Dottie: You are protected while we are here. 
Kai: The villainous villain could strike at any moment and drown you. 
Cameron: That's why I'm not bathing here.


Alicia: Hello, my lovely husband. *she forces a smile* 
 You wished to speak to me?

Alicia had woken up that morning smiling. The sun streamed down in through the entrance way. Birds chirped in a tune that seemed familiar yet natural; elegant. Alicia had thought her day would be wonderful - a day packed with joy and hope, and thanks to a peaceful night's sleep away from Alden, no back pain. 

 Alden: Yes, please sit down. 
Alicia: What is this all about, Al? *she clutching to her dress as she sits* You couldn't possibly come and talk to me later? You had to ask someone to come and find me, dear. 
Alden: I just wanted to speak to wife. Is that too much, dear
Alicia: Of course not.   

Alden: Oh good. *he pauses* How have you been, my wife? 
What Alicia wanted to say was simple: I have been definitely a whole lot better without you around, my frustrating and pain in the ass husband. But that is not what she told him. Her answer was much less...insulting. 
Alicia: I've...well, I've missed you, of course. *she clears her throat* I've been decent.  

Alden: That's wonderful, Alicia. I do wish we could have the master bedroom to ourselves, but I suppose it is best to give the poor a taste of what it is like to sleep underneath velvet sheets and drink wine. 
Alicia: There are no velvet sheets or wine-
Alden: So the poor have stolen everything? 

Alicia: The 'poor' have not stolen anything, my love. We weren't given fine sheets and fine beverages to begin with. *she sighs* Sadly, this is not Glass Towers. We are living in an abandoned circus, Al. 
Alden: Do they not understand who we are? You are the wife of Alden Glass, international moneymaker. 
Alicia: They kidnapped us, Al. 

Alden: Kidnapped us, yes, but to treat us well, I would like to assume. Unless they would like to hear from my lawyers. 
Alicia: How do you plan to contact them? 
Alden: Surely we are allowed phone calls. 
Alicia: This is not prison, Al. 

*he shakes his head* 
Alicia: Look, I am sorry for everything that has happened to us. *she clears her throat* I'm sorry we are not the perfect couple. Not that I can change much for that. *she fiddles with her wedding ring* We should never have applied for this damned show, Al. 
Alden: Alicia- 

 Alicia: Yes, Al
Alden: I would not change anything that has happened to us. You know nothing horrid has happened, what are you complaining about? *he coughs* Don't you remember the best of times? Living in that cheap apartment, just engaged...
Alicia: *she fiddles with the ring* How could I forget?  


 An apartment in the inner city. A younger Alden and Alicia are in love; engaged. They rent this apartment, hoping to save enough money to purchase a penthouse. Their life seems innocent and wonderful - but hidden under facades is a different story.

 Alden: Alicia! *he mutters to himself* I wonder what she's cooking for dinner. We had roast beef last night, maybe sausages and mashed potatoes? Hmm...
*he salivates over the thought* Mashed potatoes.... 

 Alden: Are you cooking mashed potatoes in there, my love
 Alicia: Alden, is that you
Alden: It is, just climbing the stairs. *he grips the door handle* Something smells delicious.   

 Alicia: Potatoes are in the oven, baby. That must be what you're smelling, or maybe it's the lamb I cooked for lunch.
Alden: Mmm. Lamb. *he sniffs the air* You know I love my lamb. 
Alicia was the stereotypical housewife to Alden's stereotypical businessman. Yet, like every housewife and business, they were not perfect. They were not 'normal'.   

 Alden: Honey, I'm home
Alicia: Al! How was work, dear? Did you show all of your big business friends how fantastic and phenomenal you are? 
 Alden: Of course, but none of them compare to you. How was your day, Alicia?  

 Their life may have seemed like a fairytale but life is nothing like fairies and happily ever afters. He would come home from work, tired from the busy day, and while he presented a front that seemed genuine and loving, their relationship was cracking and crumbling every night he came home.

 Alicia: I've found a new channel on the television. It's quite interesting, really. I think...I think it might not be your cup of tea, Al, but I enjoy it. *she smiles widely* It only airs in the day, so you'd always miss it. 
Alden: That'll keep you occupied in the day, my love. You complain you're bored often. 
Alicia: That's exactly what I thought.  

. .

 Alicia: Did you enjoy the lamb and the potatoes, Al? 
Alden: I did, I did. *he shakes his head* Wished you had mashed the potatoes. You know I liked them mashed. You know. 
Alicia: I promise I'll mash them next time. I didn't think you wanted mashed potatoes.  
Alden: Of course I wanted mashed potatoes.

. .  

 Alicia: Al! 
Alden: Shut up! 
Alicia: I...*she moans* I...I promise I'll mash the time. 
Alden: *he yells* Shut up, woman! 
Alicia: Alden!  

 Their relationship was not perfect. Their relationship was not peaceful, or charming, or happy. She did not love every time he kissed her; every time they had sex. She envied the couples who seemed genuinely in love. 

He loved Alicia because she did not run from him. He did not know that she would try if she could. She knew he would find her. She knew she would suffer if he found her. 

 Alicia: *from the other room* I'm...I'm going to bed, sweetheart. I'll see you in the morning. 
Alden: Good night, Alicia.

 Alden and Alicia. Alicia and Alden. They were not destined for each other. Once, they had thought they were in love. Now, the distance between them drives them further and further apart. 


Kallistra viewed the ocean for its natural being. A sea of endless possibilities and a sea distant from land. An escape from a world where evil traps people in an abandoned circus. Kallistra understood swimming away would provide only death in the form of drowning, and she wouldn't consider swimming at all. Yet staring into the heart of the sea soothed her soul.

???: Hello, Kallistra. 

She froze. Someone had crept up to her, silent and almost lifeless in movement. She could be killed in an instant and nobody could save her. Not the ocean, not the other contestants, and not herself. Perhaps her teeth could leave a permanent scar, but she had not been prepared to attack. She knew her attack would be weakened under pressure. 

Kallistra: I do not wish to die. I do not wish to die. 
???: What? Kallistra...what are you on about? 
Kallistra: Huh? *she shakes her head* You do not wish to kill me, killer? 
???: Turn around, Kallistra. 

Nan: It's just me. Nan, you know. 
Kallistra: Nan, you insufferable teapot! You scared the daylights out of me! I thought you wished to kill me. 
Nan: I'm not a crazed killer. *he winks* Not that I think. 
Kallistra: Oh, Nan. How can I be of service today? 

Nan: Just coming to say hello. 
Kallistra: That's pleasant, dear. *she pauses* Isn't the water simply soothing? 
I haven't ever lived close to the water, living in the city and all, so it is nice to be so close and listen for the sounds of water. 
Nan: Not much to hear. No waves or anything. 
Kallistra: I know. 

Nan: Anyone game to go swimming yet? 
Kallistra: Hmm...*she stares towards the sky* I do believe Ramona suggested an afternoon swim. You considering joining her, dear? 
 Nan: I have thought, yeah. 
Villy: Villy could not ze bozered. 

Kallistra: Villy! Hello, dear. Lovely to see you. 
Nan: Yeah, hey Villy. No swimming for you, huh? 
Villy: Non. Villy does not szim, nor does he sink. 
Nan: Oh, okay. 

Ramona: Afternoon, guys. *she slips off her shoes* Is the water cold? 
Nan: We haven't tested it, no. Tell me, would you? 
Kallistra: Yes, please, tell us. 
Ramona: You've got it, Nanny. 

Nan: My name is Nan. Nan. Three letters. One-
Ramona: *from the water* Yeah, I know. I'm teasing, Nan! Lighten up! *she giggles* Join me! Join me! 
Villy: I am comfortable watching, zank you. 
Ramona: It's, like, not even cold. I mean, it's not heated...

Kallistra: I do pray she does not get attacked by piranhas or some other ungodly creature. What a shame that would be. 
Nan: Jesus. Don't say that. 
Kallistra: The Games often featured deadly creatures. 
Nan: This...this is not...nevermind. 

Ramona: It's not even chilly, guys! Like, quit complaining! 
Villy: Villy not complaining. 
Ramona: I think I'm just gonna, like, swim for a while. 
I'm serious, it's not cold. 
Nan: No one is doubting you. 

Kallistra: This is odd...
Villy: Zut is odd? 
Kallistra: This...that there is no barrier trapping us from leaving this island. You would expect the gamemakers to wish to trap us here, with no escape. 
Villy: Gamemakers? What do you know of them? 

Kallistra: Hmm...good question. 
Connor: Hey. *he kisses Nan's cheek* You don't want to swim with me, baby? 
Nan: Maybe later, Connor. *he winks* 
Kallistra: I do not know much about these specific game-makers, but I assume they are observing our every move.  

Connor: Okay. *he pauses* Are you feeling okay, Nan? 
You're looking...paler. 
Nan: Yeah, I feel fine. *he laughs* I always look pale. 
Connor: Right. *he laughs* Sorry. We'll talk later, baby. 

Nan: Okay, Conn. *he smiles* You go and swim your little heart out. 
Ramona: Connor! Come and swim! It's not even cold. 
Princess: Ooh, the water is high and the water is...the water is colder. 
Ramona: Don't listen to her! Isn't...isn't she crazy? 

Villy: Hmm...what shall we prepare for dinner tonight? 
Kallistra: Quite the question, quite the question. 
How about...potatoes? 
Nan: Potatoes...just plain old potatoes? 
Alicia: *muttering to herself* We could mash them. 

Princess: The not cold. *she giggles* Water...water is not cold! 
Ramona: See? I told you all! 
Princess: that a sea monster? Is that...oh no, it can't be! 
Ramona: Sea monsters aren't real, Barbie. 

 Nan: How's the water, Connor?
Connor: *he eases himself in the water* It's...actually really nice in here. 
Please, Nan, come in.  
Kallistra: Listen to the wishes of your male friend and join him. 
Connor: Male...male friend? 

Nan: How about...we swim later, together, without anyone else to watch us. 
Connor: Nan! *he twists his head, smirking* I love your idea. 
Nan: Then it's settled. Meet me after dinner, babe? 
Villy: Ah, young love. *he nods* How sweet. 

Imagine if this had been the true ending. The happy ending. Where the contestants could imagine a possibility for a fresh start away from the gloom of the circus. Sitting here, I forgot about the horrible season that would unfold. I focused on the joy and the elated contestants splashing around in the water. My, what I would give for this season to end in this moment. 


The scene at the beach, however, is not the happy ending. It is not the end of the story of sixteen contestants facing the unknown. It is merely the beginning. In every beginning, the world may seem joyous and full of life. As the issue becomes known, all joy is drained. All life fades. 

CeCe: Cam. *she pauses* Cameron. I...I wanted to talk to you about, well, about everything. Last night, really. *she pauses, sighing* I know I have no reason to apologize, but I want to say sorry anyway. I shouldn't have 'cuddled' with you, or whatever happened. I shouldn't. I...I have a daughter, do you care about that? You have a girlfriend...

Cameron: I do care about that. 
CeCe: That's...that's all you have to say. Thank god that you care. 
Cameron: What...what would you prefer me to say? That I don't still love you. 
I couldn't lie to you and I won't lie to you. 
CeCe: Tell me that you understand this is all wrong. 

CeCe: Cameron...
Cameron: *he clears his throat* I'm...I'm sorry, CeCe. Sorry for all of this crap. I...I didn't hope to hurt you, and I know I shouldn't be here. I-
CeCe: I...I'm glad I could see you again. It's been too long.
Cameron: I'm glad, C. I'm glad to see you too. 

Cameron: I don't want to spend the whole time here distancing ourselves and ignoring each other. We're still friends, aren't we? 
CeCe: Of...of course we are, Cam. *she smiles* I couldn't ever hate you. 
Cameron: I couldn't either. *he smiles* How about you tell me about your daughter? 

CeCe: *a wide grin on her face* Her name is Michelle, and...and I love her so much. She means the world to me, you know how that feels. I...I couldn't ever part with her, so it must shock you that I came here. *she bites her lip* I wish I hadn't come here. I left her with my my ex, but I miss her so much. 
Cameron: She sounds...wonderful. 
CeCe: She is, Cam. So was Ben.

Cameron: Your ex-husband? 
CeCe: Yeah. would have liked him, I'd think. 
Cameron: I'm glad you found someone saddens me to think it all ended. I hope I'm not forcing you to remember tough memories...
CeCe: It''s fine. *she shakes her head* He's not a part of my life anymore, that's all. 

Cameron: He shouldn't have ever hurt you. Did he hurt you? 
CeCe: *she shakes her head* Not physically, Cam. No. He...he just became a part of my life that I couldn't deal with, and he agreed. 
Cameron: Do you see him anymore with Michelle? 
CeCe: He'd pick her up, I suppose. He's caring for her now. 
I...can we talk about something else?  

Cameron: *he nods* Sure, of course. 
 CeCe: Thank you for accepting all of this, Cam. I...I couldn't continue staying here if we weren't friends. I still...I still think you're amazing, you know? 
Cameron: Of course. *he smiles* I shouldn't have been so stupid. 
CeCe: Thank you, Cam. 

*they hug* 
Cameron: Well, I think, now that we're friends again, we should investigate. 
CeCe: Investigate? 
Cameron: Yeah. Like...what is this weird shed building? What does it all mean? 
CeCe: I...I'd love that. 

Cameron: I've missed you so much, Ciara. 
CeCe: You too, Cam. *she smiles* Promise we won't forget about each other at the end of all this? 
Cameron: Of course. Yeah, of course. 
CeCe: Thank you, Cam.


One contestant would die that night. One killer would stalk them down, lurking in the dark shadows dressed in the darkest of clothing. Only six contestants were under the threat of death, and now one would be dead. 

Who will it be? 

 Will it be Ramona Hemming, the first to swim in the mysterious waters of the ocean?

 Will it be Barbie Garnet, more commonly known as Princess, the insane woman who scared essentially all of the other contestants?

 Will it be Cameron Powell, who investigated the mystery shed and is eager to find out the truth about a room like a volcano?

 Will it be Kai Wright, the sidekick who protected Cameron after his serious memory-wiping accident inside the big top? 

 Will it be Alden Glass, business mogul, who wished for mashed potatoes and loved his wife so dearly?

Or will it be Kallistra Forrester, the woman coming from the rich heart of the Capitol. Will it be her who is murdered? 

Only time will tell.   


Kirk & Nan: *screaming* Shot through the heart, and you're to blame, darling
You give love a bad name....

Jason: *singing* An angel's smile is what you sell
You promise me heaven then put me through hell...

Jason: Chains of love, got a hold on me
When passion's a prison you can't break free...

 {Later that Night}

He entered the male bedroom without hesitation, grumbling to himself as he prepared to sleep for the night. The bed he would make and lie in it. Nobody would be around to save him. Nobody would be near to hear his grumbled muttering, and he would not scream. 

Jason: You're a loaded gun, yeah
There's nowhere to run...

 No-one can save me, the damage is done...

*rustling sounds* 
Alden: *agitated* Look, I'm in no mood to argue with someone. 
You want to show your face, mystery person? 

The mystery person would show their face. The face would not be filmed by any camera. The mystery person would only be known by Alden Glass, who will soon... 

Cameron: *singing* Shot through the heart, and you're to blame...
 You give love a bad name
I play my part and you play your game...

The mystery person stepped out of the shadows. Only the shadows could be seen. The face hidden in the shadows. Alden Glass had only wished to fall asleep and forget about the horrid abandoned circus he had been trapped in. Yet this story is not one of people falling asleep to forget the trauma. This is a story of trauma.

Cameron: You give love a bad name
You give love a bad name...

Alden: *is kicked in stomach* Ugh, shit. 

Cameron: *singing* You paint your smile on your lips
Blood red nails on your fingertips...

???: You give love a bad name, Alden Glass. 

The mystery person had quoted a classic rock song and Alden Glass had certainly noticed. You may be wondering if I could, from this voice recording, identity exactly who the mystery person was. Sadly, it would not be that simple. No, it would not. 

Cameron & Jason: *singing* A school boys dream, you act so shy
Your very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye...

 The mystery person topples Alden to the ground. The mystery person is powerful and willing; forceful. Alden struggles under the strength of such a person.

Alden: Oh brother! *he moans* I knew you were a bitch. 
 ???: Who? Me? *the mystery person snickers* You're a laugh, Alden. 
Alden: Please! Leave me alone, bitch! 
???: Afraid I can't. 

Alden didn't move. The mystery person didn't move. Nobody moved. Silence enveloped the male bedroom immediately, then enveloped the entirety of the abandoned circus. To the other contestants, Alden had grumbled his goodnights and they expected him to be sound asleep in his bed. No such luck.


There was Nan. Searching for his bathing suit for his late night swim with Connor, the greatest love of his life. The moonlight shone outside like tears cascading down cheeks. The stars sparkled like candles atop a birthday cake, twinkling so brightly before morning whispered them to sleep. 

At first, Nan had not noticed anything out of the blue. He had remembered to be silent, expecting at least one of the others to be asleep in the male bedroom. There was no blood. There was no loud noises. Nan could not notice anything out of place, so he had not noticed anything out of the blue.

Not until he turned around. There he noticed the elephant in the room. The phrase that here means 'an obvious problem or risk no one wants to discuss'. Nan had jumped back, startled. 

Nan: Jesus Christ! *he pauses* Is he dead?  

His question, of course, was valid. Was Alden Glass, business man and mogul, dead? The facts were these: Alden Glass was a terrible man. It was unlikely that any of the other contestants had an inclination to like him - not even his dearly beloved. His attitude was horrid; his personality lacked kindness. It was earlier, before Nan entered the male bedroom, that Alden was attacked and murdered. He could not save himself. He was a victim of domestic abuse. 

Much like his wife. 

Nan had found his body, but it was not him who was impacted most severely. Alden's wife, Alicia, fainted at the scene. Ramona volunteered to care for her first; her sister, Robyn, supported the idea, and soon the other surviving males carried Alicia to the female bedroom for some rest. 

Nan scrubbed himself in the shower that night, feeling plagued by the sight of the half-undressed body of Alden Glass. Connor comforted him, but kisses did not forget what Nan had discovered.  


{Day Three - Present Day}

Ramona: It was your husband. 
Alicia: Alden is...dead? *she exhales* Did you know how he was killed? 
Ramona: We didn't...we didn't want to examine his body without you. 
Didn't think it was right to look at him without you. 

Alicia: I need to see his body. I need to know that you are not lying to me. Please, tell me you are telling the truth. *she sighs* Where is his body, Ramona? 
Ramona: We left him where we found him. The male bedroom. 
It was Nan who found him.

Alicia: Oh...oh my...Alden...

Alicia screamed. The sight of her husband dead tore her in pieces. Sure, he had hurt her and he had broken her, but he had been her husband. In the beginning, he had been her love - the love of her life, truly. It had been his fault for the abuse and the torture, and the hate, but she had once loved him. 

She would always blame herself for his death.
Even if it had not been her fault at all.  

Alicia: Al...Al...please, come on...speak to me. 
She expected him to reply.
Alicia: Alden... 
She expected a whisper. Simply 'Alicia...' would suffice.  
But Alden Glass would not speak again.  

Alicia: Alden... *she sobs* You bastard! 
I...I hate you, you stupid bastard! 
I...I hate you so much, Alden Glass!


Gemma: Ding dong, the bastard's dead. 

The other contestants had all been informed of the death of Alden Glass. Some had acted shocked, hoping to mask other inner feelings. Others, like Gemma De Luca, had expressed their relief and thanked whoever was responsible. Yet there was one question all contestents expressed: who is the murderer? 

Robyn: Gemma-
Gemma: You can't act like you didn't see that coming, you know. He's a piece of shit...well, he was. Now he's dead. 
Robyn: Don't you care for Alicia's feelings at all? 
Gemma: No doubt he abused her-

Ramona: He's dead, Gemma. *she sighs* You can't act like the world is suddenly sunshines and rainbows when we now know someone is targeting us. 
Gemma: It was a mercy killing. Someone was helping us - like a favour. 
Ramona: If that's the case, then you must suggest we owe this killer-

Robyn: Owe the killer? *she shakes her head* Essentially someone else will die. Then payment is complete. 
Gemma: Oh hooray. *she exhales* Someone else will die. Shit. 
Robyn: We aren't in an innocent's game. This is life and death. 

Ramona: If we don't try and escape this circus-
Robyn: We'll all be dead. 
Ramona: Don't think like that, sis! 
Gemma: I mean, who are we kidding? There is a reason why we are here, and if that reason is murder, the end is the last death. 

Robyn: I'm...I'm so sorry for suggesting to come here, sis. 
Ramona: Hey...this is not your fault. You didn't know there would be murder. 
Robyn: I...I didn't not know. You're in danger because of me. 
Gemma: We're all in danger. Not because of you, but because we signed up. 

Ramona: Sis, listen to me. I'm...I'm not suggesting that I love being here, but spending all this time with you and new's different, and kinda exciting. 
Robyn: Murder is not exciting. 
Ramona: Not murder! This game! I...I love competing with you. 

Robyn: I don't want to die, sis. 
Gemma: If we stick together, we won't. Some psycho murderer can't kill us if we're together in the largest group possible. You agree? 
Ramona: I agree. 
Robyn: I...wait, Ramona, where is Alicia now? 
She could...

Ramona: No. The two silly detectives are guarding the master bedroom. There's no way the killer could enter the bedroom unnoticed and kill her. 
No way. 
Gemma: You've checked for hidden doors, miss? 
Ramona: I...uh...why would there be hidden doors in a circus, dummy? 

Robyn: This isn't a real circus, sis. 
Ramona: I know, I know. *she sighs* I suppose the killer could have secret tunnels underground somewhere. Right? 
Robyn: Yeah, I suppose. 
Ramona: Can we not talk about the killer anymore? 

Gemma: I can get behind that. 
Robyn: *she notices Gemma's staring* Hey, Gemma, is there something over there? Like a clue or something? 
Gemma: Uh...I don't think it's necessarily a clue. I thought I saw something moving over there, but I may be seeing things...

Ramona: we know the locations of all the contestants around the time that his murder happened? 
Robyn: I thought you didn't want to talk about the murderer-
Ramona: That doesn't mean I don't want to figure out who it is. 
Robyn: Perhaps we should talk to the others? 

Ramona: I like that plan, sis. *she turns to Gemma* 
You want to come talk to everyone with us? 
Gemma: I think I'll use the bathroom. 
Ramona: Come on, sis. We should talk to...who first? 
Robyn: Connor? Maybe...Jason? 

Gemma: *she waves* See ya, girls.

Ramona: The bathroom's this way, Gemma.
Gemma: Yeah, I know. I'm not an idiot. 
Robyn: Oh. Okay, we'll see you later, girl. 

 Gemma did not need to use the bathroom. She could have, sure, but that was not her focus. Her bladder was not about to burst, no. She had bigger plans - much bigger plans. There was a certain object in the big top that Gemma wished to observe, and thankfully, she would observe it all. The clue would be her own to uncover.

 Gemma: A towel? Really? *she pauses* I could use this. Quite the nice towel, actually. Much better than the crap we have in the bathroom. 

Gemma: Wait...there's something inside....*she gasps* HOLY MOTHER OF THE SIM GOD. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? *she calms herself down* Okay, that someone's tongue? *she gags* I'm disgusted. This is disgusting. 

 Gemma covered the severed tongue with the towel, disgusted and disturbed. It was as she stood up, however, that she gasped once more. This time louder; more severe. She had not gasped so loud in her life. The image in front of her was traumatising and horrendous. The image in front of her was a dead body. 

Another dead body. 


 It was not Alden's body. His body, half-naked and abused, remained in the male bedroom. Alicia Glass did not. Mourning and grieving over him could not happen in the same exact room he was murdered in. She would mourn her loss. He was a terrible husband, she admits, but he was her husband. She was now a widow and she struggled to accept that.

*singing-crying* Cryin' on the corner, waitin' in the rain
I swear I'll never, ever wait again
You gave me your word but words for you are lies...

 *singing* Darlin' in my wildest dreams, I never thought I'd go
But it's time to let you know, oh....

Alicia Glass had not imagined her life without Alden Glass. He was her husband - terrible and cruel, but rich and loving - and he had supported her whenever she had needed support. She would be lying to say that his death was not warranted, but she would not be lying to say that she despised the idea of a killer on the loose.

I'm gonna harden my heart
I'm gonna swallow my tears
I'm gonna turn and leave you here....

All of my life, I've been waitin' in the rain
I've been waitin' for a feeling that never, ever came
It feels so close but always disappears

Darlin', in your wildest dreams, you never had a clue
But it's time you got the news...
I'm gonna harden my heart...


 Someone else was to die. But who? 
Kallistra? Princess? Cameron? Kai? Ramona? 
A rubber duck? A suspicious golden retriever? No, it would not be a duck or a dog. It would be a human and they would be dead.  

{One Hour Earlier} 
The suspicous shed was empty minus one unlucky contestant. 
??: Hello? I was asked to come here to talk. 
I...I assume you called for me....
But who called for this contestant? Was it the murderer who killed Alden Glass? Someone had called for this contestant and it would not be for tea...

 ??: Hello? 
???: Hello! Welcome to my torture chamber! Well, one of many. It's so nice to see you today, my friend, but I do wish you would smile. This is a fun day for you! 
??: I...I...hello, I don't...don't recognise your voice...

 ???: Oh, Cameron. It's me! 
Cameron: *he coughs* Me...who is...who is me? 
He coughed once more. Poor Cameron. 
???: Now, I can't go spilling that information too early. What if you survive, or maybe you scratch my name in your skin? I couldn't risk anything...

 Cameron: *coughing* I...I need to leave...leave this place. 
???: You know, I couldn't agree more. I don't mean the shed. 
Cameron: You''re sick...*he coughs*
???: I'm not the one coughing.

 Cameron: *he attempts to scream*! 
Nobody could hear him. Or nobody would hear him. Nobody would come to rescue Cameron Powell. That much is definite. It was the tragic reality of this season of High Hopes. Your hopes would eventually become wasted breaths of air.

 Cameron: Ugh...*he begins to choke*
???: Goodnight, Cameron. 
Cameron: *he is choking*
???: -you? How sweet. Night night. 

Goodnight indeed. Cameron Powell would not wake up. He had been poisoned by gas, deadly and incurable, and he choked up at the words he spoke. He had suffered for his attempt to forge a relationship with CeCe once more, and he had suffered for investigating the shed hidden behind the big top. He had suffered until he had collapsed to the floor. 

Rest in peace. 


 The curtains had opened. Before, the three girls had not questioned the curtains. They had not bothered to notice that, in fact, this was the first time they had been closed since arrival. The murderer would reveal the body of Cameron Powell. Gemma De Luca would gasp. The murderer would sip tea, smirking.
 Gemma: Shit. *she panics, staring around* Shit. Shit. 
He's...surely he's not dead, not now. Not another person. Shit.

Rest in peace Alden Glass and Cameron Powell. The murderous reign claimed two victims today. The contestants would be scared; traumatized. Their inevitable death would be the lurking dread in their minds. Someone had come to the circus for murderous purposes and the contestants could not escape. 

Or could they? Would they discover an opportunity for survival? 
My name is Kyle West and I urge you this: stop watching immediately. This must be your last episode. I urge you to never again witness the terror that is....

High Hopes Season Three: The Circus.