Saturday, June 16, 2018

The Circus, Episode Five: Fruit of the Poisonous Tree

 Episode Five: Fruit of the Poisonous Tree

It was not too long ago you witnessed the death of two people, unsuspecting of death, simply here for a reality show - one once respectable and calm, mostly. Calmer than mass murder, at least. It is shocking, even to myself, to say that death inside this abandoned circus will strive forward, the forceful panther in the night, and it will claim another, and another, hoping to strike until the innocents are dead. I urge you to switch off your devices now, unless you wish to witness death repeated again.

Dottie: Status report, Kid. 
Kai: No one has entered the building following the arrival of Ms Glass. Those who have passed have passed with ease, advised not to enter inside. 
Dottie: Yes, thank you, Kid. Perhaps you can be trusted for the night shift as I go to lie down in my quarters? 
Kai: I believe I can be trusted to protect, Detective X. 

Kai: Ms Glass has sequestered the building for her own purposes, having, of course, earned her safety from the lurking killer. I will protect her from here, and intervene if need be. 
Dottie: If there is a sound that is not snoring or breathing, you will report it to me, or you will make note of it, for the morning. 
Kai: Of course, of course. 
Dottie: Do not make a fool of yourself, Kid. 

Kai: I would not dream of the day, Detective. You know this. 
Dottie: I am trusting in you. Her husband was assassinated, and there is potential she may well be a target, despite what the voice in the sky may have spoken of her. She is wealthy, as it seems. 
Kai: She will not be targeted or threatened on my watch, Detective. 
Dottie: Good to hear. *she pauses, briefly* Good to hear. 


Alicia: I cannot believe it. 
The footage of Alicia Glass, any footage of her, seemed to stun the viewer, or chill them to the core. Not for her coldness, but for her truth, and her stunning rawness. She was a woman scorned by a marriage torn and battered, and now she stood without the man who had placed her upon the pedestal, for good or for evil. 
Alicia: I don't want to stand here, risking my life, and for what? What...what can we do, and when can we do it? 

Connor: We can't exactly just leave - 
Alicia: No? 
Nan: I don't think abandoning this place to wander around would be the greatest of plans, especially if we are to believe we're on an island and everything. 
Connor: At least here we can find shelter and food...

Alicia: That's a good point. Maybe...maybe we can send someone, or a group of someones, out there and just give us some indication of what is out there? 
Nan: And risk the chance of murder? For all we know, these serial killers could be working together, and if word spread that we were splitting, surely - 
Connor: There'd be one keeping us in, and one forcing us out. 
Alicia: Well that's a horrid thought. 

Connor paused, thought to himself of all the positives and the negatives, and of anything interesting - at least I would imagine so - before he rose to his feet, and he said something no one else in the room had mentioned. 
Connor: We know the two murderers are among us. Perhaps it isn't safe enough to wander off alone. Perhaps...perhaps we all move to the big top, and we stay there. Sleep there, eat there. Live there. 

Nan: Connor - 
Connor: I know it's a rough plan and there are likely to be issues and limitations, like bathroom trips, but...but...
Nan: We have a choice to be comfortable but separated, or uncomfortable but together, hopefully safer. 
Connor: I'd...I'd think so. 

Alicia: Your plan has merit, Connor, I am just...just concerned about certain details of it. 
Connor: I know, it's not perfect - 
Alicia: The others may not agree to it, and we can't be sure to use that as evidence they are murdering us. As you said, we can't all follow to the bathroom. We can move any food that doesn't require refrigeration to the big top. Strip the beds and set up camp on the stage, or move the seats around. 
Connor: It's good to hear you're on my side. 

Alicia: It's the better plan, or at least out of the ones we've had, it will be the smarter plan. We're safer together. Safer here, really.
Connor: Not for forever...
Alicia: No...sadly not. *she pauses, clasping his hand* Tomorrow morning, when everyone is awake, we will talk to them. 
Connor: Let's hope they see eye to eye. 

Nan: See, Connor, your ideas can be helpful. 
Connor: Yeah...let's hope so.
 The idea to group together and guard each other seemed, in that very moment, to those three individuals, to be a logical and effective move on their behalf. I must warn you now that life is crawling with imperfections and unfortunately for Alicia, Connor and Nan, the decision to move all survivors to the big top would come undone, just as a spool of wool would unwind.

Nan: Oh I really don't want to be looking at that right now. 
The greener bedroom, for the male contestants. The scene of a murder. 
Connor: What are we gonna do, burn it? 
Nan: *he glances to Connor* I don't think that's necessary. 
Connor: Yeah...I guess not... 

Kirk: What are you two talking about now? Did you really suggest we burn a mattress because...oh, I guess we did find a half-naked corpse here. 
Nan: I found a half-naked corpse! Me! 
Kirk: Yeah...what the...
Nan: I...maybe burning the mattress could draw attention to us, to the circus? 

Kirk: Do we even know how close we are to actual human civilization? Would sparking a fire...would that do much at all? 
Nan: We've gotta be optimistic, dude. 
Kirk: You're right...
Nan: God I can't even catch a glimpse of it. All I see is his collapsed body, right there...

Connor: I...I wouldn't have liked coming in here to see that, at all - 
Nan: Trust me, not a fun experience. 
Kirk: And...and he wasn't just dead either...oh my...
 Connor: Yeah, I know right...hey, Nan, did you get a look at his -

Nan: Wow, okay, I,, I didn't. 
Connor: Oh thank god. 
Nan: We...we shouldn't be talking like this. Alden died and we're here staring at the scene of his murder and talking about his...well...
Connor: Yeah...I know.

Kirk: Okay, uh, we...we need to decide if we're doing anything or...if we can just sleep tonight and worry about it later.
Connor: *whispering to Nan* Should we tell him? 
Kirk: What...what are you telling me...
Connor: Nan, Alicia and I have a plan we're really considering right now.

Nan: We think it would be best if everyone moved from the two bedrooms into the big top, which is large enough to hold everyone comfortably and safely together. We...we'd strip the beds when we move in. 
Kirk: Oh...oh, okay...
Nan: We're thinking it'll be best to inform everyone tomorrow morning, as early in the morning as possible, so we have the day to move and settle. 

Kirk: I, uh...I don't really know what to say, I'm not sure how that'll work - 
Nan: We'll be planning everything together, how going to the bathroom will work, how food will be stored...why attempting to flee is a bad idea. 
Kirk: I have no ideas myself - 
Connor: So you're all good with it? 

Kirk: If it means we don't have to come here again...I'm in. 
Nan: Something tells me moving to the big top won't exactly wipe the slate clean of murderous memories...
But, perhaps the transition would solve something? For the surviving contestants you see before you, hope was the branch they clung to, but it was snapping. Snapping ever so slowly.


Lamplight casts shadows, as does light in itself, for the casting of light is an imperfect form that cannot thrive without darkness to expel. Some of that darkness will almost always cling to the light and the shine. The darkness will always lurk, surrounding us. For the contestants of the third season of a reality show with more minor flaws, the darkness had arisen and a simple lamp perched upon the dresser would not expel it...

 An unexpected sound. Something like human footsteps, but softer, and yet echoing, but perhaps merely in her mind...merely in Alicia's own mind.
Alicia: It's been a long day, all of these days have been. 
I wish I could say the days would seem shorter, for then I could be hopeful to say the days were more joyous and enjoyed. No, the days would continue to be long, and the hardships would not halt. 

Alden: I see what a lovely funeral was held for me, despite how influential I was and all. You are doing such a wonderful job succeeding me, Alicia. 
And from the moment she began to stare at herself in the mirror, footage was...distorted. I remember viewing this particular night for the first time and...and I felt an overwhelming sense of something unnatural, as if I was being watched. I cannot confirm if the circus became haunted or if...or if Alicia was simply hallucinating. 

The footage for that very night became something of uncertainty among those piecing the footage together, as well as among myself and the others involved in audio. Alicia was...she was terrified of...of something we believe to be her husband's ghost, but some claim to see him standing there behind her, and others...others cannot see him at all.

Alicia: I tried for a proper funeral! I...I...I tried, I truly tried, but all they...all they cared about was the in- was the other one, Cameron...
Some viewers claim to have heard his voice whispering in her ear: 
Alden: You will be murdered soon enough, Alicia.
I myself heard his voice. It was chilling to the bone.  

Jason: Alicia - 
Alicia: *gasping, startled* Good lord, Jason! 
Jason: Oh, I must have startled you, sorry about that. I...I was just about to turn off the light out here and head to bed. Just thought I'd check in on ya. 
Alicia: *sighing, breathing* Oh, I'll be off to bed, you can turn out the light. 

But was she okay? The lamplight in this shot, for certain. It was still an illuminated room, and yet the colour was no more yellow. It was blueish, a sort of grey tone to it, and she seemed more startled in that lamplight than if she had been illuminated in the soft yellow glow. Here, the word illuminated means lit, or brightened. Alicia Glass was not brightened well.

Jason: Hey, Alicia, how about we talk for a little bit? 
Alicia: What did you want to talk about? 
Jason: You, simply. 
Alicia: Oh, Jason, I'm afraid...I'm the divorce was all too recent to recount upon the days gone by and...and...
Jason: Don't worry about chatter then. 

Alicia: Thank you...thank you, Jason.
Jason: Whatever it is for, you're welcome.
Alicia: I'm thanking you for even wanting to talk, whatever you hoped to talk about. I...I do want to talk, and I will,'s all so raw. 
Jason: I will be here whenever you want, and so will anyone else. 

Jason: I'm sure we're all supportive of each other here...well, maybe not the murderers, but everyone else will be by your side, no matter what - 
Alicia: The...the murderers are coming for two tomorrow...
Jason: They said you'd be safe -
Alicia: I don't know whether to trust that. 

 There was an extended moment of silence between them, staring at each other, or staring someplace else, somewhere else. When Alicia no more wished to stand up and stay idle, she moved to the bed and slid underneath the covers.
Alicia: I think I'll sleep now, Jason. Perhaps we can talk in the morning? 
Jason: Perhaps we can. 
Alicia: Are you sure you don't want the other side of the bed? 

Jason: I appreciate the generosity, Alicia, but...but I better not invade on your own space. *he fumbles with his hands, only briefly* I'll see you in the morning, Ms Glass. 
Alicia: Goodnight, Jason. 
Jason: Goodnight then. 

And with that, Jason exited the bedroom and paced towards the lamp in the smaller living space of the tent. He was unaware, all were, that even with the simplest of warnings - that two would die the following day - it was not possible to avoid these deaths, nor was it at all possible to predict them. The targeted would fall. Tragic as it seemed. 

I struggled to watch this footage with every day that passed. 

[The Next Day]

A high-pitched scream. The brashest sound that morning. The cry of murder, of agony, of suffering in the weakness of pain. A convulsion. Had a victim suffered? Without vision, perhaps you thought so. Staring at a blank screen, you would imagine the suffering, and the wilting like a pansy or a daffodil. Or a rose. 

Had someone died?   



Kallistra: *a high-pitched scream* SOMEONE HAS TAKEN IT! 
Ramona: What...what's been...what's been taken - 
Kallistra: You must be all blind idiots if that isn't obvious! Someone has entered the tent in the dead of night and stolen all my hair! 
Robyn: Your...your

Dottie: I am present, I am here, what is the pressing matter? 
CeCe: Someone has...well, seemingly stolen Kallistra's hair. 
Dottie: Well, we can solve this case, yes we can! This here is the crime scene, so please, where is the evidence? 
Kallistra: I...I...I...

Kallistra: I cannot believe this! My luscious locks tragically stolen from me, and there is word that...that this is the game I suspected it to be.
Dottie: What did you suspect it to be, dear? 
Kallistra: It is a game of murder, and...and deceit, and...and there can only be one survivor...

Dottie: You must not say such a thing when there is a crime to be solved! Someone has stolen something quite extraordinary and important from you, so we must be vigilant and search everywhere - 
Kallistra: Please, let me be - 
Dottie: Who would do such a thing? 
Kallistra: Please! Let me be! 

CeCe: Dottie, maybe it would be best to let her calm herself down before we start harassing her with questions - 
Dottie: Who is this...Dottie? 
Ramona: *whispering* Who does this weirdo think she is, not knowing her own name? 
Robyn: *whispering* I know right. 

With teardrops slithering down her cheeks, the peculiar woman with no more hair fled from the crime scene to somewhere greener, wherever she thought that may have been. The disappearing wigs were just one in many disappearances - soon, clothes could not be found anymore. 
Dottie: Hmm...where could one possibly store all that hair? 
And who...who could have been so cruel? It couldn't be...

Dottie: Perhaps...perhaps there are clues hidden in these here drawers, perhaps we take a look-see...
Kallistra had ran. Disappeared, but not from the face of the earth, and not entirely. Simply - the word 'disappeared' here means she could no more be seen in the girls' bedroom, for she had ran towards the water's edge, the shoreline. 
 Ramona: Should...should we?
CeCe: Let her calm herself down. 

Robyn: I'm gonna go change and use the bathroom, are we all good in here?
She leaves.
Ramona: Uh...nothing else was taken from the drawers, yeah? Like...not my clothes? 
Dottie: I cannot seem to notice any other articles missing, so it seems someone must be targeting Miss Forrester. Such a tragedy indeed. 

Ramona was still, shocked, almost bewildered, her hand lingering on the golden-coloured handle. It was certainly not true gold, not real, simply a colour. 
Ramona: Okay...thank god. 
Dottie: I will call upon the Kid and we'll cordon of this area. The culprit will be captured, and no more will be forsaken. 
Ramona: Okay... 

The disappearing act of the vibrant wigs was never to be solved, at least not in the case of who had magicked them from grasp. The magician who poofed her hair in thin air, not to be seen again. Or perhaps not. 

The following day, Kallistra Forrester would discover one of her wigs tossed nonchalantly upon a hay bale. No explanation, no culprit. There would have been. Yet there was no filmed footage of it. One morning they were nowhere to be seen, the next she found one lay waste in among the world...


Robyn: Why are you in here, moping about? 
Ramona: I'm not...I'm not moping...
Robyn: Yeah, okay, whatever. You're just sitting on the floor, hands to your face, head down, because you're so freaking cheerful that we might be getting duel-murdered today. 
Ramona: You don't have to say it all like that, Robyn. 

Robyn: Look...I guess I'm a little too tense right now, and fair enough, this isn't a comfortable situation. I...well, I thought you'd hate me by now, for suggesting we come here to this show, so maybe...I don't know, maybe I'm not sure how to react. 
Ramona: I...I didn't think it could actually get this serious. 
Robyn: Neither did I. *she exhales, lowering her head* This was not my intention. I'm...I'm so sorry, Mona. 

Ramona: haven't called me that in forever. You rarely call me that, and...and I suppose I kinda know why. 
Robyn: Hey...don't beat yourself up over this - 
Ramona: This is all my stupid mistake - 
Robyn: You didn't know people would be murdered, you didn't know! 

If you had told Robyn and Ramona upon signing up for the reality show that there was potential for them to be brutally slaughtered inside the tents of an abandoned circus, likely neither would have signed up. Yet, deception and omission present themselves as truth, so for the twins this opportunity seemed perfectly normal. 

Tragically, not so perfectly normal it would be. 

Ramona: I...I don't want to say this is your fault but...but I suppose you wanted to come here, so part of it is, but then...I said yes, and I got excited for it - 
Robyn: I know what I did wrong. I asked you to do something that was unexpected, and look...look where we are...
Ramona: That's...that's not even why I'm here, feeling sorry for myself...

Ramona: I...I don't hate you for this, I don't think I'll ever hate you, but...but I know I've done something terrible that you...that you might hate me for - 
Robyn: What...I couldn't hate you for anything...
Ramona: I don't know, I just - 
Robyn: Hey...whatever it is, I won't hate you for it. 
I'm here, and I won't leave. 

Ramona: I...I was the reason our parents were in that car accident. *she exhales, heavily* We...we were in the car, and...and if...if it hadn't been for me, they'd...they'd be alive right now. 
Robyn: Ramona...
Ramona: No...they were picking me up...I could have walked, or caught a bus or something but...but I didn't...
Robyn: No...

Ramona: I'm so sorry, Robyn...I'm so sorry...
Robyn:, it can't be your fault...they would've wanted to pick you up anyway, they...they wouldn't have let you walk home alone...
Ramona: It's all my fault...
 Without filmed footage of the accident, who is to say who is at fault? Without filmed footage of the murderer, who can point the first finger at the sinner?

CeCe: two, we're needed in the big top, there's some important announcement. 
Robyn: From these sick bastards who host the show? 
CeCe:'s from Alicia, Connor and Nan, actually. 
Ramona: *mumbling, weakly* What...what's this about? 

Robyn: Couldn't we stay's just...Ramona and I were talking, and we still are talking, I just don't know how important all this is. 
CeCe: I wasn't told much, but they've said it's something we all need to hear, some plan they've concocted from last night or something. 
Robyn: A plan? Do they want to leave here? 

CeCe: I don't know. 
Robyn: Uh, okay, we'll be out there in a bit, I guess. I just need to make sure she's okay, she, uh, isn't feeling the greatest - emotionally - this morning. 
CeCe: Yeah. *she pauses, exhaling* It's gonna be tough on all of us, being hit with such a horrid twist of fate. 
Robyn: Yep. *she gulps* And...and I asked her to come here with me...

CeCe: You can't make yourself feel worse because you think this is all somehow your fault, Robyn, because maybe you were there to ask her to come here, but she came all on her own too, and...and we didn't know what we truly signed up for. 
Robyn: I keep trying to tell myself that, but...
CeCe: I had to say goodbye to the guy I once loved after just reuniting with him. It hurt me so much, but...but I can't blame myself. 

She couldn't blame herself. Or could she? 
Robyn: I...I still can't believe someone would just...just kill him, and for what? 
What the hell is wrong with these people? 
Could these people she speaks of be blamed solely, and why? Why were they here for the blood? 
CeCe: I don't...I don't know how a person's brain could work, not like that.   

Robyn: *whispering* Listen...Ramona is a little scarred by what happened to our parents, try not to bring it up or talk about them, if you can. 
CeCe: haven't told me what happened to them - 
Robyn: I don't want to, and I know it would help me to talk, but - 
CeCe: Your past is your own, so I won't force it from you. 

Robyn: Thank you, CeCe, for being there for both of us already. 
Ramona had disappeared from the reflection of the mirror. 
CeCe: Of course. You've been there for me, with...with what happened these past few days. 
Had she heard them? Had they noticed her disappear? Yes and no. For both.  

Perhaps if we could have read her thoughts, we could have known what was inside her mind in this very moment. Her body language merely tells a portion, or a slice, of her thoughts and her emotions - she was conflicted, and she was panicked still, and she was...she was entirely human, shifting constantly. 

CeCe: So you'll be coming out to the big top in a moment? I think we're only waiting on you two and...and there was someone else, Gemma maybe? 
Robyn: Yeah...we'll be there. *she pauses, whispering* I need to talk about something first. 
CeCe: What's up? 
Robyn: *whispering* I, uh...*she leans closer, her voice softer* I was thinking...what if...what if she's one of the killers? 

CeCe:, she can't be, she's so...she's so friendly, and she's your sister, Robyn! 
Robyn: I know. It hurts to even consider it, but... *she pauses, sighing* I came in to find such a broken down Ramona, and...what if that's guilt? 
CeCe: *whispering* From committing murder...Robyn, no - 
Robyn: I don't want to believe it either. 

Had Ramona heard everything? Or had she heard nothing at all? Why was Robyn willing to discuss this when she knew Ramona was in the room with her? Did she truly believe her sister to be a psycho murderer, or was she hoping her sister would disprove the accusation? Many questions spawned from this scene. Further proof the contestants began to overwhelm themselves.

Further proof that while the devil may be lurking just beyond, humans themselves are not quite exempt from dipping in the shallows of insanity...

Nan: Come on in, Gemma, sit on down. 
Gemma: I'm getting there, dude. Chill. 
Alicia: I believe we're waiting finally on CeCe, Robyn and Ramona. They should be here any moment, I know CeCe went for them.  

The circus entrance was once the inviting wonder for all to ogle, and yet during the filming of this tragic season, it looks far too similar to a tumbledown hospital, perhaps for the criminally-insane. The curtains seemed to be have been replaced before the contestants arrived, and yet soon looked tattered again, holes aplenty. The sunlight tinged an odd colour coming in. The entrance looks now depressing and more of an exit. An exit to somewhere horrible.

*coughing, a harsh sound* 
Robyn: You right there, Cece? 
CeCe: Yep...*she coughs more* I'll...I'll be fine...
Robyn: You sure about that? 
CeCe: *she coughs, again* Yep... *she coughs*  

CeCe: It's this place...the dust, I mean, the dirt and stuff. I've always been a little allergic to it, especially so much of it. *she's become so focused on the signage* Stupid circus...
Robyn: CeCe? We ready to head in? 
CeCe: *snapping out of it* Yeah, sorry, zoned out just then. 
Robyn: What were you thinking about then? The circus? 

CeCe: Yes and's not that simple, really. 
Robyn: It sucks being here. 
CeCe: I don't think that really covers how I feel, but it's good enough for now. It really sucks. Hell. 
Robyn: Let's hope this meeting or whatever proves for something good then.   

Ramona: Robyn...
Robyn: Hey, Mona, there you are -
Ramona: I just went to the toilet, sorry. Everyone's meeting in here then? 
I couldn't find anyone, so I assumed...
Robyn: Yeah, you're just in time, come in with us. 

Ramona: Thank you for calming me down back there, Robyn...I needed your support, I always do. 
Robyn: Of course, sis, I'm always here for you. 
Ramona: Do you know why everyone went in here? 
Robyn: I don't really, CeCe might have a better idea. 

CeCe: I know it's some sort of group meeting, some of the others have something to talk about - Connor, Nan and Alicia, I think. 
Robyn: You're all good now, sis? 
 Ramona: Yeah, I'm fine. *she smiles* Let's go inside then. 
CeCe: Okay, let's do this. 

A patient walking the halls, deemed insane, an unsavoury term, but a term nonetheless. A contestant walking inside the big top, deemed terminal, a fearful word, but they cannot help the target painted on their back. 

Robyn isn't a patient, at least not at this point in time. But she is the contestant, and the threat of murder is forever looming...

CeCe: Sorry for the holdup, everyone. 
Nan: All good, come on in and take a seat somewhere. 
Thalia: OMG! Wow, that's so generous Tiger Nan. 
 Nan: And...that's everyone now, thank you all for coming. 

Ramona: There's two seats next to Gemma, do you wanna sit there? 
Robyn: We can, we'll sit there. 
Ramona: Okay...sounds good! 
Robyn: Yep, better than sitting alone in the third row anyway. 

Connor: So, uh, thanks everyone for meeting with us. Uh...I'm probably not the best of us to talk about this, so I'll probably let, uh, Nan or Alicia explain, but...we talked about it last night and think this is the best course of action. 
Nan: That's exactly right. Probably should wait for those three to sit, huh? 
Connor: Yeah, okay, sorry...
 Nan: It's fine, you're fine. You're doing good. *he smiles at Connor, winking*  

On this day, the contestants gathered in the big top with the essence of hope within them. This promise, from Connor, Nan and Alicia, seemed just out of reach and yet it seemed to be drifting slowly towards them. Fear of the victim toll rising was present within the minds of all, including the minds of the murderers. Of course, it wasn't fear for them. It was anticipation.

Villy: Vut do you vink this is about then? 
Kallistra: Interesting question you pose, Villy sir. I personally believe this to be a meeting for the sponsors to delegate their gifts to us, so perhaps...perhaps those three were contacted last night? 
Villy: Zat is possible, perhaps, but vut sponsors? 
Kallistra: Yes, sponsors! 

Kallistra: Perhaps they are returning my stolen wigs! Oh, I was truly a mess when I found out, but after screaming at the dreadful ocean that surrounds us I have come to my senses and I know that the sponsors are preparing more decadent, more...more beautiful wigs as we speak! 
Villy: Vhy vould someone steal thy wigs? 
Kallistra: This is a game, Villy. Only one victor can survive. 

Robyn: What the f*** are Villy and future girl talking about? 
 Genuinely can't hear them, I'm too far away. 
Gemma: Oh nothing of substance, trust me. 
Ramona: We're all here now, you think they'll explain all this? 
 Robyn: That's something I'd say...

Nan: Okay, let's get down to business - 
Connor: Wait...where'd Princess Barbie go? I thought she was here? 
Alicia: Are you serious? It's fine, if she were here the information would go right in one ear and out the other. Someone'll explain to her later. 
Nan: This just messed up my plan.   



Nan: Okay, let's try this again...Thank you all for coming, not like you had much of a choice. Connor, Alicia and myself were brainstorming ideas last night of how we can protect everyone and prevent...well, a massacre. So...we've decided - 
Alicia: We'll be camping out here in the big top! 
Nan: Thank you for cutting me off, Alicia. 
Alicia: You're welcome, Nan. We know it'll be challenging, but we have thought about how all of this will come together.  
Villy: Ooh marvelous! 
Kirk: Uh...are we bringing beds in here or do we have to sleep on these chairs? I don't think my back can take sit-sleeping...
Nan: No, we'll be bringing the mattresses in here - 
Jason: While I admire your openness to ideas -

Dottie: Ain't no Detective like me sleeping on a mattress on the floor like some criminal. 
Jason: I was speaking, ma'am - 
Dottie: Oh were you now, boy? You gonna tell them how horrid an idea this is or were you ready to kiss their asses? 
Jason: What flew into your coffee this morning? 

Kai: I think what the Detective is hoping to say is that while you have such courage to present this idea to us, it would be best if we stay in the assigned bedrooms and continue to search for an escape, rather than locking ourselves in one singular space. 
 Dottie: Kid, I can speak for myself - 
Kid: I spoke for you, because you were being aggressive - 
Dottie: I was not, I was not being aggressive - 

Nan: Anyway...if you were to all agree upon it, we'd bunk in here together, protecting each other, with two on guard duty in cycles, to lessen the chance of the murderers striking and killing us all...unless we happen to pair them up together during a night shift. Maybe three a shift, then? That sound better, guys? 
Connor: If...if you're gonna go anywhere, tell us and be safe, find someone you can trust. 

CeCe: What if the person we trust and take with us is the murderer, or one of them, and then we're dead in the toilet? I completely support your idea, guys, just a little question...
Nan: That is a good question, and because we don't know who is killing us, uh...maybe trust no one fully, just yet. 
CeCe: O-kay then...

Kallistra: If we're bargaining, I would like someone to guard my personal possessions, for instance my clothing and wigs, once they've been returned to me. I do not think that is too much to ask. 
Alicia: We...we can't be having everyone guarding everything, so just guard your things extra carefully? 
Kallistra: This smile is fading, dear...fading. 

Jason: Now let me return to speaking. Thank you. 
As I was saying, while I admire your openness to ideas, I will have to disagree with the thought of us all moving in here, because - 
Gemma: I don't know comfy a mattress on the floor will be, especially in here - 
Jason: Excuse I was saying, I don't believe we should all stay in here, as the murderers could simply mass-execute us all in one foul swoop. 
Thank you.  

 Gemma: Hey, Kirk! What are you doing?
 Kirk: I'm siding with...with those three...I think it would be smart...

 Gemma: No, what are you doing right now? You're gonna fall of your chair, man.

Kirk: Oh gee, thanks...thanks, yeah.

 Dottie: I must side with this fellow standing up, because if I recall one of the various tactics from the plunders, Dr Madd once attempted a mass-execution on the fifth floor of an abandoned warehouse, but of course failed because of myself and the Kid! 
Jason: Thank...thank you for your...for your support, then. 
Dottie: Of course, sir. Dr Madd cannot fool me again.

Robyn: What do you think, Ramona? 
Ramona: I don't know...I want to sleep on a proper bed, not a mattress on the dirty, dusty floor, but...I don't want to be murdered neither. 
Robyn: you think the strong men could carry our bunks? 
Ramona: Strong men? I don't think I can see them...

Kirk: You guys have my support, that I've saved myself from falling from this chair and all that. 
Jason: Are you volunteering to stay awake all night and make sure no one comes creeping to slaughter us? 
Kirk: Oh, you shouldn't trust me for that - 
Jason: Then who should we trust? The gays? A widow? A flimsy curtain?

Alicia: Jason, sit the hell down. You think that'd be a money-making sitcom? The Gays and the Widow: Fabulous and Missing a Husband...oh my - 
Nan: No time to think about sitcoms, Alicia, that was last season's cast.
 Connor: I wish we could still watch the sitcom here, in this circus...
Alicia: Back on topic...we recognise your queries, Jason, and we will talk with you about them, but -   

Nan: But first can I circle back and talk about Jason's comment. 
Alicia: Do what you would like, Nan. 
Nan: I don't feel as though you should label myself and Connor merely for our sexuality, as it would be like calling you Jason the Straight. And for that, Alicia is a more than a widow. We are all more than our labels, damn even the murderers are more than murderers, but we must stick together through all of this, and the best way to stick together is by guarding each other in this very big top!  

Alicia: Exactly right! 
Jason: And if we come here, and we protect each other as you say, as a collective are we to all eat, shower, pee, all that, together? 
Alicia: If it means we stay protected and safe-guarded, then yes, let's. We obviously cannot, however, with what little space we have in the bathrooms, but there is room for collaboration and discussion, like we are now. 

Ramona: Why propose we leave the comfort of what's been offered to us? Why don't we just all sleep in the bedrooms? Together, though? 
Kai: As in...we share the beds? You looking to get awfully close with the murderer?  
Dottie: I oppose this, truly, but perhaps someone else to guard would be nice...
CeCe: This is a disaster...good God. 

 Alicia would have hoped to be successful, as her husband had been in his own ventures, but heads were shaking, even among the whispers of those who supported her, Connor and Nan. There was Jason, who would never come around to the idea, because there was something all to familiar about it, and so he opposed her. He shook his head, and she hoped not to care. But she knew the decision would never pass with digression looming...

Kirk: *singing to himself* I've got my head in the clouds...uh, something something...what are the lyrics again? I can't remember. 
The water would've been cold. There isn't much of a hot water system at the circus, considering it was always seemingly on the road. Hot water promises comfort. Comfort promises joy. This wasn't ever to be joyous, not for the contestants. 

??: We'd like to talk with you, Kirk. 
???: We have reason to believe you may perchance have information surrounding the disappearance of Ms Forrester's wigs. 
Kirk: Uh...what...what wigs? 
??: Kirk, you can be honest with us.

Dottie: Early this morning, Ms Forrester discovered that her precious wig collection, and a large portion of her clothing, was missing from the bedroom. Do you have any information surrounding this occurrence? 
Kirk: I, uh...I didn't even know her things were, uh...stolen from her - 
Kai: That's exactly what the burglar would say! 
Kirk: I...I didn't steal her wigs! 

Dottie: Listen here, mister: someone has stolen something valuable, and without immediately fingering the murderers, we need solid evidence it wasn't you - 
Kai: Uh...Do-Detective, your wording was off - 
Dottie: What? What'd I say? 
Kai: said...fingering the murderers, Detective. 

Dottie: Oh well, let it be. 
Kirk: I...I'm sorry, I can't really help you - 
Kai: Where were you this morning, then? Were there witnesses to your alibi? 
Kirk: I...I think I would've just been sleeping...what time did it happen again? 

Dottie: You THINK you were asleep? But you do not know? 
Kirk: What...what time did it happen? 
Dottie: You should know, wig-snatcher! You should know! 
Kirk: I...I don't know, I was asleep, then I heard... I heard her scream...

Kai: So you heard the were awake, then? So...perhaps you did steal the wigs? 
Kirk: I...I didn't steal Kallistra's wigs...I promise I didn't - 
Dottie: A man can promise many things, and then those promises fall apart - 
Alicia: Okay, hey you two, stop attacking Kirk. 

Alicia: It is clear that Kirk didn't steal the wigs from Kallistra, so lay off and find someone else to interrogate. 
Kirk: They...they were only being thorough, I guess -
 Alicia: I suppose so...I just hope they can be calmer about all of this...for the sake of us who have more serious problems to deal with.

Dottie: And you believe your own problems to be grander than Ms Forrester and her missing wigs? 
Alicia: I...I understand the feeling she must have. Of losing something you've become accustomed to. *she pauses, sighing* I'm sure you've felt that too. 
 Dottie: Perhaps I have...


20 years earlier...somewhere in somewhereville, backstage the filming set of a famed television series. Famous or infamous? You be the judge...
Super Zeroes has been airing for eight years, and yet not a moment later the television series is cancelled. Who is to blame? Or were the ratings simply slipping too low...

Peter: You psyched for the latest episode, Kung-Fu Kid? We've got you and the Detective up against a new villain, someone you've met before but only now realise is out to sabotage you! You pumped, kid? 
Kai: You know I am, sir! Your writing is terrific! 
Peter: My writing would be nothing without you in the spotlight!

Kai: You can say that again! Nobody would watch our show if it was just words on a screen! Who enjoys reading? 
Tiger: Me. I do. 
Kai: Did you say something, Mr Writer named Peter? 
Peter: No, I did not, but I must agree, can you imagine an episode of nothing but pictures and words on the screen? 
Kai: I could not!    

Peter: Let's take a moment to praise our star, Ms Dottie Stubbs, soon to be Mrs Roger Garfunkel, ain't that correct? 
Kai: Yep-er-rooney! I'll be attending the wedding, I'm to be the best-man! 
Peter: Boy is she a star! Where would we be without our Dottie? 
Kai: There would be no Detective X, sir. 

Kai: Leaping lizards, there would be no show! 
Peter: How could I possibly write a show about a kid with the ability to kung-fu people, whatever that means!
Kai: You astound me, Peter the Writer! The mere thought of such a thing would never have crossed my mind, and yet here we are, talking about it with the director and creator in the room!  

Roman: How could you suggest such an idea? This show is built upon the character of Detective X, and of course the talented Dottie Stubbs! Why, congratulations to her, for her nuptials and her success! 
Peter: Where is the woman? We must pat her on the back! 
Kai: She was reading the script in her trailer, last I saw her. 
Roman: How brilliant! A woman committed to her talent, I say! 

Peter: Why, while the pair of you are here, shall we discuss the episode for next week? I was thinking that perhaps we hire a talented stage monkey to play the Kung-Fu Kid's nephew, and when he is suddenly kidnapped by Dr Madd, Detective X must perform the seven wonders to rescue him! 
Roman: And his name shall be....Maroon! 
Kai: By George, he's got it! 

Peter: I believe this is her now. 
Kai: She's opening the door as we speak, yes. 
Peter: Do you need to narrate...yes, you do! From now on, Kung-Fu Kid will narrate at the beginning and ending of every scene he appears! Brilliant! 
Kai: The Kid shakes his head, he doesn't think it's such a good idea. 

Enter Dottie Stubbs, an engaged woman with beautiful hair and a wondrous personality. Star of a successful (?) television series for eight years, as the industrious and superior Detective X. 
Dottie: Hello boys! What's cracking? 
Roman: Dottie Stubbs! An engaged woman! 
Dottie: With beautiful hair and a wondrous personality, never forget that.  

Kai: You're wearing the new costume! But...but not the mask, why not? 
Dottie: I'll leave that surprise for the cameras, Kid! 
Kai: Oh, genius! Here I was thinking you didn't like it, I had them design it just how I thought you'd like it! 
Dottie: Oh you did? Thank you...

Kai: You went to hair and make-up too, how perfect! Hides the bags under your eyes and the fact that you haven't washed your hair in several weeks! 
Dottie: What are you saying, Kid? 
Kai: Don't call me Kid when we're not filming! My name is Kai! 
Dottie: And my name is Dottie, is it now? Dottie is a fake person's name!

Kai: Fake is your middle name! 
Dottie: No it is not! My middle name is mumblemumble and I can prove it with my birth certificate, which is in my SuperZero car outside! 
Kai: Is the real Dottie Stubbs home today? 
Dottie: What are you saying? 

Kai: You're an alcoholic, Dottie! 
Dottie: Alcoholic...alcoholic, me? 
Kai: Yes, you! Sometimes I smell your breath when we end up on the ground together, for those scenes on the rooftops, and your breath smells like the devil's juice! 
Dottie: I would never drink his juice! I spit that out. 

Kai: Don't lie to me, Dottie! Are you engaged to Roger Garfunkel or not? 
Dottie: I...I....I...
Kai: Are you an engaged alcoholic? 
Dottie: I...I'm married to him! We're married! But he's dying! He'll die soon! 

Kai: You're an alcoholic and a murderer! What are you confessing to, Dottie Stubbs? How horrid are you? 
Dottie: I'm not a murderer, I would never kill Roger - 
Kai: As a fifteen-year-old who likes to insert himself into other people's lives, I think you're being a big liar-pants! 

Dottie: Liar-pants? I don't even wear those type of pants! I wish I was wearing pants right now, but I'm wearing this overcoat thing! 
Kai: I bought that for you! 
Dottie: I don't like the accusations coming out of your mouth, Kai, and I don't appreciate your disrespecting tone! 

Kai: Face facts, Dottie Stubbs! We do not want you on the show anymore, because you are a horrible drinker who is going to murder her husband for his money and alcohol! 
Dottie: Why would you say such a thing? Director dude? Writer? 
Peter: You don't even know my name!
Dottie: It's Harold! We slept together!

Peter: No, my name is Peter, and we did not, you slept with my father! 
Dottie: Oh...oh, I am very sorry, look very alike - 
Kai: That's what happens with fathers and sons, Dottie! 
Now listen here: it's time for you to go. 
Dottie: You can't eliminate me now! *whining* Big Brother!

Kai: You have outlived your stay as Detective X, people are bored with you, you don't make any sense anymore...just last episode, you poured your cereal out the window and screamed "The bird did it!" to the pedestrians below! 
Peter: I didn't even write that! 
Kai: The show will survive with me, being promoted from Kid to Detective. I will be a new force, a new hero, with a brand-new name....Detective W! 

Dottie: Oh no, that's more impressive than X...
Roman: I've already approved these changes, Dottie. I'm afraid this episode will be your last...did you finish the script? 
Dottie: You wrote me out in the end, didn't you? 
Roman: Peter did. You should not have slept with his father. 

 Dottie: I can change! I am sorry, terribly sorry, I don't want to be fired from Super Zeroes! How will I afford the penthouse?
Kai: Nothing can be done, Dottie Stubbs. You've been detected...and now it is time for Detective X to retire. 
Dottie: No! That's half of my catchphrase! You cannot steal that too! 

 Kai: We just did. 
Dottie: Change your mind, I can will you to do that! I did in that episode, three weeks ago! 
Kai: That was on the television, and you added that yourself. It's not canon. 
Dottie: That...that can't be...

Dottie: Boy, Kid, you've gained some weight since whenever that flashback took place! 
Kai: And you're certainly old and wrinkly, Detective. 
Alicia: Well...that certainly was a story, and it happened? 
Kai: Nope...that was just her side of it. 
Dottie: Of course it did! 

*Kirk sneezes* 
Kirk: Oh...bless me, I'm sorry. 
Dottie: The boy is ill, call an ambulance! He must be treated almost immediately or else his illness may be used against him! 
Kirk: I'm...I'm sure I'll be fine... 

Kai: Leaping Lizards! I thought I was 'bout to sneeze too. 
 Dottie: Hold it in, Kid, we can't seem weakened if Dr Madd is abound. 
Kai: Oh of course not, Detective X... 
Alicia: Well, if everything is under control here, I best be off - 

Kirk: Everything...everything is okay, I guess. 
Alicia: Okay! Goodbye! 
Alicia disappears to somewhere, someplace, and the others follow in her footsteps. Not literally, of course. They disperse. Our masked vigilantes still in search of the missing wigs...our Kirk off to do something with his afternoon, to avoid death...our contestants in search of sanctuary...


Jason: I still don't think it's the best idea, you know - 
Gemma:'s something to think about. 
Jason: Something to think about alright. They've really gotta think about it, you know. What happens if -
Gemma: Think you've exhausted the list of what ifs by now, Jason. 

Gemma: Do you think we have any milk left? 
Jason: Check the fridge. 
Gemma: Okay,, actually, would be a wise move, just thought I'd ask you first in case you used the last of it. 
Jason: F***, we're almost out of milk. 

Jason: We need to leave this place, and soon. We can't see huddling together in the big top as a safe move when either way we'll run out of food soon enough. 
Gemma: You don't think they'll refill supplies in the night or something? 
Jason: They won't if someone is awake, guarding. 
Gemma: They won't want questions, or an attack...

Gemma: Who even is this 'they'? Who would be coming to refill anything with a bunch of contestants who just seem to inhabit an abandoned circus? 
Jason: Why haven't we goddamn left yet? 
Gemma: The others...they're worried leaving is sure for certain death - 
Jason: That's their fear, then. 

Gemma: Oh thank god! 
Jason: What? What is it? 
Gemma: There's milk left! Thank god! I can eat my cereal. 
Jason: Oh...thought it was a triumph, but those must be hard to come by in this place...wonder when this circus was successful as a business...

Jason: Guess it's successful now...successful in the murder game...
Gemma: Quit being so depressing and eat something, I think there's enough milk for the two of us. 
Jason: it for someone else. I don't like milk enough for that. 
Gemma: Whatever, man. 

 Gemma: Okay, for an abandoned circus, thankfully these bowls are real clean. And the cereal isn't off-brand, stale crap. One positive, at least.
Jason: They don't care about if we enjoy the meals, Gemma - 
Gemma: At least they aren't plain starving us. 
Jason: Yeah...fair enough.  

Gemma: I'm gonna soak up every drop of this milk, never know when we'll have cows nearby, are there? 
Jason: You want to milk it? 
Gemma: No.... *she laughs, brashly* I'm kidding. 
Jason: I don't know if I'd feel right doing that to a cow, just because we crave milk. The poor cow could die, just like us.

Gemma: Okay then, Jason...yep...
Jason: Eat your cereal, it won't last all day. 
Gemma: I will but, uh...ugh, I need to pee, be right back. 
Jason: Do you want me to hold your hand on the way? 
Gemma: I think I've got this. 

Jason: Don't get murdered on the toilet! 
Gemma: Oh boy I hope not! 

Jason: They can't just lock us in...we need to leave, find shelter someplace else on this island...we're on an island, right? Not just some mainland area I'd recognise...where the hell are we? 

Where were they, you ask? Somewhere in somewhereville. At least to them. They were on an island, yes. The abandoned circus was found, after all the death, and the misery, and the disgrace. The images were mortifying. 

Jason: I don't want to stay here...I can't, we've gotta leave here or else we'll all be dead by sundown. Tomorrow sundown, at the earliest. Or today...hell no, not today. No...not today. 

Murder, the threat of it, can drive you someplace you wish never to see. 

??: *a soft whisper* Not enough liquid in this cereal...
Just a touch more. 
One last drop...
  Jason hadn't noticed. Tired, miserable, unfocused, not a sound disturbed him as he stared out to the ocean and the sea. The water was still, calm, isolating. What had happened behind him? He surely did not know. But could he be blamed for what happened next? Partly, I suppose. Everyone can be blamed for anything here. 


Connor: I...I get that people oppose the idea, but...they could have at least come here to propose changes.
Nan: I'm sure Jason will come, eventually. He needed some time to think it all out. 
Connor: Yeah...suppose it's just been a while...
Nan: Well, there's a few more people here now, so we can talk more. 

Connor: You're right...there's...six of us now, which is good enough to flesh it out more personally, huh? 
Nan: Yeah, exactly. 
Connor: So...if anyone has anything they want to add to the plan, feel free to say so now. 
Nan: We're all ears, guys. 

Robyn: Well...Ramona and I were curious about the bed situation, more so...are we all supposed to sleep on the mattresses from now on? 
Nan: We're afraid to say that yes, it's our best move. 
Robyn: hope of moving the bunks in? 
Nan: You can go ahead and do that yourself, but in our opinion it would be too time-consuming to do so. 

Ramona: It would also be kinda silly to have a bunch of bunk beds in the big top, it wouldn't be the best move. 
Robyn: agreed with me a second ago...
Ramona: Well, I changed my mind. I agree with Nan, we won't move the bunks because it'll take too long. 
Robyn: Ugh...fine...

Connor: Listen, everyone...we're hoping the transition will be the easiest it can be, and still be as comfortable as can be. That's why we don't expect you to sleep on the dusty floor. 
Nan: Yeah, exactly. *he pauses* We're not opposing you if we bat down a suggestion, but know we want to hear what you have to say. 

Kallistra: The detective and her kid haven't located my belongings yet! I feel...I feel quite naked without them, my head is bald! 
Nan: That's not quite a suggestion, more so a complaint - 
Kallistra: My suggestion is this: I want somewhere secure, once they are located, perhaps a vault of some kind - 
Nan: There's no vault here, that we know of. Terribly sorry. 

Villy: Villy here. I'm a vodkaholic, as zey say in ve vactory. I've been ve vodkaholic for years now, vut was wondering this: if you plan to move vus, what is to happen to bedrooms? They will be empty, no? 
Connor: Uh...yeah, they'll be empty, except for the furniture left there. 
Villy: Okay, interesting! Vank you. 
Connor: You''re welcome? 

Nan: We've heard many questions regarding leaving the big top for various reasons, like using the bathroom, eating, etc, and we've thought and will be thinking about that always -
Connor: But it's best to know now that safety is what we want. 
Nan: Our safety, and your safety, of course. 
Connor: No one else will die...I hope not.

Robyn: I want to help out, with whatever I can. I'll volunteer to watch, I'll escort people to the bathroom, I'll do whatever. 
Ramona: Me too. I want to help. 
Connor: Thank you...thank you both for offering, it's definitely appreciated. 
Robyn: Of course. Nobody dies, right? 

Alicia: There's a problem with the bathroom. The toilet's clogged. 
Nan: Goddamn it. 
Alicia: I don't know who was last to use it, but...well, I don't know what clogged it, truthfully. 
Nan: That's just fantastic. *he lowers his head* Anyone want to fix it?

Connor: I'm sure someone will, but it's not our biggest priority -
Nan: Which toilet was it? 
Alicia: The main one, the one everyone uses. 
Nan: Hooray. 
Connor: We'll find someone to fix it, we have to, I guess.  

Alicia: Okay...where are we in terms of moving into the big top? Is everyone in here, at least, on board with the idea? 
Robyn: It's an uncertainty, because some of us aren't speaking their opinion much. 
Alicia: These two? Kallistra and Villy? 
Kallistra: I would say yes if I had my hair! 

*Villy sneezes* 
Villy: Oh no, I am sorry, vat was loud. 
Alicia: Villy, bless you. *she pauses, sighing* Are you moving into the big top? 
Villy: Oh yes! Of course! Villy would love to. 
Ramona: Is he okay? He looks sick... 

Alicia: He sneezed once. We all have been, it's the dust, I think, or someone is truly sick, who knows. Anyway...*she hesitates* we need to make the decision. It must be unanimous, because no one is staying alone in the bedrooms. 
Robyn: No, of course not. 
Kallistra: I suppose I must forget about my belongings then...
Alicia: Those will be found, eventually - 

Nan: The time is now for us to make a change for the better. If we stay unprotected and sleep separated, we have no clue when the murderers will strike. If we protect each other, we will see the murderer with the knife in their grasp and we will end their reign. 
Connor: Man...this turns me on. 
Nan: Stick together or die, one by one, until we're all corpses down below. 
Ramona: Hope that doesn't turn you on, Connor.   

Jason: Are you...are you all in there...hello? 
Jason knocks heavily on the door to the backstage area, hoping for an answer. 
Jason: Guys! Something's happened!   

Kai: Wait...something happened near you too...oh god...
Jason: I...I saw her die...
Kai: saw her die? I...I can't believe it - 
Jason: What...what are you reporting? 

 Kai: There was...there was another death then...
Jason: Two...heck, two deaths again...
Kai: What...what happened? 
Jason: I...I can't believe it...


CeCe: Someone left cereal on the counter! Hello, anyone? 
CeCe: Boy, I'm hungry though. I mean...finders keepers, does that apply with cereal? applies for food, because I found a pack of gum once...gum isn't food though, but you chew your mouth... 

CeCe: Hmm...where are the spoons again? Jason? 
Is he asleep? 
Jason: Huh? What'd you say? 
CeCe: I'm looking for a spoon...
Jason: Oh...the drawer over, over there!  

CeCe: Oh right! Found one! 
Gemma: Excuse me! What do you think you're doing with my cereal bowl, missy? 
CeCe: Oh, uh...well, it's exactly what it looks like, I was planning on eating it until I realised, just now, that it's not mine to take. I'll set it down right here. 
Gemma: Yeah, you better. 

CeCe: Where'd you go then, leaving cereal lying around? 
Gemma: I didn't just leave it lying around, I had to go to the toilet and knew I wouldn't be long. Guess too long, other people trying to eat it - 
CeCe: Look, I'm so sorry about that - 
Gemma: There's still milk in the fridge, CeCe, you're fine. 

CeCe: Oh, thanks, I might finish it off then. I need to pee, be right back. 
Gemma: Okay...all good. 
CeCe: Hold on...what the...
Gemma: What is it, CeCe? Uh...CeCe, where'd you go? 

Gemma: Oh well, better eat my cereal then. 
Jason: Oh, you're back - 
Gemma: Yeah I am, Jase...can I call you that or will you try to bludgeon me to death with this spoon? 
Jason: Call me whatever, a name is only a label. 

Gemma: It's definitely not stale, hey. Not the best choice of cereal but what can someone do when they live in an abandoned circus? Not an awful lot, this place is boring as - 
Jason: I feel like swimming. You wanna take a dip? 
Gemma: After cereal? I'll wait three hours, thanks. 
Jason: That...that doesn't make any sense...oh well...

Jason: I'm glad I thought of swimming. It'll take my mind off the thoughts of the big top, and clear my head a little bit. 
Gemma: Sounds like you need it then. 
Jason: It's always good to confuse people by shifting emotions really fast. 
Gemma: What was that, Jason?  

Jason: Nothing, nothing...nothing. 
Gemma: This can someone eat a whole bowl of it? Tastes far too bland, and yeah, I ate it yesterday, 
Jason: You were thinking differently yesterday, of course. 
Gemma: Yeah, okay. Thinking differently. 

Gemma: Yuck, that tastes disgusting. 
I think some insect must've died in here. 
Jason: That's disgusting, I heard what you said. 
Gemma: It's gross, wanna try it? 
Jason: thank you...Gemma?   



Light glows in the darkness, sometimes brighter than the moonlight, sometimes duller. Then it fades, a rapid fade from light to dark, and you are in the shadows, or you are the shadow. Gemma De Luca had been poisoned. Fatal poisoning. Someone had wanted her dead. A terrible wish, but if this were a birthday party, the birthday child would be the devil. 

No fun times to be had. 

Connor: Don't crowd near him, guys - 
Robyn: We're not trying to, we don't want to - 
CeCe: I...I...I can't believe it happened, right there in front of him...
 Nan: Kai...Kid, whatever you want to be called...what happened to you? 
Something as morbid and shocking as a murder will entrance a crowd, and not in an enchanted, mystifying will make them crave the knowledge, it will make them wonder and wander, but this curiosity is dark and haunting. Some form of the ghost of the deceased will haunt them, will send forth slivers of their spirit and captivate the living to become more than merely curious. Somehow, the ghost will lurk behind them, nudging them forward.

CeCe: I, uh...saw something that didn't look right, so, I...I followed my senses and walked towards that place, with the red and black...
Ramona: And...and you went inside? 
CeCe: I did...I walked inside with him, because he...he hadn't gone inside yet - 
Villy: Vut was inside then? 

Kai: Death. The stench of it. I...I remember the smell, from all the corpses we'd find together, the Detective and I...but this one was all too real...
Alicia: And...and the body...
CeCe: Still there, unless it's been removed already - 
Kai: I...I don't doubt...I don't doubt that it's still there...  



Ramona: do you think she died? 
Alicia: There's a wound, near her heart, but...but the murderer didn't stab her heart...
Nan: They...they wanted her to bleed out...hear her final words...
Robyn: That's messed up...

Nan: Two...two more dead...we can't keep on like this...
Alicia: What...what is there for us to do? 
Nan: Nobody...nobody leaves eyesight...the murderers can't kill us all at once...
Ramona: Yeah they can...nuclear bombs...

Robyn: I doubt they'll...bomb the place, sis - 
Alicia: We...we may never be completely safe...god this makes me sick to my stomach, seeing her lying there...
Ramona: I don't want to be in here anymore - 
Nan: Nobody does.  

Hey! What's this footage then? I thought we'd finish this episode - 
This...this isn't from the main cameras....
Then what is it? Hold on...wait, who is that again, it's the, uh...
It's Selma. The sister. 
Okay...keep this part in.    

Selma: Poison Gemma's cereal for me, so I look innocent, please? We hired you for the murder, and in turn, you hide and you play mouse...
Cat never gets caught. Okay? 
???: I...I couldn't abandon my alibi - 
Selma: Maybe don't kill so publicly then.   

Selma: You are the cat chasing the mice, you are the predator, never the prey, so it is on you when the prey rise from the ashes and soar. It is on you if they begin to peel back the mask. It is on you if they come begin to suspect you. 
It is, however, your choice whether they cling to each other in the big top, or if they remain is always you, never me. 

Selma: This is our test. Our test for you. 
???: You're testing to see if I can slaughter everyone here? 
Selma: isn't that simple. Our test has layers, it has dimensions beyond "how well you can slaughter the poor innocents". If you fail, you know what will become of you. 
???: I will not fail. I will not let any of them escape. 

Selma: My brother will escort you upstairs again. *she pauses* If the others are to move into the big top, they may uncover more secrets than you wish to be uncovered. Remember where you rise. 
???: Remember where I rise, as the predator. 
Miles: Come with me, like you did on day one. 

Selma: The days are numbered by your hand, hope the count of your fingers is the end of more contestants than counted so far. 
Miles: There is plenty of poison in a vial to darken your world. 
Selma: You must not let human emotion prevail. 
???: This circus will bleed crimson, and scarlet. Forever and always. 

{ Rest in Peace Gemma De Luca and Dottie 'Detective X' Stubbs }

May the light bloom now that thou art in heaven, 
Not in the blood-stained circus
Not where we flee
Not where we run from
You are in heaven, you are asleep