Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Circus, Episode One: Into the Deep

 Episode One: Into the Deep

Cory: Help
In the darkest hallway on the darkest of nights, no one could hear her. Not one soul would hear the voice of the terrified girl as she ran in the dark. Ran from the antagonizing evil lurking behind her. 
Cory: Please don't kill me!  

For poor, scared Cory, this had not been the best of nights. She had been out on the town, celebrating one of her friend's birthdays. Secretly celebrating her freedom from a certain fake kingdom, too. Yet Cory became bored of the constant chatter about bland topics and searched for a drink. 

Too bad she shared a drink with a murderer. 

Cory: Shit, shit, shit, shit. 

The unsuspecting girl could not have predicted spending the night with a complete stranger, but something about this person...something about them seemed so familiar and so...perfect. Cory, however, would not be spending the night in bed. 

Cory: Oh, shit. Uh....left! Shit, why'd I yell that out? 

The pair called for an Uber, considering both had been drinking moments earlier and would rather not end up planted in a tree somewhere or drive off a cliff. The ride to the so-called 'home' of the mysterious stranger seemed odd to Cory. The Uber drove further and further out into the countryside, and then, all of the sudden...across a bridge towards the abandoned circus. 

Cory: Help me! I'm sorry I acted weird when I first saw your...house. 

Cory had acted 'weird' on her arrival at the abandoned circus - any normal person would if their supposed one-night stand intended to invite them inside a place so dilapidated; so crumbling to the ground. So it was only natural for Cory to express her...feelings. 

But had she reacted any differently? Had she somehow escaped this fate? One would argue that a serial murderer would murder their victim either way, and this murderer was no different. This murderer was one seeking blood - bloody blood. 

 Cory: HELP ME! 

No sane person would suspect their death to be in the basement of an abandoned circus, but no sane person would share a drink with a murderer. Oh, my mistake - this insane murderer did not reveal their identity at the time. Cory had no idea, and what makes her case even more depressing, is that even after speaking with an insane murderer...look where she is.

Cory: Around this corner, around...around this corner. 
Around this corner, I...I will be-

Safe is a word that here means: free from the chase of a sick and insane murderer who must apparently live at the abandoned circus. And to say that around one corner, Cory would be 'safe' was a sick misjudgement of an insane theory. 

Because, in a place that seemed so...different from anywhere else, it had become increasingly unlikely that safety would appear in front of her eyes. No, the words 'at a dead end' are the true words to finish her previous statement. 

Cory: At a dead end? Oh no...oh no... 

Cory: Help! *she whimpers as the murderer approaches* Help...me.

As far as dead ends go, however, it seemed as though Cory would not find a secret passageway or a flight of stairs close by. Nor would the murderer happen to suffer from the effects of a laxative, or keel over due to stomach cramps, or even simply decide not to kill the woman. 

Cory: Stay back! 
???: Oh yes?
Cory: Please. *she screams* Someone help me! 
???: Nobody can hear you in the darkness, Cory. 

The murderer would be correct with that. Nobody could hear Cory as she let out her final scream, and not because the basement was sealed tight so that no sound could pass, and not because the scream came from underground - no, no one would hear her because nobody would be in close proximity. 

No sane person would ever dare go near the abandoned circus. 


{Day One}

The world was silent. News had not spread about the third season of High Hopes since the incident involving Cory McMullen, and of course when every single broadcasting channel refused to air a season involving true murder. Every channel except one, but this so-called channel is not quite broadcasted. 

This 'channel', and where you view this graphic season, is titled.... 

The Unreleased Tapes of Selma and Miles. 

Both deceased, I am afraid. Tragic incident, but the siblings were not friendly people. Nor were they in any way 'good' people. Convicted criminals, truly. 
Convicted for committing a crime all too familiar in this season - murder. But their conviction was many years prior to High Hopes Season Three, and we would rather not discuss it. 


None of the contestants in this 'reality show' had an inkling that they would be participating in a fight-to-the-death situation. Well, except for the murderer. He or she had known from the beginning. For the remainder of the contestants, however, they had come here with the intention to win a reality show - not risk their lives.  
Kallistra: *humming to herself* 

The first guest to arrive that night was unimpressed to find that her dearest friend had signed her up for a 'bland' reality show, finding a room decorated not by weaponry and camouflage, but by comfortable furniture and wood. Yet something persisted inside and she sat down, positive.

Kallistra: There must be another tribute soon enough...

Jason: Welcome, miss Stubbs. Please, take any seat you prefer. 
Dottie: How kind of you, young man? 
Jason: My name is Wilbur. 
Dottie: Are you the security guard, sir? Why, it is grand to know we are protected. 

The hope of being protected would eventually fade...

Kallistra: Ah, welcome dearest! *noticing her clothes* You...you must not have been warned. This would be a formal event, after all. 
Dottie: No one had told me to play dress ups. 
Kallistra: Play dress ups? Oh no! You must be from one of the poorer districts, then.

Jason: Excuse me if I can, but 'poorer districts' as in? 
Kallistra: To name one in particular....District 12. 
Speaking Avox, is this woman from there? 
Dottie: My name is Dottie, lady, and no. No, I'm not. 
Jason: She says she's not. 

Dottie: Now that you have insulted my fashion choices, let me further introduce myself. My name is Dottie Stubbs, you may have heard of me-
Kallistra: You did not win any competitions. 
Dottie: No, I did not. But I am famous. 
Kallistra: Oh, you are? 

 Dottie: Yes, yes. Maybe you have heard of me by another name...
Jason: Hm...Dottie Stubbs, was it? Hm...
Dottie: Perhaps by the name...*she speaks quietly*
Jason: Pardon? I didn't catch that-

Meanwhile, outside, camera footage seemed to feature the arrival of the next contestant. It has...amazed me how intricate the filming for this reality show had been, considering the registered camera crew had quit at the news of Cory McMullen's death. No one else had been hired to film, and yet some angles seemed so...human.

But unlike the previous news of the...incident...and the news that the third season of High Hopes would never air publicly, somehow...somehow the entirety of the season was filmed to completion. A completion that should be heavily forgotten, as such a traumatic event should be. 

It still cannot be decided how Selma and Miles managed to hide their little reality show secret from absolutely everybody. 

Princess: *licking her lips* Mama hungry. Mama need fresh meat. 

Somehow, there was another purpose that the siblings had intended for this 'experiment'. The contestants on this 'season' would be some of the most wacky, bizarre and...different contestants in the history of High Hopes. 


Kallistra: See, my dear impoverished one, I had formed an obsession for the creature that amazed me all those years ago. She had...she had impeccable teeth, ones that I could understand were ultimate weapons. 
Jason: I don't mean to interrupt, ma'am, but why change your own teeth? 
Kallistra: Because I am obsessed with her.  

Dottie: You do amuse me, girl. 
Kallistra: I find myself fascinating too, yes. 
Dottie: I am glad you are that type of person. 
Kallistra: That type of person? One who cares for thyself? 

Dottie: If you choose to call it that. 
Kallistra: Oh, shall we discuss this bland reality show then?
 Dottie: What is there to discuss? Whatever the challenge, I am on the case. 
They do not call me 'detective' for nothing, you know. 

Kallistra: You are a detective? How...interesting...
Dottie: Yes, I...I was a detective. For many years, I was the most trusted by the world. 
Kallistra: It is a wonder how you are not widely popular, Miss-
Dottie: Ms Stubbs. 

Dottie: I am unfortunately...widowed. 
Kallistra: Oh, my dear! Your husband...you must miss him dearly. 
Dottie: Oh, yes. The first one, I do. 
Jason: Not meaning to be rude, but...repeat that?  

Villy: *slight Russian accent* Repeat vut? 
Jason: Oh, good evening, sir. May I take your coat and top hat? 
Villy: Non, non, ma boy. Too chilly for zuch a matter. 
Jason: Is it? Shall I...contact someone about your complaint? 

Villy: Oh no, 'course not. Villy will be fine, thank you. 

Villy Vodka (yes, that is his name) at the time prior to his appearance on 'High Hopes Season Three' operated a vodka factory of his very own. It is unknown if he changed his name at the creation of the factory, or if he opened a factory based upon his last name. It is known, however, that Villy, before arriving, had loved vodka. Note: Villy speaks with a slight Russian accent for the entire season. 

Jason: I am sure I can manage to turn down the air conditioning if you would prefer. 
Villy: Vut? I did not ask, did I? Nyezashta. 
Jason: What? I mean, pardon. 
Villy: It is 'that is all right', ma boy.
Jason: Well, if you are well suited, I do not see the harm in letting you sit down. The two ladies have been discussing marriage recently. 
You ever been, sir? 
Villy: Oh non, 'course not. Too troublesome to marry me. 
Jason: I am sure that's not true, sir. 

Kallistra: So, as I was chirping, I am an avid lover of the finer offerings of meat. I do not find 'chicken' to be satisfying, nor does the taste of a substance called 'bacon' come appreciated. 
Dottie: So, which finer meats does your highness prefer? 
Kallistra: Veal, of course. Venison is quite pleasant. Ooh! Pheasant! 

Villy: Dobriy vyecher, ladies. *he coughs* That is good evening in my mother language, Russian. 
Kallistra: Oh, isn't quail to die for? 
Dottie: *to Villy* Good evening, sir. *to Kallistra* Yes, I agree. 

Villy: You not mind that I seat beside you, lady? 
 Kallistra: It is good to see well-dressed company, I do admit. 
You are tailored well for this evening, sir. 
Villy: Thank. 

But three guests and an odd guard was not the end. The night would continue further and further with no end in sight, and even as the future contestants pondered whether or not this room contained a secret door to the true house they would be living in, no one questioned the....eeriness.

Princess: *panting, as if a dog* Open up, little doggie here. 
Jason: I'm sorry, is there someone waiting in the hall? 
Princess: Her name is Barbie Princess. 
Jason: Hold on, let me open the door. 

Jason: *upon opening the door* Oh, hello there. 
You must be Barbie Princess, I assume. 
Princess: *shaking her head* Name is Princess, name is Princess. 
Jason: Oh. An interesting name you have. 

Princess: *striking a pose* Greet me...greet me like...like a queen. 

The origins of Barbie 'Princess' Garnet were not included in any form of paperwork uncovered with these tapes, nor was she listed on the original cast sheet. Yet without supervision at this event, and with two murderous criminals on board, it is no wonder that she stayed around for much longer. 

Jason: You must be the next contestant. I apologise for not opening the door sooner. 
Princess: *shaking her head* Did...did you speak...speak to me? 
Jason: Yes, I did. *he looks concerned* Are you okay, miss? 
Would you like to sit down? 

Dottie: Another wacky woman just entered. 
Kallistra: Another? I do hope you are not assuming that I too am 'wacky'? 
Villy: Vut? I do not think she meant that. 
Dottie: Oh, of course not. 

??: Good evening. 
Jason: Hello, sir. May I take your...jacket? Or is that a jumper, I am not certain. 
??: I think I'll keep this on, thanks. 
Jason: Is it truly that cold? 

Dottie: No, it cannot be-
Villy: Vut is et, madam?
Dottie: Oh. I just thought the strangest thing. 
That one of my old...coworkers...at the doorway, but it surely is not him.
Kai is much busier.  
Kai: So, I'm sitting at home in my sleeping clothes, and I'm bored. 
Bored because no one will hire me and no one wants to take me to lunch or whatever. So, what should I do? Sign up for this place. 
Jason: A brilliant idea. 
Kai: I thought so too. 

Kai: But it's crazy, because I could have sworn I heard some random story about this show not happening, and then...BAM! Here I am. 
Jason: Oh no, this season was confirmed always. 
Kai: Oh man, neat! 
Dottie: Kai Wright? 

Kai: That voice...oh my...Stubbs. 

It can be seen clearly here first that the history between Kai Wright and Dottie Stubbs was more than a once acquaintance. Once upon a time, Dottie and Kai had worked side by side. The question is, however, was this work relationship friendly or something worse?

Dottie: How many years has it been? Too many to count, I suppose. 
Kai: I did not think I would ever see you again. 
Dottie: The feeling is mutual. 
Kai: I should've expected coming here on a limb would mean the horrid producers would manipulate me by bringing back the past.  

Dottie: I wish I had not signed up here, knowing I must spend time around you. You are NOT coming with me. 
Kai: Coming with you, lady? *he coughs heavily* Are you out of your mind? 
Dottie: Out of my mind? You are my sidekick, are you not? 

Kai: Lady, that was...oh gosh, twenty years ago. 
I...I've retired much like you. 
Dottie: Pardon? I retired last month, mind you. 
 Kai: Last month? No more lying! 
Dottie: I am not lying, boy! 

Kai: I can't believe all of this. *he sighs* I can't find a job because of everything that has happened between us, and now here you are to rub it all in my face. 
Dottie: You...you were my sidekick, pal. 
Kai: That part of my life is over. Thank god. 

Dottie: Thank...thank god? 
Kai: Yes, thank god! He blessed me with an escape from that...that part of my life, and I wish he helped me find other work. 
Dottie: What was this escape again? 
Kai: I'm done speaking with you! 

Jason: I should check to see if more contestants will be arriving shortly. 
This is definitely not all of u-them. 
Princess: *she squeals* And the little purple mushroom child jumped up on my little lap and cried for joy! 
Jason: Good for...it? 

Dottie: Tell me the escape plan, Kid! 
If you know something I don't, then we'll ruin everything! 
Kai: Escape plan? What's happened to you now? 
Dottie: You know me, Kid. Listen up. 
Kai: Oh yes. *he sighs* Please continue. 

CeCe: Uh, hello? Am I in the right place? 
Kallistra: *turning her head* Ah, hello dear! 
Come on in.
 CeCe: My name is Ciara Colby, by the way. 
Am I interrupting something? 

Kai: No, not at all. 
CeCe: Okay, all good. Where should I take a seat? 
Dottie: *whispers* We must be quiet when we discuss our plans, boy. Someone might overhear us. You know who...
Kai: Oh, of course. 

CeCe: These bean bags are cool looking...
Villy: Hello, girlie! *he smiles cheerfully* Ma name is Villy, but you can call me Villy! Pleasure to meet you. 
CeCe: Oh, hey! My name's Ciara, but call me CeCe. You have an...unusual name. 
Villy: Oh yes!  

Cece: It's lovely, yes. 

The next contestant to arrive was a wonderful woman named Ciara Colby, more commonly known as 'CeCe'. Prior to the season, CeCe operated a mechanical shop with her colleague, Shandra. She divorced her husband, Ben, very recently prior but shares open custody for their young daughter, Michelle. Life for CeCe was not crazy or unbelievable, just normal. 

Dottie: Unless...you are the man who should not be named! 
Unless you are in disguise, and that is why you refuse to speak with your detective! 
Kai: I'm not-
Dottie: That is exactly what he would say! 
Kai: Dottie-

Dottie: You are under arrest, Doctor! 
 Kai: I am not! You are retired, Dottie! 
Dottie: I have a gun! *she pretends to aim* 
Kai: *he flinches* Ah! *he shakes his head* Why did I believe that?  

Kallistra: Say, Villy dear, you mention you operate a vodka vactory? What is that like? Is it a thrilling ordeal? 
Villy: Oh yes. Much fun indeed. Super vrilling. 
Kallistra: Was that super thrilling you spoke? 
 Villy: Yes, super fun. Have blast.

Villy: Let me tell ya a little story. When I was little boy, father told me 
"No vodka for you, little boy." He told me that I should not love vodka, for it is bad for me. I should have listened to father. 
Kallistra: That was...such an emotional story. 
Villy: Father is dead...alcohol poisoning. 

It is an unfortunate event that happened to these contestants, sixteen to be exact. One that, for those who survived, would remember for the rest of their lives. Had it been broadcasted to the world, news headlines would have spread the horror - the tragedy - to every country. The survivors would never forget.

The contestants had not been warned of their future, and it had never occurred to them that High Hopes would become Low Hopes, as the hope for one to survive became even less likely day by day. Every contestant shared one emotion, however. Regret.  

"Why did I come here?" Some would say, or, "Why had I signed up for a stupid reality show?" Others would say they had never dreamed of such an outcome. 

Princess: *she raises her fist* Knock, knock. Someone comes to the door. 
Kai: Is...everyone here...insane?
Princess: Insane? What does that word mean?   

Jason: Is there someone waiting outside? 
I'll open the door. 
Kallistra: Thank you for the running commentary, sir. 
Reminds me of a certain Game. 
Jason: Oh...okay, you're welcome. 

Robyn: You okay, sis? 
Ramona: Yep. I just can't...can't believe you managed to force me to come here with you. 
Robyn: Hell yeah I did! This is going to be the craziest adventure for us! 
Ramona: If you say so, let's have fun! 

Jason: Can I take your...gloves? 
Ramona: You just want to touch my arms! Freak! 
Get away from me. 
Jason: I promise I...I didn't want to touch your arms.
Ramona: So...you don't like my arms? 

Robyn: Come on, sis! Let's party! 

There was something that Robyn neglected to tell her sister, and it was not her fault. Neither was aware of the future, because neither was in any way a fortune teller or a psychic. So, while Robyn had neglected to tell her sister that she had signed them up for a reality show, she had no inkling of the future. 

Sisters Ramona and Robyn could be consider two of the most sane people to have signed up for this season. Or, at the very least, Ramona could be. She claims she came to the third season of High Hopes to support her sister, Robyn. The party girl Robyn. Yet was this her biggest regret? 

Ramona: Okay, Robyn. We'll have fun. 

Robyn: Heya! What's your name? 
Princess: *shocked* Huh...name is Princess, call me Barbie. 
No, no, name is Barbie, call me Princess. 
Robyn: *confused* Okay...nice to meet you, Princess.
Princess: *gesturing to herself* My name is Princess.  

Robyn: Anyway...could you please, maybe, scoot over for my sister and I? 
We...we'd hate to be seperated, you know? Do you have a sister like that?
Princess: No....no sister. 
Robyn: A brother, maybe? 
Princess: No...no brother. 

Robyn: Oh...uh, could you, like, move still? Please? 
Ramona wants to sit next to me! 
Princess: *nodding her head* I...I move? Over there? 
Robyn: Wherever you would like to move...
Princess: Oh.

*moments later* 
 Princess: Help me! *she squeals* I've been kidnapped!
Kallistra: My dear, keep it hushed. 
Kai: Is she pretending her hands are cuffed? 
Dottie: Cuffs? Where? 

Robyn: That wasn't that hard, hehe. 
Jason: Excuse me, is she alright? 
Robyn: I only asked for her to scoot over, not act like I'm the evil villain
Who even is she? 
Princess: *she squeals* Evil villain

Ramona: What...what is happening in here? 
Robyn: Who knows, sis. 
Ramona: You excited for the rest of tonight? 
Robyn: Who wouldn't be? Hehe. 

Villy: Somezing wrong, Dottie? 
Dottie: Oh, nothing to bother. *she sniffles* My sidekick has abandoned me. I believe...believe he is working for another. 
Kallistra: Oh, that is rather interesting! 
Villy: Do not panic. Villy's 'ere. 

CeCe: I don't mean to interrupt, nor eavesdrop, but I just wanted to say that you are all...all interesting characters. I'd love to get to know you all. 
Kallistra: How thoughtful, dearest! *she beams* I would love to talk one day! 
Provided that you are not a garbage person. 
CeCe: I...I'm not. 

*knocking on the door* 
Jason: Ooh, more guests! 
Kai: Please be normal...please. 

At the current moment, there were nine contestants inside the room. On their way inside were two more; two males. That would equal to eleven contestants. Five contestants were yet to appear.  

Nan: Hey, hey....you're looking a little pale. Are you okay? 
Connor: Yeah, I'm...I'm fine. Just a little nervous. 
Nan: There's nothing to be scared about, Connor. Screw your parents.
Connor: I know. I...I just am nervous

Connor: I...I'm glad you're here with me, Nan
Nan: Of course. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. 

One of the next unfortunate contestants to arrive was Connor Mouskouri. The brother to another former reality star, Connie. Willing to follow in her footsteps, Connor applied to the third season of High Hopes with his boyfriend, for his boyfriend too. Connor Mouskouri, prior to the events of this reality show, was a nice nerd who could not cook. 

Nan: I'm glad you're here too. I know only one person will win this reality show, but at least I know if either of us win, we'll be content. 
Connor: Of course. 

 Nan Jiang, born of Chinese descent, was Connor's roommate, best friend, pretend younger brother, and most recently, boyfriend. His hopes to study Biology fell, but he soon found a new dream - to open a restaurant of his very own. Nan had loved partying, but Connor became more important.

Nan: You think this is the best way to tell your parents? 
Connor: I...I think that...that this is my life, is all. 
They can't change who I am. 
Nan: *he smiles at Connor* And that is why I love you. 
Connor: I love you too. 

Jason: New contestants! Join us! 
Nan: Are you...are you a contestant or a security guard? 
Jason: Uh...good question. *in a firm voice* The answer is security guard. 
Connor: Hello...hello there. 

Kai: It's a pleasure to meet the two of you. 
Uh...if you don't mind me asking, are you...
Princess: *tossing her head* Those two guys dating! Hehe, hehe. 
Don't be silly. 
Kai: I was just curious, lady. 

Nan: To answer your partially formed question, yes. Yes, we are. 
There we go, world. Two guys in love. 
Connor: Sit down, Nan...please. 
Nan: I'm sitting down, babe. 
Connor: Okay...thank you. 

Kallistra: I personally think that same-sex couplings are beautiful and cute. Two people should be able to fall in love, of course. Can you imagine two males in love in the Games? Ooh, I would love it! 
Villy: There is homosexual man in vactory. 
Sometime, he steal extra bottle of vodka. 
Villy does not miss bottle. 


Alden: The boss is in the house. 
Robyn: Ew, who does that ugly man think he is? 
Ramona: Don't ask me. He's so unattractive! 
Alden: Excuse me, did someone speak? 

Robyn: No, of course not! 
Alden: Good. *he combs his hair* My name is Alden Glass, and I am the richest man here by far and the most successful. Did I happen to hear discussion of the horrid gays? 
Dottie: This man...he looks familiar...
Jason: Would you like me to take your coat, sir? 

Alden: Oh no, please leave my side. Alicia! 
Alicia: Right her, husband. 
Alden: What are you doing just standing there? Go find us somewhere to sit down so my feet do not kill me. 
Alicia: Oh, of course, darling. 

Alden and Alicia Glass could not be considered a healthy couple. Ever. Not once in their time together had their blossoming love been healthy, because Alden Glass was not a 'healthy relationship' type person. The wealthy business mogul of Glass Enterprises, Alden married Alicia Masterson and ever since, the pair have descended to a relationship in the depths of hell.

Alden: Scoot over, old lady. You know who you're dealing with. 
Alicia: This is my husband, Alden Glass. He's very important. 
Alden: How important, wife?
Alicia: *she repeats in monotone* As important as the Sun and the Moon. 

Dottie: I do not trust you, 'Alden Glass', but I will scoot over because I would prefer to not be destroyed by your 'importance'. 
Alden: Yeah, move it, lady. 
Kallistra: Your husband is a useless man. 
Alicia: Useless? He is very important. 

CeCe: Excuse me, sir? 
Jason: Huh? *he stretches* What's up? 
Not liking the seating? I can...arrange something else...
CeCe: Uh, no. Please, that was gross. 
I need to ask you about something. 

Jason: What's up? 
CeCe: Don't you find it weird that there's only one entrance/exit to this place?
It's just...why wouldn't this lead to the house we're staying in? 
Jason: I don't know what to say, Ciara, but I do know that you all need to sit down once you arrive. The hosts will inform you all later. 
CeCe: Hey, turn around and face me!

CeCe: Much better. Sorry for the yelling. 
*he shakes his head* Anyway! I...I just want to know if this is the location of the house or not. Are they moving us later? Or...
 Jason: I-
Ramona: He doesn't know, okay? 
CeCe: I'm just asking. 

Jason: I am not a part of production, miss. I don't know what they have planned, but I assume you have seen the previous seasons - surprises happen. 
CeCe: You think they'd inform the guard man-
Jason: I'm not-
CeCe: You're not production, I know. 

Kirk: Oh, hey...everyone. My name's Kirk...Kirk Hayward. 
*he pauses* Oh good, nobody notices me. 
Jason: You should sit back down, CeCe. 
Kirk: Uh...where do I go now? 
Hello? Uh...hello?

Kirk: There's...there's a lake outside. Whose choice of location was this, hey? I...I just don't like lakes. 
Villy:*turning his head* Hallo! Come on in. 
Kallistra: Ooh, a new contestant comes. Welcome! 
Kirk: Oh. Hello. 

Connor: You said your name was Kirk, right? 
It's nice to meet you. Hi, I'm Connor. 
 Nan: Nan. Nice to meet you, Kirk. 
 Kirk: Oh, hey. You are...you're a cute couple. 
Nan: Thank you, man. 

Alden: ...I do not appreciate your style of fashion, Kallistra. If that is even your real name. You are not a normal woman. 
Alicia: She does look strange. 
Kirk: I...I don't think she does. She looks...magical. 
Kallistra: Excuse me, dears, but I do not appreciate such arrogance.

There was no true reason listed on the application as to why Kirk Hayward decided to sign up for the third season of High Hopes. He preferred the solitude of the great outdoors rather than city living, and was an avid collector of all things great and small. He does, however, work in a record store. That is him - Kirk.

CeCe: I still...I still don't know about this place. 
Hmm...I bet they'll be moving us someplace else. 
Like the house in season one. 

It should be noted that the house from season one would not be reappearing this season, nor does it exist anymore. The place these contestants would arrive at would not be wonderful and chirpy, but simply...hopeless. 

Kai: So, Nan, was it? *Nan nods* How long have you...have you known? 
Nan: Interesting question. Well, it was...you know what, it was birth. 
Kai: Oh...yeah, me too. 
Robyn: Hey! Is everyone here yet? I wanna party! 

One last contestant arrives. Her name is Gemma De Luca, and once she has arrived, the contestants would soon realise that their fates were all aligned - most would not survive the season. 

Ramona: Oh, another person! 
Gemma: Hello. Am I late?  

Kirk: Gemma? 

It should be noted first that Kirk and Gemma had previously known each other also, prior to the third season. I mentioned earlier that Kirk was employed at a record store. Gemma is his boss; the manager. 

Gemma: Lord, if it isn't Kirk Hayward. Fancy seeing you here. 
Gemma De Luca was a no-nonsense lady who gets the job done. Essentially, that last sentence was on her application. Gemma had operated the record store for several years, but when she realised she wished for a corporate job to sustain her home life, she sent resumes a plenty. To be clear, her home life included her wife, Elnora Spencer. Eight years of marriage had not changed their love for each other. 

Princess: *singing* If you go down in the woods today, you're in for a big surprise! Hehe! For...for *she shakes her head* For...for if you go down in the woods today, you're in...in for a big surprise! Hehe. 
Dottie: I do not believe those are the lyrics. 
Villy: Let her sing, my cherub. 

Gemma: Hello, girl. If I had coins on me, I would toss one to you. 
Princess: *whispering to herself* If you...if you wander in the woods today, you're in for terrifying fright! The wolves are not nice. 
Gemma: Pardon
Princess: *humming* Wolves...  

Gemma: I...I didn't expect to see you here, Kirk. 
Look, this isn't any attempt to learn more about you. I didn't stalk you here. 
I signed up on my own, and you never told me you signed up too. 
Kirk: I...I told you I was vacating, sorry. 
Gemma: No need to apologize. 
Kirk: I lied to you. 

Jason: There is something I must confess. 
Dottie: Let me guess. *she pauses* You are in cahoots with the dark so-called 'Alden Glass'. He is not who he says he is. 
Jason: No...not that. I...*he sighs* I am a contestant myself. 
Alicia: Trickery! Hey, I do not like that. 

Connor: Everyone's here, I guess. What now? 
Nan: Don't worry about it, baby. I'm here. 
You know that. 
Connor: Yeah, I do. *he smiles at his boyfriend* 
Kai: *sits awkwardly beside them*  

CeCe: Uh, security man! Nobody's coming for us, are they? 
Robyn: Can you imagine if this was, like, the actual house for the season! 
I would hate it.
Ramona: Yeah, this place is so tacky. 
Princess: I...I heard about a prince named Tacky...hehe.

 Gemma: I've...I've been thinking about something too, Kirk.
Kirk: I...I understand if you want to fire me. 
 Gemma: Of course not. Don't be ridiculous. 
I've been thinking...maybe you could manage the store? 
*the room is darkened* 


Robyn: Oh shit! 
Princess: Hehe! *singing* If you go down in the woods tonight, the darkness will...kill you! 
Kallistra: My dear, that is quite...dark. 
Nan: If you haven't noticed, it is quite dark! 


*his voice is rough and depressing* It would be unreasonable to think that an abandoned circus could be a wonderful place to visit. It would, however, be reasonable to think that an abandoned circus would be a twisted and somehow perfect place for a serial killer to hide and murder. I do have one phrase to say before I sign off tonight: 

Welcome to the Circus. 

Connor: NAN! Where...where are you? 
*there is an echoing silence* 
Connor: Nan...hey, I don't know where we are....please, answer me. 
*Connor begins to attempt to wake the other contestants* 
Connor: Please...someone wake up! 


Ramona: Robyn...I thought you would never wake. 
Robyn: Hey...I'm not Jocelyn. 
Ramona: *she laughs* I know...I know.
*her voice is now serious* I just...I just want to know where we are, and why we're wearing our everyday clothes again...

Villy: Villy is awake, oh yes. 
*he surveys the area* Oh non, not the other wonderful friends. 
They must wake up! Did zey drink ze bottle of vodka in my bag? 
Connor: Uh...I think we were...drugged. 
Villy: Drugged! Absurd! 

Kirk: This was...this was their idea. Bring us all together so they could seal the room and inject some...some gas inside. 
Alicia: Oh no, my husband is not responding. 
Jason: These people...why change our clothing? 

Villy: Zey did not want us wearing fanzy clothes at unhappy place, yes? 
Ramona: I love my fancy clothes! Uh! 
 Kirk: Our formal clothes would dirt easier. We aren't going to have our luggage any time soon. 
Alicia: I am livid! 


*Ramona screams* 
Robyn: What is it, sis? 
Ramona: There! Who...who is he? 
Connor: Oh god! Is he...he dead? 
CeCe: Is who dead?  

*CeCe screams* 
CeCe: Jesus Christ! Cameron? 
Robyn: You know...you know the dead guy? 
CeCe: Uh...I...I did know him. 

To be clear, Cameron Powell does not appear on your screens classified as 'dead'. In this scene, he is merely 'asleep'. 

With that, the sixteen contestants all arrived at - for the most of them - the final resting place. For those who survive, this would be their fiercest battle; their toughest climb. The journey this season would be nothing like seasons prior of High Hopes. 
My name is Kyle West. I would like to apologize for ever speaking about this...disaster, but it is a story I tell because whoever murdered at this famed abandoned circus...they have never been caught. 

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